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In case anyone was wondering about Begeren.


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Hopefully compensation is given, because I would rather not have to start a new character on a new server just to keep playing


We could always troll chat on a new server. Either they'd get frustrated with all of us invading their space and join in on the demand to get things back up and running... or we all get banned... Hmmmm...

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Some free Cartel Coins would go a long way to make up for the lack of warning for this unexpected maintenance.


Seriously, we put up with the bugs, the least they could do is compensate us for our downtime with some digital coins that cost them NOTHING:mad:

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So it's 3am Central time and the server has been down quite a while now, a lot longer than 30 minutes. Logging in it said that the scheduled maintenance would be January 21, not today, and no warning was given. For those of us that actually pay to play this game I think we should be reimbursed for this. I mean seriously, the server goes down without warning for however long it's going to be down and will be down again on the 21st. And why is it only Begeren Colony? Well if you guys in the tech department don't already know, this is very annoying and frustrating. Get it together guys.
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/swallow sadness

/send some faxes

/call a sex line

/cry deeply

/demand a refund




Kinda pisses me of that this:

a) was unplanned maintenance. No warning whatsoever.

b) Was reported to be 30 minutes of downtime. Lies. All lies.

c) Due to the above, is now cutting into APAC prime-time. Was supposed to be starting a guild run of DP right now.




All of the impotent rage.

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Are you serious..... This crap game has made me stop playing games , period. Thanks bioware . Worst game ever made


Nahh... Decent game, just poor handling.


1. Stop using social media for announcements and updates. That's pretty much letting your competitors know how bad you screwed up. Use your official site and forums to let your subscribers know what's up.


2. Keep us updated. Frequent updates, say, every 15 minutes or so (even if it's, "We're still working hard on it, and will let you know as soon as we do.") means fewer rants and trolls.


3. If you're going to try and fix something, do so during your normally scheduled downtime. I'm not suggesting waiting until the 21st to correct the PVP queues, but rather wait until 3 or 4am to shut things down. During the week. Let's face it... Most gamers are nocturnal, especially on the weekends.

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Funny thing is, there sites say Free To Play everywhere, yet this is by far the most expensive game I've ever played or seen in fifteen years of gaming. I'm shocked , amazed and disgusted all at the same time. I'm so confused.


ITS A TRAP!!!! >.<

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