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cowards running back to their capital ship cheese EVERYWHERE!


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What, do you expect gunships to dogfight?


Yea. The number of fotm flashfires crying because someone removed themselves from the fight instead of dying is shocking. It would be like if gunship pilots were here complaining that scouts are closing to less than 8k and asking the devs for an ability to push them back to range and root them.


Imagine a gunship with the abilities of a strikefighter plus the 2 railguns. It wouldn't need to run, it would down you every single time.


Exactly. If my gunship had flashfire stats but with railguns, it would be ludicrous. The railgun is a large device that brings disadvantages. One of them is just seeing red triangles on your screen instead of opponents should they close in, followed quickly by death. The gunship isn't even as tanky or maneuverable as a strike, and strikes are already flashfire snacks.


Bottom line is people really need to stop chasing kills, stop looking for cheap revenge, and realize that even if they racked up 100 deaths, they can still be a team's top contributor and it doesn't take their requisition away.


Right. Everyone with this complaint is ludicrous. "It's 100% not viable for a gunship to kill me if I know he's there, and it's 100% impossible for them to do anything but die with me on them, so lets remove the one thing they can do instead of dying instantly." The game is to capture satellites. Even with deathmatch, a gunship doing this is not getting kills for their team.

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i've come to the conclusion the only real counter to this is two scouts working in VOIP tandem and try to flank 'em on the way in.


actually the counter is to stop using bypass and start using slicer's loop.


The scouts that kill me use slicer's loop, not bypass.


Yeah, bypass lets you do lots of damage, but slicer's loop shuts down my engine power so that I can't barrel roll away, making me a sitting duck, flying 20% slower than you without boosters.

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actually the counter is to stop using bypass and start using slicer's loop.


The scouts that kill me use slicer's loop, not bypass.


I think you shouldn't go ooe on your engines. SL doesn't stop you from pressing barrel roll, just from having energy regen.

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I think you shouldn't go ooe on your engines. SL doesn't stop you from pressing barrel roll, just from having energy regen.


boosting, barrel rolling, boosting again, and barrel rolling again pretty much exhausts your engines. You can't even hope to run from a scout while not boosting or barrel rolling. If you're NOT boosting, they're under 5km and blasting you.

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boosting, barrel rolling, boosting again, and barrel rolling again pretty much exhausts your engines. You can't even hope to run from a scout while not boosting or barrel rolling. If you're NOT boosting, they're under 5km and blasting you.


You are pretty much right on the money on the engine power consumption, a tier 2 barrel roll can boost every 10 seconds. But when you start say 14km from B (on your cap ship side) you can get back to your cap ship turret "safe" area well within that 10 seconds.

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You are pretty much right on the money on the engine power consumption, a tier 2 barrel roll can boost every 10 seconds. But when you start say 14km from B (on your cap ship side) you can get back to your cap ship turret "safe" area well within that 10 seconds.


Assuming you're talking about Shipyards, once the enemy goes past the asteroid with a hole in it, they can't hit anyone on B, don't follow them. As for Kuat, a gunship already has trouble hitting anything on B there, and once they go over the huge wall, they should also not be followed, unless they're going to A or C.

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firstly a GS cant hit the nodes from the capital ships, they got 15k range not 100k range.


next thing if ya chasing a ship back to their capital ships ya not focused on objectives plain and simple. if hes heading bk to capital ship hes out the game one less for ya team to worry about.


i have never used this tatic myself and odd time i even got caught up in moment and pursued someone bk to their capital ship damn anoying.


But on the other hand the capital ships are badly needed after what i saw last night,


we had a game and we completely steamrolled the rep team to point moment they got in ranges of any nodes our scouts and gunships were all over them and couldnt even make it to any node, some on my team felt pushing them that far back while we had 3 bases was not enough and wanted to keep hammering them, this kind of victory i hate and never think hammering same couple of people over and over at a res point is nothing close to skill so i dont think capital ships should be removed or turrets down powered or moved away and if someone follows them back to res point there problem i prefer to focus the objectives and my team.

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Assuming you're talking about Shipyards, once the enemy goes past the asteroid with a hole in it, they can't hit anyone on B, don't follow them. As for Kuat, a gunship already has trouble hitting anything on B there, and once they go over the huge wall, they should also not be followed, unless they're going to A or C.




Ok... yes the asteroid with a big hole in it... is the 14km mark (ish). But if I am in a Strike Fighter or Scout, I HAVE to boost toward him to engage... Meaning if he runs, I'm at least AT that asteroid. If I turn around he can do the same, and shoot me from behind. The run-and-gun tactic is *fine* in my opinion, I just want him to not have a capitol ship to run to for invincible cover once he's entered the battlefield.

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But on the other hand the capital ships are badly needed after what i saw last night,


we had a game and we completely steamrolled the rep team to point moment they got in ranges of any nodes our scouts and gunships were all over them and couldnt even make it to any node, some on my team felt pushing them that far back while we had 3 bases was not enough and wanted to keep hammering them, this kind of victory i hate and never think hammering same couple of people over and over at a res point is nothing close to skill so i dont think capital ships should be removed or turrets down powered or moved away and if someone follows them back to res point there problem i prefer to focus the objectives and my team.


I don't disagree with this at all... spawn camping is total BS and should have mechanics to make it impossible... just like the ground game you cannot even get to the enemies spawn point to do it. But unlike the ground game, you can fly back to your spawn point for that free cover (being chicken/deserting the fight). I just would like some really solid motivation for you to not want to run back to your capitol ship, like they shoot at you too for fleeing the battlefield.


And to those that want all players to stay within cap range of a satellite to defend it, how about giant magnets that pull you in automatically? This way you get other people to fly the way *you* think is best!

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I played in a game last night where the final score was 1000 to 4 and it wasn't just gunships employing that tactic it was at least 8 members of the team. They would "attack" a satellite and if they took any damage whatsoever would U-turn and head back to the capital ship. Its like instead of trying to play domination they were just trying to die as few times as possible so of course they got stomped.
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Ok... yes the asteroid with a big hole in it... is the 14km mark (ish). But if I am in a Strike Fighter or Scout, I HAVE to boost toward him to engage... Meaning if he runs, I'm at least AT that asteroid. If I turn around he can do the same, and shoot me from behind. The run-and-gun tactic is *fine* in my opinion, I just want him to not have a capitol ship to run to for invincible cover once he's entered the battlefield.


If you manage to chase him off, then he's a coward and you shouldn't chase him, he's probably not actually any good anyway. I for one will not run back to my capital ship in my gunship unless there are 6 people chasing me. If it's just one ship, I'll even take my chances dogfighting, feedback shield + rotational thrusters + burst laser cannons + head-on scout = dead scout :p

Edited by orangefishboy
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