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How does anyone fly a gunship


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Sideways. All the ships in GSF regardless of base maneuverability make banking turns with a fairly wide arc, but if you pull up or down you change directions much more sharply. So considering most people seem to keep themselves level on X and Y, I instead level myself on Z and it pays dividends. Of course, when I've been engaged I'll flip my axis to whatever angle best benefits a survivable dog fight, but otherwise I like to keep it sideways.


It is initially a bit disorienting though, and could make the average player a bit nauseous.


At this point A is down C is up and B is straight ahead. "above" the satalite is left "below" the satilite is right :D

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Agreed. I remember when I first started playing I didn't know what they were since I didn't have access to them. I would get "sniped" occasionally and see the charge and wonder "*** is that"? Then I started noticing some had "Gunships" in the pre-launch screen (and found out it was only if they subbed before a certain date so for that time I had no access to them). For the next few weeks I maxed out my Strike Fighter and spent a lot of time hunting gunships and keeping them away from the satellites.


Well then Gunships for all became available when Preferred got access and I couldn't wait to see what was on the other side of the coin. It didn't go at all like I thought, I couldn't get away from ANYONE (maybe this was due to having 0 upgrades) and couldn't dogfight for ****. Sure my first time out I did 37k damage but my average stat line in the 6-8 games I played as a gunship is 1-3 kills 7-9 assists and 3-4 deaths and 30k or so damage and no objective points. I disliked the style so much outside of those first two days I haven't played as one again and don't think I will. I have a mastered Scout and Strike Fighter and just prefer that type of play much, much more.

Edited by Kain_Turinbar
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Oh, you think good flying is your ally, but you merely adopted the flight. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn’t see the speed of other ships until I was already a mastered gunship; by then, it was nothing to me but lightning fast! Your fancy flying tricks betray you, because they belong to me. I will show you how I have learned to fly, whilst running away from an angry swarm of fighters and scouts. Then, I will shoot you. Your precious Distortion Field, gratefully accepted. I will need it. Ah yes, I was wondering what would break first. Your hull, or your shield.


LOL Dav, best comment by far, i'm still laughing (in a good way, of course) :D

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Gunships are great at capping objectives though, just have to dare to get stuck in.


ex. 3 ships around objective, switch to ion, blast a turret and drain everyones shields with the AoE.

F3, boost and barrelroll at the sattelite, right-click to stop on a dime, F1 blast the first turret with 2 shots of the burst laser, boost to the 2nd and 3rd taking care of the turrets.

F2, A and S to orient yourself to fly down through the fins, see X self destructed, tab target the next pilot, hit F1, evade and bypass and two burst him down.

Tab to the last dude, see him lining up a shot, scope him and hit him with an ion blast to drain his weapon power, listen to a lock on sound and smile because you know you can take the heat, switch to slugs and finish him off only to evade that missile at the last moment using a barrel roll.

Then set up camp and blast any on comers :cool:


It's not hard, but it does take skill. Also I tend to die when my situational awareness is bad, but that is my own fault :p

Don't let those burst scouts sneak up on ya!

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Run for the cap ship! If you can drag three of them with you, that's three of their guys out of the fight at the cost of just you.


Actually, I often zoom right to the Sat I was attacking. Ties up the defenders chasing me around the sat, and then when my engines are more charged and Barrel Roll available, I can zoom away again. If some chase me then I am tying them up. if they don't I can stop to snipe again.


Doesn't always work but it works often enough that I prefer this to running back to mama ship all the time.

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Oh, you think good flying is your ally, but you merely adopted the flight. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn’t see the speed of other ships until I was already a mastered gunship; by then, it was nothing to me but lightning fast! Your fancy flying tricks betray you, because they belong to me. I will show you how I have learned to fly, whilst running away from an angry swarm of fighters and scouts. Then, I will shoot you. Your precious Distortion Field, gratefully accepted. I will need it. Ah yes, I was wondering what would break first. Your hull, or your shield.


^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ so much win



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