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Sith Marauder "Manslaughter" Hybrid


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A guide to the Sith Marauder "Manslaughter" hybrid I created on 10/19/13.



Spec: 20/23/3

Stance: Juyo

Exact Spec: http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/skills/marauder#2102212203320-212200110223232-3



Sith Marauder "Manslaughter" Juyo hybrid has the exact same gearing priorities as Annihilation and Rage.

• Primary Stat ("Mainstat"): Strength

• Secondary Stat: Power

• Tertiary Stat: Melee Accuracy to 100%, then Surge.

• All augments Advanced Might/Overkill Augment 28.

• Zero crit rating.

• Zero alacrity rating.



Manslaughter as it stands is, to the best of my knowledge, the only spec in the game with absolutely zero RNG. One could theoretically write down all five minutes of a rotation. That said, there are some general guidelines and priorities to start off:

1. Gore (in between Ravages)

2. Force Charge + Deadly Saber

3. Gore + Ravage

4. Force Scream

5. Double Saber Throw (within Gore window)

6. Battering Assault (if at or below 6 rage)

7. Vicious Throw

8. Rupture

9. Double Saber Throw

10. Assault (if at or below 10 rage)

11. Vicious Slash



Force Charge + Deadly Saber --> Battering Assault --> Gore + Ravage --> Force Scream



There are a few major parts to an effective Manslaughter rotation:

A: Gore is half the cooldown of Ravage.

B: The Second-Bleed Stall

C: The Deadly Charge

D: The combination of A and B

• In this spec, Gore has no procs and thus has a standard 15 second cooldown, exactly half of Ravage's. Thus, there is a Ravage Gore and a non-Ravage Gore. You should never be using Ravage except directly after a Gore. This means that unless you are using your non-Ravage Gore the instant it pops up, your Ravage will be delayed. This is why the non-Ravage Gore is at the top of the priority list. This also means that you need to be anticipating the non-Ravage Gore by having some extra Rage ready when it comes up. This is easier than Carnage, since Gore does not proc out of no-where.

• The Second-Bleed Stall refers to the player allowing the second bleed to tick twice, while the Deadly Charge refers to the player activating Deadly Saber directly before Force Charge. Since these two abilities have identical cooldowns, this will generally keep you from forgetting or stalling the use of Deadly Saber. If the player does not have 3 rage to spend, it is allowable to use Force Charge and then Deadly Saber. If this does occur, however, you will need to keep an eye on the Bleeds as these will not be functioning the normal way (they'll be one tick behind normal).

• The exact specifics of the Second-Bleed Stall are when a player uses Force Scream on a target with two of his or her Bleed stacks on it. As this is a force attack, it will not apply the third stack. By the time you get around to your next ability, the second Bleed stack will tick again, while the imminent attack will apply a third and instantly re-tick. This essentially gives the Deadly Saber a 'double tick', and is the reason that Manslaughter does not run alacrity. This is also why Force Scream is used in the opener. It costs the same rage as Vicious Slash in Manslaughter spec but it deals significantly more damage, so while the player would normally hold Force Scream until a 2-Bleed-stack window, your bleeds are already being used previously in the rotation. If you time it perfectly, you can actually execute the Second-Bleed Stall within the opener's Ravage itself, but this only happens occasionally and should not be relied upon.

• This brings me to my forth and final point, the combination of the Ravage Gore and the Second-Bleed Stall. Occasionally you will notice that you have a Ravage Gore and a Deadly Charge coming up at about the same time. When this happens, I personally simply activate the Deadly Charge and then the Ravage Gore right afterwards.



There is one main exception to the rotation, concerning the Second-Bleed Stall. When you apply the second bleed, you must use an instantly-hitting melee attack. This means you cannot use Deadly Throw, Vicious Throw or Double Saber Throw. If you do, the second Bleed will be applied later than normal, and after your force scream your next melee attack will simply apply the third Bleed, without the second one ticking again.



Using the rules of the Global Leaderboard of 2.4+



1. Must be combat logged on the level 55 Operations Training Target MK-5 and have the 1 million health module and the armor debuff module applied.

2. Parses will be standardized using the drop down time boxes. Set the time interval according to start of combat and death of the dummy.

3. Class buffs/stims/adrenals are permitted.

4. Another player is not allowed to assist with Bloodthirst/Inspiration, etc during the logging.

5. Nightmare Pilgrim buff is not permitted.

6. No use of Legacy abilities or cybertech grenades, etc.

7. Only combat logs from http://www.torparse.com/ will be accepted. All claims must be accompanied by a link to their parse.

8. When posting please use the following format: Character - Class - Spec - xx/xx/xx - Time to kill.

Example: Claimed - Gunslinger - Saboteur - 7/36/3 - 3'45.25s

9. Prestacking buffs using in-combat related moves is not allowed. However, buffs that can be replicated in an operations setting is permitted. For example, scoundrels respeccing from scrapper to dirty fighting to preload flachette round is permitted.



Credits for this spec go to myself, Idnewton of the Harbinger server. This spec was originally created on October 12th, 2013 when I was unable to access SWTOR itself and was messing around with a smartphone skill-tree app. It wasn't until the 19th when I actually gave it a test run that I discovered its viability, but also the changes that I needed to make. Originally this spec was 23/23/0 but for whatever reason the 6% Force Crit from Malice appeared to be more beneficial than the Rupture proc. In time, with more parses, this may change.



If you have any questions or suggestions to make, leave a reply on this thread or you can contact me ingame on the Harbinger server by mailing or PMing Idnewton / Sorun (Imperial), or Idnéwton / Jaarus (Republic).

Edited by idnewton
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Subject to opinion of course, but I think the spec loses out on a significant portion of DPS by removing the points from Rattling Voice, even as a PvP spec. Assuming, of course, that the player is putting scream inbetween the second and third bleed.
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Manslaughter as it stands is, to the best of my knowledge, the only spec in the game with absolutely zero RNG. One could theoretically write down all five minutes of a rotation.


Wait, what about Rage Marauders/Juggernaughts? AP Powertechs? [2.6] Concealment Ops? Sharpshooter Snipers?


Other than that, I like the spec and intend to try it out.

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