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Where to LEARN to RP?


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I have been gaming for over 30 years, and once upon a time, did a lot of tabletop gaming. Move forward two+ decades, and I keep reading about Role Play within MMORPGs. First WoW, and now here.


I think it would be fun to further explore my characters within the SW universe, but if you don't know HOW to RP, you never get either the chance, or the experience. Since I am not sure how to RP in a game where I can't truely control the actions of my toon, I'll be damned if I can figure out how it is supposed to be done.,


Is there a guide, a website, a training academy, or a patient group of people (guild, association, etc.) where a complete roleplay noob can learn how to enrich his gaming experience?

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I personally think the link is a good beginner's guide to getting a feel to RP, but in addition to those rules:


There is no "right" or "wrong" way to role play. It's important to note that, in addition to the belief that the character you create and you as a person should be separate. Inspiration for their story/personality can be based off your own, but the big thing to take away is that you shouldn't take anything from RP personally.


Also, a better place to get in touch with the veteran RPers of the server would be at begerencolony.org, as these server forums are used more for the PvPers and PvErs. You can find a good variety of groups and guilds there.


Hope you have fun giving RP a try!

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