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Shield redistribution in GS battle - Is it a possibility, and how does one do it?


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I've done some searching for this topic before deciding to post. I was unsuccessful in my search. My question is about shield distribution in battle. I understand power distribution (F1-F4) fairly well. But I'm still looking for a way to quickly redistribute remaining shields to compensate where they have taken the most damage. In classic LucasArts games like X-Wing, Tie Fighter, and Alliance, you were given a way to quickly redistribute your remaining shields in the event that you had a shield arc missing. For instance, if you had 60% shields left, it would give 30% to the front and 30% to the back as to ensure that you have at least some coverage all around in the event that your shields aren't at 100%.


Does this capability/command exist in the Galactic Starfighter expansion? If it is available, is it only available on certain types of ships? Is it specific to a crew skill? Any help and all information would be greatly appreciated.


May the force be with you. -jayshock

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I guess what you're looking for could kind of be found in directional shields, but I personally think they're a pain since they work on a rotation. Plus it's an ability, not an all the time thing. I don't have much experience with them, honestly.


Probably closer to it would be Quick Charge shields, which just gives you a quick boost to busted shields all around. One of the top-tier choices for it allows you to regain some shielding while actively being damaged as well.


As for having an all-the-time option to micromanage your shields and always have some shield power up all around... no, it doesn't really work like that. It's entirely possible that someone can blast away your back shields and leave your front shields untouched. And without a shield ability off CD, there's not a lot you can do about it except hit F2 and cross your fingers. I do that a lot. :)

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The strike fighters have a "directional shield" shield component. This makes your 2 button change your shield mapping, and it is the ONLY way to change your shields- the other shield components all have different actives (2 button).


There is a delay between presses. If you began with neutral, your first press will send them all backwards, your second to the front, and the third back to neutral, and yes, that will redistribute the shields assuming you started at neutral, took damage to your front shields, and went through that cycle.


There is not a single button providing this functionality like the later games you are referring to, nor is there a way to do it super duper fast. Some pilots recommend leaving all power to front, such that you can press it to go to neutral and then twice for back, because if you find yourself about to go head on with someone there's normally nothing but doom to be gained for sending shields back and waiting that eternal half second to be able to send them all to front. This does leave you with only a weak arc in back, but as a strike fighter it is VERY rare that someone just surprises you from behind, with the obvious exception of gunships.

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There is a directional shield option for certain ship(s). I think it is only currently on just the strike. TBH, when I started GSF I was assuming that I could automatically re-direct my shields like I used to since BW was promoting it like X-Wing vs TIE fighter. Alas, that is not true.
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Directional shields are available on strike fighters, also on the requisition scouts such as the Flashfire, not sure about the cartel scouts.


The key thing about directional shields is that to gain full benefit, you need to get a second or so out of the line of fire so you can shuffle shields around in between episodes of taking damage.

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Directional shields are available on strike fighters, also on the requisition scouts such as the Flashfire, not sure about the cartel scouts.


The cartel scouts are complete duplicates of the Flashfire and Sting (ignoring the skin and hitboxes, the latter of which only really comes into play when trying to fly between solar panels), so yes, the directional shields are available on them as well.

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In addition to what everyone said it should also be noted that you MUST buy the first unlock otherwise shifting power between shield arcs costs some shield power. I'm not sure of the exact math but basically if you had 60% shields left, all in the rear arc, and shifted it to be equally distributed you wouldn't end up with 30/30 but instead 25/25 (again I'm not sure exactly how much power you loose so it could be more/less than in my example). With the first upgrade you can shift shield power at no cost so 60% rear shields gets distributed equally to 30/30 at no cost.


I played X-Wing so I know what you mean about wanting to redistribute shields, that's partially why I took directional shields. Aside from the draw back of not having X-Wings buttons dedicated to front/equal/rear it works very similar for redistributing shield strength.


I can't be sure but I have noticed that after taking damage it seems directional default to equal power distribution even if you toggled it to put all power to front/rear. Not a deal breaker IMO but it's been somewhat annoying to shift all power to rear when fleeing and having it want to charge both front and rear shield arcs upon taking damage.



The cartel scouts are complete duplicates of the Flashfire and Sting (ignoring the skin and hitboxes, the latter of which only really comes into play when trying to fly between solar panels), so yes, the directional shields are available on them as well.


I don't have the CM Scout so could you clarify how the hitboxes are different? (Is it simply due to them being shaped differently or are the hitboxes on one a little wacky?)

Edited by Gavin_Kelvar
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