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FEATURE REQUEST: HUD Text for weapon selection


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Hiya man, and thanks kindly for the suggestion! I went in game as soon as I read that and altered the HUD. It's helpful, but still not the solution I would like. The icons for cluster/conc missiles are visually similar (a few bumps to differentiate, not terribly helpful for corner-of-the-eye vision) and the ammo counts are also similar after a while in a fight so I can't rely on ammo count as an indicator. So, while having the visual closer to the center is nice, it's still not 100% solving the issue.


It HAS been helpful for other things like the map, power displays and so on, so thanks for that!


My request stands, I still would like a small, four letter code displayed near the HUD indicating Secondary weapon selection.



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Regardless of the icons (which do change), having text would be nice, as it takes a while to learn all the icons, especially when jumping around between ships and setups.


There are two icons. One looks like a gun. Use the gun to shoot people. Use the box to do everything else. Don't ask me why the second gun is a box.

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