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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Seriously, a Black-Green crystal again???


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This is a re-release of an event from last year - the big 'no one else has' crystal WAS the black-green crystal. People are playing this event to GET the black green crystal they DIDN'T get last year


In fact the ONLY other way to GET a black/green crystal was to buy TOR gear from Razer - and while those crystals had the same COLOR they didn't have the same benefits or collection totals that these crystals have

Edited by GratuaCuun
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In fact the ONLY other way to GET a black/green crystal was to buy TOR gear from Razer - and while those crystals had the same COLOR they didn't have the same benefits or collection totals that these crystals have


Actually, I don't think they were the same color, but my color vision is not the best ;)

I have both the old rakghoul black-green crystal, and the razer crystal, but they don't look quite the same to me.

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Actually, I don't think they were the same color, but my color vision is not the best ;)

I have both the old rakghoul black-green crystal, and the razer crystal, but they don't look quite the same to me.


Might be off by a hair or it might be your monitor - my Trooper has my rak crystal from last year (and her pet red rak - Mr. Squee) and her companion Elara has the Razer crystal and they look the same to me...


Either way though, the Rak crystal is WAY better than the Razer crystal and I am VERY glad we get another shot at it :)


Yeah I understand all that.. I know you can't get the black-green crystal, but with this event you can again. I just think it would of been cool to release something new and not release the same thing again. That is all.


For a lot of people it IS new - more importantly there's a lot of armor and weapons that ARE new. Not to mention the fact that people have been petitioning/begging/SCREAMING for another shot at the black/green crystal through this event. Hell, people have been crazier about this event more than any of the others BECAUSE of that crystal :rolleyes:

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Either way though, the Rak crystal is WAY better than the Razer crystal and I am VERY glad we get another shot at it :)


I'm just playing again and started over so hopefully we'll have another chance to grab it that doesn't mean waiting another year for it.

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I'm just playing again and started over so hopefully we'll have another chance to grab it that doesn't mean waiting another year for it.


From what the data miners have found not only is this event going to end up like the bounty hunter event but it's going to be on one of three random planets - Corellia, Tatooine or Alderaan. We got Alderaan this time but it might happen on any of those three the next time it happens

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This is a re-release of an event from last year - the big 'no one else has' crystal WAS the black-green crystal. People are playing this event to GET the black green crystal they DIDN'T get last year


No, it actually isn't. Its a completely new event. I played the original. it is not the same and not even close to the same. Where people get the idea where this is a re release of an old event, I'll never know because it isn't. stop spreading false information,

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From what the data miners have found not only is this event going to end up like the bounty hunter event but it's going to be on one of three random planets - Corellia, Tatooine or Alderaan. We got Alderaan this time but it might happen on any of those three the next time it happens


Neat, some variation ought to keep the event from getting too stale if they do run it like the BBA event.

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No, it actually isn't. Its a completely new event. I played the original. it is not the same and not even close to the same. Where people get the idea where this is a re release of an old event, I'll never know because it isn't. stop spreading false information,


I'm not spreading false information - the story, rewards and set up is based on the original Tatooine rak event and from what the guys on Hater and Dulfy have found it could be on Tatooine again the next go-round

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So glad I spent 3 mill on 2 of these a few weeks ago, when they would be available for next to nothing had I waited :cool:


Thought they might at least flop to green-black crystals :(


Yeah that sucks... You would think they would release something new.

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Yeah that sucks... You would think they would release something new.


The varactly and dewback skins are something new to work towards I guess. Maybe you all should give them some ideas on what would be new and cool to receive from a rakghoul oriented event?

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:rolleyes: people don't WANT new - they wanted this event to GET their hands on that crystal! If you want new go buy some cartel packs :p


You must be a mind reader bro, my bad. Actually, a lot of people want new things and change. Not to release the same crystal again.

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:rolleyes: people don't WANT new - they wanted this event to GET their hands on that crystal! If you want new go buy some cartel packs :p


The only 'old' thing I heard complaining about was the legacy gear from the old event since it's required for achievement/title. Didn't see a single person suggest bringing the old crystals back.

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The varactly and dewback skins are something new to work towards I guess. Maybe you all should give them some ideas on what would be new and cool to receive from a rakghoul oriented event?


Yeah that is definitely cool, to change it up a bit. I would love to, but I feel as if they wouldn't look.

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You must be a mind reader bro, my bad. Actually, a lot of people want new things and change. Not to release the same crystal again.


There have been dozens of threads in the suggestion box about getting that crystal through the Rak event - people complaining because they COULDN'T!! I got ONE of those crystals on my trooper and that was all I had time for - I hope they release the same armor from that event so I can get my hands on the belt I don't have


If you want to get something that's been released but that you'd missed you're damned right you want them to release the same stuff again :rolleyes:

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There have been dozens of threads in the suggestion box about getting that crystal through the Rak event - people complaining because they COULDN'T!! I got ONE of those crystals on my trooper and that was all I had time for - I hope they release the same armor from that event so I can get my hands on the belt I don't have


If you want to get something that's been released but that you'd missed you're damned right you want them to release the same stuff again :rolleyes:


Understandable if that is the case. I still think if they released the same crystal, they should release a new one with it, to keep advancing. Perhaps they will when this event continues, who knows.

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There have been dozens of threads in the suggestion box about getting that crystal through the Rak event - people complaining because they COULDN'T!! I got ONE of those crystals on my trooper and that was all I had time for - I hope they release the same armor from that event so I can get my hands on the belt I don't have


If you want to get something that's been released but that you'd missed you're damned right you want them to release the same stuff again :rolleyes:


I have the full set on like four of my characters, just not on the new server I've been playing on, even though the new server has my oldest character created on it, hmmm, so does that make it my old server? Any ways, would like it if I could get it from collections since I have it four times over.

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Why would you release a crystal that was already released? Why not release something unique and new? That way people who do this even a lot, get a new rare crystal that no one else has! Lazy stuff in my opinion, Bioware.


Sounds like you should've sold those crystals you were hoarding, OP.

I thought we would have learned after the Life Day re-release.


Also I'd like to second a request to put it in collections. I've got one on my sorc but as I've switched mains it would be nice to have on my new main and my later alts as well :)

Oh well, guess I'll just have to farm them in the meantime.

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