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Things BioWare could implement/fix that would bring SWTOR to the next level


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First of all I would like to point out that I never played WoW so if any of these suggestions are similar to the system of WoW please do not assume I am copying stuff off of it. I did however played Runescape many years ago so some of these suggestions I came up with are based off of my experience with that game. If however these suggestions are actually already in the game please do correct me.


Social System:


1. Players should be able to see friends/guild members from the map. What I mean by this is implement a specific color of dot for friends/guild members. So for friends they might appear as blue dots and guild members might appear as green dots on your map. This would be WAY EASIER for a player to find a someone they know when they could see them appear on the map, especially on crowded areas such as your fleet.


2. There should be more social missions. What I mean by this is implement more missions that require more than 1 people to complete it. Currently the only missions you would actually group with others are HEROICS. Most of the class quests and normal quests you could just complete it by yourself. This will increase social interaction within the game and allow players to find friends way faster/easier.


3. Players should DEFINITELY be able to add players from another server or opposite fraction. It just doesn't make any sense to me if you can't communicate at all with another player just b/c he is on a different server or opposite fraction. Just b/c the story line makes Republic and Imperial characters enemies doesn't mean the players have to be enemies as well, lol.


Group Finder Ques:


As of now these are literally useless when you get to a certain point. For instance, once you get to level 50 and have the ability to start HM flashpoints, you will almost never find a group. You might find a group if you are a tank/healer but if you are damage you will be stuck in Group Finder for the whole day and the que will never pop up. So WEEKLY missions such as Galactic Conflict or w/e is called that rewards you Classic/Basic Commendations for completing a HM Flashpoint is basically impossible to do. I think a solution to solve this problem would be to combine servers or even fractions so finding groups in HM flashpoints/OPS are actually possible.




Currently the PVP servers are dull and boring. It contains minimal excitement and it differs very little PVE servers other than the fact that level 55 will destroy every lower level he/her sees.These are the primary reasons I think causing this issue:


1. PvP open server is almost a complete disadvantageous system for all players below level 55. Unless you are level 55, you cannot obtain PvP gear that would actually benefit you. You could obtain trash gears from fleet vendors but I seriously doubt those would help you survive against a level 55 player. I believe the problem with the PvP server currently is that you can attack whatever level of player you want. This means that a level 55 could attack a level 20 should he see one, and that is not entirely fair considering there is no bolster system on the server.


2. You rarely see any player that is of your opposite fraction. Occasionally you might get lucky and find one in the open but most of the time if you want to find them you would have to stand in front of your opposite fraction's base to see them. This again is disadvantageous to all players below level 55. In other words, you either get camped by level 55s, or you die to level 55s while looking for opposite fraction players at their base. Right now the PvP server is a place only for level 55s. Honestly I feel that a more active PVP planet would be way more exciting than a warzone game.


3. This is the most annoying thing ever and I do not understand the point of this at all. Why do you not gain anything from killing a player on an open server? This is another reason why rarely anyone would pvp on locations other than wz/ranked wz games. Because you gain absolutely nothing. Killing another player should reward you with credits/valor points/xp or even commendations. If you reward a player for kills I guarantee you people will start PvPing way more, and that would make this game way more exciting.


Ways to fix this:


1. I think there should be more areas where players of same fraction could attack each other. Due to the fact that it is extremely hard to find opposite fraction players, allowing players of the same fraction to pvp against one another would make the server way more exciting than it is now.


2. Add bolster system to PvP contested areas so that level 55s won't just instantly one shot level 20s. Yes this will eliminate the point of PvP gear but in turn you could remove bolster system from WZ/Ranked WZ so it still stays relevant.


3. If the second option isn't viable, then you could always create a level range or limit in which players could attack another. Like a level 20 should only be able to fight another player 5 levels within his/her range. This would definitely eliminate the obviously prejudiced PVP system we have right now against low level players.


Monetary system/GTN:


1. I feel that monetary system in this game is just awkward. Low lever players will never get rich. There really should not be a limit on the amount of credits you can have rather if you are a F2P player of P2P, that is just taking the difference between a subscriber and a non-subscriber too far. Also, the commendation cap is pretty pointless lol. Remove those. Like what is the point of setting a limit?


2. GTN you should be able to sell expertise items or items you bought from basic/elite/ultimate vendors. This would allow players to indirectly convert their commendations into credits which is definitely a good thing.



Frankly I feel that this game has the potential to be one of the most popular MMO games. I feel that it could be a lot better if BioWare works on the tiny, specific details. It is always the little things that would make something better. I listed the little things that I think would make this game a lot better, but then again it is just my opinion. Feel free to comment/criticize.

Edited by UseKonDorm
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Social System:


1. Players should be able to see friends/guild members from the map. What I mean by this is implement a specific color of dot for friends/guild members. So for friends they might appear as blue dots and guild members might appear as green dots on your map. This would be WAY EASIER for a player to find a someone they know when they could see them appear on the map, especially on crowded areas such as your fleet.


Only if you can turn it off, otherwise a planet full of friends/guildies becomes useless.


2. There should be more social missions. What I mean by this is implement more missions that require more than 1 people to complete it. Currently the only missions you would actually group with others are HEROICS. Most of the class quests and normal quests you could just complete it by yourself. This will increase social interaction within the game and allow players to find friends way faster/easier.


Ok, more social missions wouldn't hurt. But you can group for any mission you know, even with others of the same class (might need to tick "allow other players of same class"in permissions for class missions), it makes it harder for some missions, but you can do it.


3. Players should DEFINITELY be able to add players from another server or opposite fraction. It just doesn't make any sense to me if you can't communicate at all with another player just b/c he is on a different server or opposite fraction. Just b/c the story line makes Republic and Imperial characters enemies doesn't mean the players have to be enemies as well, lol.


Cross server chat is problematic (because some servers are on different continents). But cross-faction chat is not done because some people will just shout abuse at the other faction, I've seen this were they are close enough for their posts to register on the opposions chat.


Group Finder Ques:


As of now these are literally useless when you get to a certain point. For instance, once you get to level 50 and have the ability to start HM flashpoints, you will almost never find a group. You might find a group if you are a tank/healer but if you are damage you will be stuck in Group Finder for the whole day and the que will never pop up. So WEEKLY missions such as Galactic Conflict or w/e is called that rewards you Classic/Basic Commendations for completing a HM Flashpoint is basically impossible to do. I think a solution to solve this problem would be to combine servers or even fractions so finding groups in HM flashpoints/OPS are actually possible.


Again cross-server isn't going to happen. Cross-fraction is problematic too, because you have different flashpoints, so one side will be doing fps that don't benefit them apart from drops they pick up.



1. PvP open server is almost a complete disadvantageous system for all players below level 55. Unless you are level 55, you cannot obtain PvP gear that would actually benefit you. You could obtain trash gears from fleet vendors but I seriously doubt those would help you survive against a level 55 player. I believe the problem with the PvP server currently is that you can attack whatever level of player you want. This means that a level 55 could attack a level 20 should he see one, and that is not entirely fair considering there is no bolster system on the server.

Old system used to do this, but most of us ignored it until we were post level50, new system is a response to how the majority play. Literally the Devs can't win here, but I believe the new system is better.

2. You rarely see any player that is of your opposite fraction. Occasionally you might get lucky and find one in the open but most of the time if you want to find them you would have to stand in front of your opposite fraction's base to see them. This again is disadvantageous to all players below level 55. In other words, you either get camped by level 55s, or you die to level 55s while looking for opposite fraction players at their base. Right now the PvP server is a place only for level 55s. Honestly I feel that a more active PVP planet would be way more exciting than a warzone game.

I still bump into lower level opposition players all the time, I just don't want to fight them, I want to do my missions. PVP zones were set up for those who do want to do PVP in world, they are abandoned, this tells you what most people think.


3. This is the most annoying thing ever and I do not understand the point of this at all. Why do you not gain anything from killing a player on an open server? This is another reason why rarely anyone would pvp on locations other than wz/ranked wz games. Because you gain absolutely nothing. Killing another player should reward you with credits/valor points/xp or even commendations. If you reward a player for kills I guarantee you people will start PvPing way more, and that would make this game way more exciting.


I think unless you are on a PVP server, most people don't want this, some do, and some of them are grievers.


Ways to fix this:


1. I think there should be more areas where players of same fraction could attack each other. Due to the fact that it is extremely hard to find opposite fraction players, allowing players of the same fraction to pvp against one another would make the server way more exciting than it is now.


There are PVP zones, nobody uses them, nuff said.


2. Add bolster system to PvP contested areas so that level 55s won't just instantly one shot level 20s. Yes this will eliminate the point of PvP gear but in turn you could remove bolster system from WZ/Ranked WZ so it still stays relevant.


3. If the second option isn't viable, then you could always create a level range or limit in which players could attack another. Like a level 20 should only be able to fight another player 5 levels within his/her range. This would definitely eliminate the obviously prejudiced PVP system we have right now against low level players.


There are PVP zones on planets, the fact they are abandoned speaks volumes.

Monetary system/GTN:


1. I feel that monetary system in this game is just awkward. Low lever players will never get rich. There really should not be a limit on the amount of credits you can have rather if you are a F2P player of P2P, that is just taking the difference between a subscriber and a non-subscriber too far. Also, the commendation cap is pretty pointless lol. Remove those. Like what is the point of setting a limit?

The monetary system is fine, people earn money at the rate they need to buy abilities and gear, apart from the cost of speeder license 3 there is no issue, especially as you can amass money in blackhole quite quickly when you reach level 50+

2. GTN you should be able to sell expertise items or items you bought from basic/elite/ultimate vendors. This would allow players to indirectly convert their commendations into credits which is definitely a good thing.

The gear you buy with basic/elite/ultimate vendors is usually what you are playing the end game for, if you buy it without earning it people will say it's pay to win.

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Social System:

1. Players should be able to see friends/guild members from the map. What I mean by this is implement a specific color of dot for friends/guild members. So for friends they might appear as blue dots and guild members might appear as green dots on your map. This would be WAY EASIER for a player to find a someone they know when they could see them appear on the map, especially on crowded areas such as your fleet.


This would be nice. I agree with you.


2. There should be more social missions. What I mean by this is implement more missions that require more than 1 people to complete it. Currently the only missions you would actually group with others are HEROICS. Most of the class quests and normal quests you could just complete it by yourself. This will increase social interaction within the game and allow players to find friends way faster/easier.


Not really sure what you mean by social missions other then missions that require more then one person to do. If that's all you are asking for, then these should not be class story or planet story quests. And frankly I wonder at how much they would be used. The devs have only so much time in a day and personally I'd rather see that time go into things most people would interact with.


3. Players should DEFINITELY be able to add players from another server or opposite fraction. It just doesn't make any sense to me if you can't communicate at all with another player just b/c he is on a different server or opposite fraction. Just b/c the story line makes Republic and Imperial characters enemies doesn't mean the players have to be enemies as well, lol.


Adding friends from another server might be a technology issue, and for your gameplay (unless they have cross server ques) I don't know how much this would add.


Group Finder Ques:

As of now these are literally useless when you get to a certain point. For instance, once you get to level 50 and have the ability to start HM flashpoints, you will almost never find a group. You might find a group if you are a tank/healer but if you are damage you will be stuck in Group Finder for the whole day and the que will never pop up. So WEEKLY missions such as Galactic Conflict or w/e is called that rewards you Classic/Basic Commendations for completing a HM Flashpoint is basically impossible to do. I think a solution to solve this problem would be to combine servers or even fractions so finding groups in HM flashpoints/OPS are actually possible.


If there is an even distribution of all ACs (quite the assumption I know) then there are 6 dps's for every 1 tank and healer. This is why they are adding more "role neutral" FPs/Ops. This is an imperfect solution IMHO, but it's what we are getting. As for merging servers: Shard max capacity is unknown to me, but I don't think they have one that could hold us all and be stable. You were just asking for missions that require people. Here you go. I would suggest socializing more (maybe a join a progression guild) and your issues here should be solved.



Currently the PVP servers are dull and boring. It contains minimal excitement and it differs very little PVE servers other than the fact that level 55 will destroy every lower level he/her sees.These are the primary reasons I think causing this issue:

1. PvP open server is almost a complete disadvantageous system for all players below level 55. Unless you are level 55, you cannot obtain PvP gear that would actually benefit you. You could obtain trash gears from fleet vendors but I seriously doubt those would help you survive against a level 55 player. I believe the problem with the PvP server currently is that you can attack whatever level of player you want. This means that a level 55 could attack a level 20 should he see one, and that is not entirely fair considering there is no bolster system on the server.


Anytime you have a 55 vs well below will be unfair. You can get PvP gear, but you are right that it doesn't save you from a 55 in PvP gear. Only being able to attack a -4/+4 range would seem good. It wouldn't stop ganking. There are always people better geared then you and better at PvP then you.


2. You rarely see any player that is of your opposite fraction. Occasionally you might get lucky and find one in the open but most of the time if you want to find them you would have to stand in front of your opposite fraction's base to see them. This again is disadvantageous to all players below level 55. In other words, you either get camped by level 55s, or you die to level 55s while looking for opposite fraction players at their base. Right now the PvP server is a place only for level 55s. Honestly I feel that a more active PVP planet would be way more exciting than a warzone game.


There was a PvP world. It didn't work out so well. Faction numbers imbalanced the fights. And it was a disaster that caused many to quit. I doubt the devs want to go anywhere near this for a long time.


3. This is the most annoying thing ever and I do not understand the point of this at all. Why do you not gain anything from killing a player on an open server? This is another reason why rarely anyone would pvp on locations other than wz/ranked wz games. Because you gain absolutely nothing. Killing another player should reward you with credits/valor points/xp or even commendations. If you reward a player for kills I guarantee you people will start PvPing way more, and that would make this game way more exciting.


Why gankers gank is a complex question and has myriad answers. As with my last response, I think feeding this kind of interaction will be limited at best.


Ways to fix this:

1. I think there should be more areas where players of same fraction could attack each other. Due to the fact that it is extremely hard to find opposite fraction players, allowing players of the same fraction to pvp against one another would make the server way more exciting than it is now.


There is one (correction 2) on all PvE servers. People hardly use them as is. Adding more would just spread out who wants the PvP like that on PvE servers I'd think.


2. Add bolster system to PvP contested areas so that level 55s won't just instantly one shot level 20s. Yes this will eliminate the point of PvP gear but in turn you could remove bolster system from WZ/Ranked WZ so it still stays relevant.


::PPFFFFFFffffffffth:: <spits coffee everywhere>

Bold, But then all the people who do ops/progressions will curb stop the people who do dedicated PvP. I'm not completely sure why they have it like this but as it stands: high end PvP gear will only get you so far in HM PvE, and high end PvE gear will only get you so far bolstered in PvP WZs. The devs did this on purpose, and I believe they intend to keep that idea going.


3. If the second option isn't viable, then you could always create a level range or limit in which players could attack another. Like a level 20 should only be able to fight another player 5 levels within his/her range. This would definitely eliminate the obviously prejudiced PVP system we have right now against low level players.


4 levels at 5 levels it would be inconsistent with how stuns/etc work on PvE mobs of higher level. But yeah, this idea would work. I'm down with it.


Monetary system/GTN:

1. I feel that monetary system in this game is just awkward. Low lever players will never get rich. There really should not be a limit on the amount of credits you can have rather if you are a F2P player of P2P, that is just taking the difference between a subscriber and a non-subscriber too far. Also, the commendation cap is pretty pointless lol. Remove those. Like what is the point of setting a limit?


Should lower level players get rich? Idk, not without outside influence (like a high level feeding the $). The restriction on F2Pers is there more to stymy gold farmers. It limits their damage to a degree. But the "rich" dreams of a low level pale in the face of the economy being destroyed by gold farmers who would create accounts to farm and sell by the bucket load without this. Or so I'm told.


2. GTN you should be able to sell expertise items or items you bought from basic/elite/ultimate vendors. This would allow players to indirectly convert their commendations into credits which is definitely a good thing.


You can. You sell them to a vendor as trash and get back a few thousand. Putting them on the auction house would defeat the need to even PvP/PvE to get them. There are a number of ways to convert commendations to credits. PvP ones are the most easy, turn them into med packs and sell stacks, or convert them to planetary coms and get blues. PvE coms can only be turned to items and vended or reversed engineered the modifications into ones you can make and sell on the GTN.

Edited by Corrupted_Soul
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