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It's your fault if you're on a PvE server and you get yourself flagged.


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Sorry Reno but the specific flagging in the Rakghoul event and Gree Event are 100% EXPOITING and not PVE players faults.


I had great fun yesterday taking part in a PVP battle in Rakghouls event (got 20/100 in the achievement) but the fact of matter is that was my choice.


What isnt my choice is getting flagged because some jack $$$ who is flagged is intentionally standing on the group of mobs Im fighting. The more damage I take the quicker I start to click. Its human nature. Its obvious I am not interested in PVP and have no desire to PVP at that time but buddyboy is trying to exploit the mechanics to get me to accidently flag myself against my will.


Personally I think that should be a suspendable action



never has

never will


I find the very worst PVPers are the ones that try to flag PVE players this way.

The good PVPers are taking part in battles with other PVPers.

The crappy ones who get owned by other PVPers then try to find opponents they can beat (which means exploiting mechanics to flag someone against their will).


Other day in Oricon Heroic area Im fighting a champion solo when some idiot flagged imp comes up and stands on my champion that Im fighting and starts jumping around desperately trying to get me to flag myself (clearly she wasnt to bright as you dont need to change targets when fighting a champion so tab never comes into play).


I just told her to "$$$$ off kid" and killed the champion.

At which point she threw a complete hissy fit about being told where to go

But what she was trying to do was completely obvious


UO self destructed because PKers were allowed to prey on PVEers and force them into a style of play they didnt want to take part in

SW:TOR needs to be careful because its not out of realm of reality they also lose subscribers over these actions.

PVP and PVE doesnt mix.


Personally I would like code put in that just says unflagged players can not interact with flagged players (opponents or same faction players) until they physically turn their flag on themselves.




that one fix solves it all and even benefits PVPers because no longer could a unflagged player walk up and attack from safety. They would have to make their intention known before hand. Even if only a split second.


Course would also help if they made a PVP planet

Open World PVP has been popular the last two events and Ive seen mutual PVP take place on Oricon as well.

People WANT open world PVP (Id prefer RVR with bases and relics and all that)

This game just doesnt supply it in reality


STOP mixxing PVP and PVE and just give PVPers a real PVP World to play on (and not some stupid contest like Ilum originally was with the turrets).


To quote a old movie "If you make it, they will come"


Hell if they made a real PVP planet with capturable bases and relic, they might even see a upswing in subs as open world PVP is lacking right now.


ESO has it but their interface is gawd awful

Wildstar is saturday morning cartoons and only appeal to a nitch audience


There is a demand for it


You admit you get flagged albeit accidentally yourself, and yet you want someone else to be banned due to your ineptness, that baffles me.

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I still don't understand why the "consenting" rule for PvE servers doesn't mean that all parties involved have to consciously toggle the flag resp. enter a pvp area. I don't understand why flagged players show up as neutral (yellow) targets to unflagged players. If they were simply no valid targets for damage or healing or reviving.


If interaction between flagged and unflagged players were not possible, the problem wouldn't exist. The only issue that I can see with that is them being unable to give or receive heals in PvE groups, but then the group simply has to wait for the flag to wear off, or all flags have to be removed automatically when entering instanced PvE content like flashpoints or ops.


Personally I think for a PvE server it'd be fairer to put the responsibility on pvp players to get themselves unflagged before entering a PvE group (or risk getting no heals) than making PvE players responsible for not getting themselves accidentally flagged.

Edited by KyaniteD
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I still don't understand why the "consenting" rule for PvE servers doesn't mean that all parties involved have to consciously toggle the flag resp. enter a pvp area. I don't understand why flagged players show up as neutral (yellow) targets to unflagged players. If they were simply no valid targets for damage or healing or reviving.


If interaction between flagged and unflagged players were not possible, the problem wouldn't exist. The only issue that I can see with that is them being unable to give or receive heals in PvE groups, but then the group simply has to wait for the flag to wear off, or all flags have to be removed automatically when entering instanced PvE content like flashpoints or ops.


Personally I think for a PvE server it'd be fairer to put the responsibility on pvp players to get themselves unflagged before entering a PvE group (or risk getting no heals) than making PvE players responsible for not getting themselves accidentally flagged.


This was in regards to the Rakghoul Event. The Gree Event and it's PvP area is w/e.

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Personally I think for a PvE server it'd be fairer to put the responsibility on pvp players to get themselves unflagged before entering a PvE group (or risk getting no heals) than making PvE players responsible for not getting themselves accidentally flagged.
Speaking as someone who mostly plays healers, I concur. I still exhale an audible groan if I join a PUG or invite someone for a PvE mission and see they are flagged. Suddenly, I'm thrust into the whiner's role of either keeping silent and just accepting that I'll be heading to the Cantina or Fleet as soon as we're done, or make the group wait (at least) 5 minutes for the flagged member to get unflagged. I'm old enough and curmudgeonly enough to add "No heals for flagged players" to my list of old-manisms (I'd squeeze it into the list between "Kids today!" and "Get off my lawn!").
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This was in regards to the Rakghoul Event. The Gree Event and it's PvP area is w/e.


I mean it in general. Interaction (damage, healing, reviving) between flagged and unflagged players simply shouldn't be possible. Since unflagged players only exists on PvE servers, it should be the pvp players' responsibility to get themselves unflagged and fit/eligible for doing pve content in groups with unflagged players.

Edited by KyaniteD
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pvpers are dictating my game play, so turn around is fair play.


PvPers are not dictacting my game play. I did the rakghoul event on 7 different character every day this time. I did all the dailies. I used AoEs. t. I kill the Champions over and over solo. I healed anyone not flagged that needed healing. I played completely normal, did dps as hard as I could. I never onced got flagged. I had plenty of flagged players standing in my mobs, but I never once hit them. So I dictated how they played, standing around wasting their time.


Turn off auto-target and forget, it isn't difficult. ;)

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I have found that you only get flagged PVP... for targeting the player while doing an AOE. You can AOE your hearts content but as soon as you target them you will get flagged if you drop an aoe while they are targeted. Now what I hate is that you cant REZ a person that is flagged without yourself becoming flagged. THIS is a bug and should be considered a bug. I did this to a player who we had grouped with that got destroyed by some level 55's imps while we were only level 40..... I was not flagged because I do not PVP... but when I rez'd him after they left.. I got flagged.. and of course they destroyed me... cause I guess it feels big taking down a player that is low level and not a pvp'er. It was my mistake but I still think its stupid.
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Possible Causes


AOE - Doesn't seem to be the issue given several member's experiences and tests, but may be ona case by case basis.


Auto Target, Tab Target, Ability spam - It's possible while you're out killing stuff the game will lock you on to the nearest attackable thing and if your fingers are heavy like mine you'll accidently auto shoot/swing it.


Companions - Some users are thinking their companions AOE are to blame. All very possible.


How to avoid it:


1.) If it's AOE related, then you should AOE's at your own risk, note the mobs die fairly easily here so you shouldn't worry about AOEing unless you really want too.


2.) If it's single target related, this is just a matter of being careful to not let your fingers push your keyboard too hard while fighting and paying attention to what you have targeted.


3.) If it's companion related, then it's likely a bug and should reported, but you'll have to be extra careful.


Now you're free to ignore all this and pretend to be Too cool for School if you wish but if you get flagged than it's all on you.


Flag causes:

1. AoE does in FACT cause you to flag if you hit a flagged character or NPC of the opposite faction.

2. ST attacks due to inattention but also can be caused by moderate lag and screen freezes.

3. Companions AoE in FACT DOES flag you if they hit a flagged character or NPC of the opposite faction.


How to avoid it:

1. Don't use AoE abilities in areas that are or could be populated by the opposing faction.

2. Pay better attention to target. Not much you can do about lag-related issues.

3. Turn off your companions AoE abilities (poor Treek becomes almost useless) when in areas that are or could be populated by the opposing faction.


My opinion: Even though you can avoid flagging yourself in these scenarios, it's cumbersome & shouldn't have to be dealt with on PvE servers. The very definition of PvE is player vs environment - not player vs player. If BW wants better OWPvP options then they should create them instead of being lazy & let the PvP crowd grief the PvE crowd.


Disclosure: I mainly just PvP now with guildies since PvE is lack luster at endgame.

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