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The game has been out two years now, enough is enough with the damn stuns already!


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they do not care what any of us say, they keep changing things in the game and not posting the full list of changes.

Just ran Bloodhunt and was stunned by every boss at least 3 times which has never happened on any of my other 11 lvl 60's.

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Apparently I need to bump this again, because Bioware still hasn't figured out that being stunned and knocked back constantly is not good gameplay.


I mean, can we just make it one NPC per group with CC instead of every single one having a CC? Seriously.

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It isn't about our fun it is about wasting our time period that's why we got weakened a few pathches back and our stuns were diminished so we according to BW "HAVE TO THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU WANT TO INTERRUPT" or some such nonsense.


Level sync and the loss of immunity to all those stuns/knockbacks etc is just the latest iteration of the wasting our time initiative.


If anything told us this was their thinking it was the way they setup of bounty event with spawn points right next to so many ledges and all those knockbacks, stuns etc.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Would you prefer the NPCs just stood there and politely fell over for you?


Thanks for reading the thread before you replied, oh wait.


Being constantly stunned does not increase difficulty, it only increases annoyance. It is poor game play. Give me something skill based to avoid, don't make me stand there unable to play my character for 15 seconds at a time.


I don't pay a subscription to not be able to control my character. Well, that point is moot anyways since my sub expires at the end of this week and I am not renewing it.

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I'm doing the Voss heroics right now for conquest points and this group consisted of exactly two mobs, one silver and one gold. Guess how many times they used CC on me? Four knockbacks and one stun. Two enemies.


Five CCs from two enemies in a 30 second fight.




No it was not difficult, no I was never in any threat of dying. So please stop with that garbage. This game is not hard at all. I was a Nightmare raider, I like challenging content. This is about good game play. And this is not good game play.


This is the kind of garbage really makes you wonder if anyone at Bioware even plays this game.

Edited by Icebergy
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