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Please have some decency when it comes to Rakghoul Champion Mobs


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So, if I'm trying to tag a mob, and swtor keeps freezing b/c the event is a lagfest, and somebody with a more expensive computer swoops in, it's *my* fault because I'm "uneducated"? I bet you're popular in parking lots.


As to it being a "dog-eats-dog world", should we refer to look on your face as a dog-eating grin? "Dog" isn't really the word I'd use, but the word I'd use does start with a 'd'...


Hey if you wanna blame lag for your failure, no one will stop you.


It's dog eat dog because it's an expression that only the fittest survive. It's true in MMO's, you have to grab what you can before someone else does, otherwise it's your fault for being lazy and too slow. Meanwhile those of us who know how to prioritze are happily finished with our stuff, So thanks. :D

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LOL! I love when people try to sound tough online.


Morality and decency are what define us as people. If you can't behave in a socially "moral" and "decent" way, you have no place in a society of people who can.


And who here is going to punch you? Are you sure you're in the right thread?


It's an online video game. Online interactions may be different online. If you can't learn to have some thick skin and get over the way people prefer to play, you'll never make it in the real world when someone critiques you.

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That there is a real-life, awesome human being. Yep. We should all strive to be like that.





You're cute that you think I'm either upset or a hypocrite. Coming from someone who's clearly a pillar of integrity, that means the world to me, really.


The fact you don't practice what you preach, tells me you arn't either.

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Every time one of these threads pops up it always seems to end the same way - with insults being flung. Can we not discuss this reasonably?


For the record - I don't agree with grabbing clickies/ aggroing champions etcwhen it's clear that another player is fighting through the mob guarding that clickie. To me it's rude. I do accept that other people don't see it that way, and try to not let it aggravate me any more. I do, if possible, try to remember the people who do it so I can limit my interactions with them. Luckily it doesn't seem to happen too much. The most fun one though, was a player obviously hiding themselves so they could do that to me on more than one occasion - I twigged after the second and returned the favour. Ninjaing the ninja, just the once, FTW.

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If there is one thing this game has taught me, it is to tag / open / click on any quest item / mob asap before some ****** waltzes in and tag it themselves.


I am always happy to accept an invite to do a group clear of a target mob so we both get the quest done.


I am also always happy to watch someone who has stealthed ahead or rushed past me die when they've taken on more than they can handle. I'll put my companion on passive and watch the show, even if you try to drag the mob back to me to help you.


The enjoyment I get watching them die far exceeds the in game reward i'd get for tagging the mob first.

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