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Rotating overlapped events.


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It's wonderful to see that there are now several recurring events, as it keeps things feeling fresh with less effort that constantly putting out fresh content, of which I am no opposed to having either. ;) However, the time between events seems to be too long in my opinion. Perhaps it would be best, once we have several recurring events, to have them on a rotating schedule with 2 week uptime and 1 week overlap.

An example scenario:

Week 1: Rakghoul

Week2: Rakghoul, Bounty

Week3: Bounty, Gree

Week4: Gree, [new event]

week5: [new event], Rakghoul


While this would require additional events, we would still have to wait for an event to come back around, we would have other events to tackle in the meantime. Of course, more events means more downtime for each event, which would bother fewer people if they had other events to pursue in the meantime.

Edited by Omniscientearl
Redundant word needed to be annihilated.
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