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Easier for scouts to gain reqs?


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Was noticing on my scout, I hug the node a lot so I rack up a lot of objective points and medals, sometimes getting 800-1000 reqs (without daily bonus). Anyone notice it slower to gain reqs on striker and gunships? Edited by Sadishist
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Was noticing on my scout, I hug the node a lot so I rack up a lot of objective points and medals, sometimes getting near 800 reqs (without daily bonus). Anyone notice it slower to gain reqs on striker and gunships?


You get reqs based on points taken, defended, or turrets destroyed, so whichever ship enables you to do that faster will get you reqs faster.


Scouts allow you to get from point A to B to C very quickly, so you can always be at whatever node is getting assaulted. If you pack weapons with 100% armor pen, you can also 1 or 2-shot turrets and generate reqs very quickly that way.


However, if your combat mostly revolves around 1 or 2 nodes, there is no reason why you can't earn reqs just as fast with a strike fighter or a gunship by hugging and defending 1 node.

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You get reqs based on points taken, defended, or turrets destroyed, so whichever ship enables you to do that faster will get you reqs faster.


Scouts allow you to get from point A to B to C very quickly, so you can always be at whatever node is getting assaulted. If you pack weapons with 100% armor pen, you can also 1 or 2-shot turrets and generate reqs very quickly that way.


However, if your combat mostly revolves around 1 or 2 nodes, there is no reason why you can't earn reqs just as fast with a strike fighter or a gunship by hugging and defending 1 node.

Yeah I notice you don't get that many reqs fighting other players, but more on getting/defending satellites and turrets. Which is the perfect job for scouts.

Edited by Sadishist
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Was noticing on my scout, I hug the node a lot so I rack up a lot of objective points and medals, sometimes getting near 800 reqs (without daily bonus). Anyone notice it slower to gain reqs on striker and gunships?

As someone who got a mastered scout and a strike and gunny awaiting mastership within the next few days, I agree with the observation, that scouts get more points in an easier way. Gunships however are far more likely to gain the MVP for most kills and it is next to impossible to ever gain the medal for 15+ kills with a scout (unless the enemy are sheep). The strike fighter is the most likely to get the 4:1 ratio, as those beasts simply won't die so easily, while their missiles are in for a nice destruction derby. Also a strike can hug the node as well.


As a scout I usually get the firt capture, then fight for the second and spend my time hunting gunnys and recapturing nodes.

As a strike I tend to jump in the middle of a fight, fly close to nodes and eliminate enemies with my missiles (often without even attracting attention by using my blasters).

As a gunny, I tend to park between two nodes and snipe them all off, then afterburn in to be part of the capture. Luckily it doesn't matter, if you capture a node on your own, or with your whole team. It is still worth the full req.


Oh and on a side node.... getting "near 800 reqs" is not a good score. With a scout it is easy to get above 1000 without double up.

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As someone who got a mastered scout and a strike and gunny awaiting mastership within the next few days, I agree with the observation, that scouts get more points in an easier way. Gunships however are far more likely to gain the MVP for most kills and it is next to impossible to ever gain the medal for 15+ kills with a scout (unless the enemy are sheep). The strike fighter is the most likely to get the 4:1 ratio, as those beasts simply won't die so easily, while their missiles are in for a nice destruction derby. Also a strike can hug the node as well.


As a scout I usually get the firt capture, then fight for the second and spend my time hunting gunnys and recapturing nodes.

As a strike I tend to jump in the middle of a fight, fly close to nodes and eliminate enemies with my missiles (often without even attracting attention by using my blasters).

As a gunny, I tend to park between two nodes and snipe them all off, then afterburn in to be part of the capture. Luckily it doesn't matter, if you capture a node on your own, or with your whole team. It is still worth the full req.


Oh and on a side node.... getting "near 800 reqs" is not a good score. With a scout it is easy to get above 1000 without double up.


Yeah it's been a while since I played my scouts since I mastered them first, I remember getting 1000's. Doubled up was up to 1600 or so. With gunship, even though many times I get MVP in kills and damage, I'd be lucky to reach 500.

Edited by Sadishist
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Yeah I notice you don't get that many reqs fighting other players, but more on getting/defending satellites and turrets. Which is the perfect job for scouts.


No, it's the perfect job for a tanky build stike fighter.


Scouts role is interception. They are wasted hugging a satellite.

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No, it's the perfect job for a tanky build stike fighter.


Scouts role is interception. They are wasted hugging a satellite.


Yes they role is interception but u forget that FF is scout too. & i will get down your tanky build stike fighter in matter of sec head to head under sat with my D-shield build FF... In fact FF is perfect for sitting duck tactic. I've got moments when i take down even 3 enemies commin for me at once with my all colls are up.

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No, it's the perfect job for a tanky build stike fighter.


Scouts role is interception. They are wasted hugging a satellite.


I agree, here's my break down:


- Striker is better at hugging the node as their turn rate and Braking ability better accommodates this task. Also their tougher hide makes them live longer. so when actually at the node the strike is more evasive actually and also tougher making it better then the scout for this job.


- all that said the scout can transverse to the nodes better then strikes which is the scout strength in this tactic, unfortunately the scout depends on active evasion and therefor is ill suited to long term satellite hugging.


Ideally a scout should race in and begin this tactic but quickly had it off to a striker as their slower cousins arrive, at which point the scout should try to lead the defenders away from the satellite and then the strike finishes the capture.


Also beware this tactic in 2.6 as the bomber especially the mine laying type will spoil it with their pets.

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I agree, here's my break down:


- Striker is better at hugging the node as their turn rate and Braking ability better accommodates this task. Also their tougher hide makes them live longer. so when actually at the node the strike is more evasive actually and also tougher making it better then the scout for this job.


- all that said the scout can transverse to the nodes better then strikes which is the scout strength in this tactic, unfortunately the scout depends on active evasion and therefor is ill suited to long term satellite hugging.


Ideally a scout should race in and begin this tactic but quickly had it off to a striker as their slower cousins arrive, at which point the scout should try to lead the defenders away from the satellite and then the strike finishes the capture.


Also beware this tactic in 2.6 as the bomber especially the mine laying type will spoil it with their pets.


I strongly disagree with this.


The scout has inherently higher turn rates than the strike fighters. This makes them better not only at circling the node while flying defensively, but also at making turns of up to 180 degrees. This can be used to confuse the opponent (if they were expecting you to go straight and you're suddenly three-quarters of a turn to the left, they're gonna have a bad time) or to turn a chase into a head-on confrontation (in which case they'll also have a bad time, because you're ready to use Distortion Field and they're not).


The scout's inherent evasion, combined with passives from Lightweight Armor and Distortion Field, make it more sturdy than the strike fighter, in my experience. Further, the scout's engine efficiency (both from lowered cost to use the boost and, in some cases, the Boost Recharger ability) give it the ability to simply outrun opponents. At close range, a tap of the spacebar makes it almost impossible for an enemy pilot to track you as you zip across their screen at something approaching the speed of sound in atmosphere. Around a satellite, the scout can further use this mobility and maneuverability to constantly block line of sight between himself and his opponent.


I don't see why you think the scout's "active evasion", as you put it, is "ill suited to long term satellite hugging". I have held a satellite for several minutes through a combination of careful boosting, tight turns, evasion, Distortion Field, and the occasional blast of burst lasers.


You're absolutely correct that mines and drones will ruin this tactic, though.

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I strongly disagree with this.


The scout has inherently higher turn rates than the strike fighters. This makes them better not only at circling the node while flying defensively, but also at making turns of up to 180 degrees. This can be used to confuse the opponent (if they were expecting you to go straight and you're suddenly three-quarters of a turn to the left, they're gonna have a bad time) or to turn a chase into a head-on confrontation (in which case they'll also have a bad time, because you're ready to use Distortion Field and they're not).


The scout's inherent evasion, combined with passives from Lightweight Armor and Distortion Field, make it more sturdy than the strike fighter, in my experience. Further, the scout's engine efficiency (both from lowered cost to use the boost and, in some cases, the Boost Recharger ability) give it the ability to simply outrun opponents. At close range, a tap of the spacebar makes it almost impossible for an enemy pilot to track you as you zip across their screen at something approaching the speed of sound in atmosphere. Around a satellite, the scout can further use this mobility and maneuverability to constantly block line of sight between himself and his opponent.


I don't see why you think the scout's "active evasion", as you put it, is "ill suited to long term satellite hugging". I have held a satellite for several minutes through a combination of careful boosting, tight turns, evasion, Distortion Field, and the occasional blast of burst lasers.


You're absolutely correct that mines and drones will ruin this tactic, though.


Hey Arm, I saw the switch on my GS last night. +1. Thanks amigo

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I thought scouts were for getting nodes and strikers were to fight?


In a perfect world where everyone is playing assigned roles, a scout would bypass the satellite at the start and intercept oncoming enemies while the strike fighters take the satellite and the gunships hang off waiting to pick off enemies, able to come closer than usual because the scout is ahead drawing the attention of the enemy.


This isn't to say a scout can't/shouldn't take a satellite, but that isn't their actual purpose.


Hanging around by a satellite that isn't under attack is a waste of a scout's firepower, speed, and maneuverability.


A scout's role in domination is mostly to fly from point to point using their superior speed to get there quickly when it is under attack, as well as harassing/assaulting enemy nodes to draw attackers away from their teams satellites. Now, if during the course of this fight you take the satellite, you would stay there until it flips, and then leave and go where you are needed.

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Yes they role is interception but u forget that FF is scout too. & i will get down your tanky build stike fighter in matter of sec head to head under sat with my D-shield build FF... In fact FF is perfect for sitting duck tactic. I've got moments when i take down even 3 enemies commin for me at once with my all colls are up.


Fighting at a satellite is different than running and taking it at the start, or even staying at a satellite once it's taken.


Also, the people who park on/under satellites are just dumb - of course you should blow them up, they need to learn from their terrible, horrible, idiotic mistake :p

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Fighting at a satellite is different than running and taking it at the start, or even staying at a satellite once it's taken.


Also, the people who park on/under satellites are just dumb - of course you should blow them up, they need to learn from their terrible, horrible, idiotic mistake :p




good i know what irony means:P


in fact i used that sitting duck tactic early days of Gsf, when my skills was not so as its now, for now i preffer in fact free hunting:P but sometimes when score need that badly i hug that sat... & really try get me off;>

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Yes they role is interception but u forget that FF is scout too. & i will get down your tanky build stike fighter in matter of sec head to head under sat with my D-shield build FF... In fact FF is perfect for sitting duck tactic. I've got moments when i take down even 3 enemies commin for me at once with my all colls are up.


You're doing it wrong by using directional shields... DF gives you immunity to blasters FOR 6 SECONDS.

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You're doing it wrong by using directional shields... DF gives you immunity to blasters FOR 6 SECONDS.


ofc im talkin about Distortion Field... 41-106% evasion here. & ofc ive got 6sec upgrate :p

Edited by prokonto
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The scout's inherent evasion, combined with passives from Lightweight Armor and Distortion Field, make it more sturdy than the strike fighter, in my experience. Further, the scout's engine efficiency (both from lowered cost to use the boost and, in some cases, the Boost Recharger ability) give it the ability to simply outrun opponents. At close range, a tap of the spacebar makes it almost impossible for an enemy pilot to track you as you zip across their screen at something approaching the speed of sound in atmosphere. Around a satellite, the scout can further use this mobility and maneuverability to constantly block line of sight between himself and his opponent.


I don't see why you think the scout's "active evasion", as you put it, is "ill suited to long term satellite hugging". I have held a satellite for several minutes through a combination of careful boosting, tight turns, evasion, Distortion Field, and the occasional blast of burst lasers.


Satellite hugging is like Russian roulet you can't know when that one shot is comming. GS frequently one shot scouts but not so much strikers, Absolutely you can use distortion field to great effect but the cooldown is longer then the effect so you can't have constant distortion field not even close.


A good satellite hugger can can hold a node neutral for minutes, I do it frequently, mostly when facing premades. I find it's the GS that really cause trouble and you won't know when that rail shot is comming therefore you can't use distortion field. Hence tough skin FTW. I have my shields on full recharge and boy do they need it.


Also the scouts engines are actually too powerful for this task, remember if you get out of range of the node you fail and either it gets capped or turrets start to spawn.


My experience shows that a striker will out maneuver a Scout in a tight space anytime, moreover if a fighter does kiss the wall there is a lot more striker then scout left over.


This is a classic example of a role both ships perform well but in the end one performs it slightly better. the fact is that long term a striker performs it better while the scout should move on.

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Satellite hugging is like Russian roulet you can't know when that one shot is comming. GS frequently one shot scouts but not so much strikers, Absolutely you can use distortion field to great effect but the cooldown is longer then the effect so you can't have constant distortion field not even close.


A good satellite hugger can can hold a node neutral for minutes, I do it frequently, mostly when facing premades. I find it's the GS that really cause trouble and you won't know when that rail shot is comming therefore you can't use distortion field. Hence tough skin FTW. I have my shields on full recharge and boy do they need it.


You can (try to) figure which side the gunship has in his sights and pop distortion field as you go around that side, though in general, yes, the strike is better at defending against gunships than the scout. However, in my experience, a strike that tries to hug a satellite dies very, very quickly to a scout. I love it when enemy scouts try that, because I can get right behind them and blow them up before they can do anything about it.


Also the scouts engines are actually too powerful for this task, remember if you get out of range of the node you fail and either it gets capped or turrets start to spawn.


My experience shows that a striker will out maneuver a Scout in a tight space anytime, moreover if a fighter does kiss the wall there is a lot more striker then scout left over.


Why are you crashing into walls? Why are you overshooting your target? Don't be bad at hugging and you won't lose the satellite. It's entirely possible to hug the satellite while boosting around it, I do it all the time.


This is a classic example of a role both ships perform well but in the end one performs it slightly better. the fact is that long term a striker performs it better while the scout should move on.


Not in my experience.

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