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Fun class to level?


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Bit of background. I have 5x lvl 55's, and I'm a certified alt-oholic. I actually enjoy playing new classes, learning their mechanics, and having fun leveling. I raid SM with 3-4 of those 55's, and one am doing some HM DF/DP. For those who raid with multiple toons, you know it gets sorta boring after a while. So I'm looking for a fun class to level, I've seen almost all the story lines so far. (I know fun is subjective)


TL:DR: Ops raiding on multiple toons gets dull eventually, I'm looking for something fun to level. Here are my contenders atm:


1) Sith Assassin

2) BH PT

3) Jedi Sent

4) Sith Sorc


I have the following 55's already: Sniper, Operative, Jugg, Sorc, Mararder, and 50's: Jedi Guardian, BH Merc.


What class is fun to level that I don't have a lvl 55/50 already?

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I find the BH PT really fun to play, especially in Tank spec (Only class I can actually perform the tank role well) since you rocket towards your enemy and punch it in the face, also Flamethrowers and other combustible stuff,what more can you ask for (Keep in mind that this is more of a close range class than an rdps despite what some people say *cough*)! Sith Assassin I enjoyed leveling till I hit 50, then it no longer appealed to me, I find its Dps spec lacking and Tank role weak, such a shame all melee classes cant wield a double-saber :(. Jedi Sent I enjoyed for a while too but I already had a Mara so I just lost interest after I finished leveling him. I enjoy my Sorc once in a while, just started to use him in healing for ops, but shooting lightning at anything that moves is quite fun.


So I would suggest creating a BH PT. On a side note I would also recommend a Gunslinger, naturally they are the Snipers counter part, but I find it more motivating to play due to the more "Dirty fighting" style. Just my own suggestions and opinions however.

Edited by Darth_Exar
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I have only really lvled a Power BH to any decent lvl and it is alot of fun but pretty slow..... I use mako as my healer and she never leaves my side. That being said, I do have the disease of having to mine every bit of metal on the map and that is perhaps the biggest issue with my slow lvling..... :p
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It looks to me like you haven't done much on the Pub side, maybe try Smuggler or Commando?


Smuggler has some great snarky lines (prob some of the best in game), and Commando is a fun class (though I'm only mid 20s with mine atm)


Good luck!


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Thanks for the Feedback folks.


True that the majority of my alts have been Emp side, but I found it easier to PuG on my server. The Pub PuGs were "friendlier", but the Emp side just got stuff done.


I do have a 30 Sent and 34 Gunslinger. The Gunslinger was a lot of fun, in fact so much fun that I just went up and leveled a sniper for Double Exp Thanksgiving holiday. That's one of my main raiding toons atm. Maybe I will go back to finishing her up, lot of funny stuffs.


So I have a 20 BH PT in full Energized Infantry gear, and I also have a 30 Trooper that I stopped playing. I dunno, maybe the quest story was dragging for me, I sorta lost interest after a while. The Assassin double bladed lightsaber is pretty cool atm, esp with Treek holding aggro. I was just worried it would stop being fun pretty quickly. H'es only level 12 atm.


So I'll concentrate on the BH PT and also the Assassin for now.

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Leveling a Sin Tank lately and I gotta say, it's fun to stealth around and pick your fights without constantly aggroing everything.


Plus, I'm in demand for Heroic +4 missions and Group Finder queues are basically instant. The only downside for me is that I've already done the SI story, so this story isn't new for me. Other than that, I'm having a good old time.

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I'd suggest a Smuggler since you haven't tried that yet. Also Jedi Consular story wasn't bad, I liked it. I'd suggest a Shadow (If you have Treek), or either a DPS or Healing Sage (If you don't have a healer). I Have a Seer (Heal) Sage at 55 and love him. And working on 2 Shadows ATM, yes.. I said 2. (One for Tanking and others DPS) Also working on a Smuggler (Gunslinger) which has a good story so far.
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