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PTS Party Saturday Jan 18th!


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Greetings all,


As you may have heard, the Public Test Server (PTS) is struggling to fulfill its duty for the upcoming 2.6 patch. This is due, at least in part, to the lack of players downloading and testing the client. This is disheartening to me because I am an avid Galactic Starfighter player and like others I would really like this expansion to succeed! If we players do not test out and report the bugs and potential design mistakes that are currently present on the PTS, they are all the more likely to go live and interefere with our gameplay.


To that end, of the Harbinger would like to invite Anybody and E'rrybody to join us on the PTS on Saturday the 18th of January at 7 PM CST (5 Pacific/6 Mountain/7 Central/8 Eastern) to queue up for Galactic Starfighter Matches and Random Flashpoints. We will be giving away several CM Starships (so far these have only been donated on the Harbinger Server, but if you would like to provide incentive for players of your server, please contact Cheek on the Harbinger or reply to this thread to let me know!) including the IL-5 Skybolt (Pub) and the K-52 Demolisher/Strongarm (Imp & Pub).


To download the Test Server client, please follow these instructions from swtor.com. I advise starting the download before you go to bed tonight, as it took me most of the night :

-Log in to the Star Wars: The Old Republic launcher using your username and password

-Click the Settings button (gear) in the bottom left corner of the launcher

-Under "Enable Public Test Server Access" select "Yes"

-Click "Save"

-Now the bottom left corner will have two buttons: select the new button next to settings

-Under "Pick an Environment" select "Public Test"

-Click "Next" and you will begin patching on the Public Test Server

-Click "Play" and you will be on the Public Test Server


To qualify for the donated rewards, simply /whisper Cheek on the Republic side or (need a volunteer) on the Imperial side with your Main character's name (On the Harbinger only at this time) along with a number between 1 and 100. The winners will be chosen at random at 8 PM CST and the rewards will be mailed to the winners. Below is the format of the message you should send your whisper in:


/whisper Cheek "MyCharacterName" - 73


If we have donations from any other servers, we will open the giveaway to include those, in which case we will request that you include your servername. On the PTS you will then whisper Cheek or (Harbinger Imp Volunteer) with the following:


/whisper Cheek "MyCharacterName" - "MyServer" - 27


Editing to add that we've got a Mumble server up and people are welcome to use any of the Star Wars channels on it during this time on the PTS (We have at least 5 Group channels, so people will be able to break off with friends/guildies if they like during testing :D ). Whisper Cheek tomorrow for the information. I'll be on at least an hour before the scheduled event time.

Edited by Lyet
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I'm sorry to hear that you think it would be a waste of space. I, personally, dont want GSF to go live in its current PTS state. Others want to try out the new ship class, and still others want to figure out how to shut down the Bombers. Thanks for expressing you opinion, though :)
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I've got better things to do than read the troll's posts tomorrow, now that you are doing this.


Add one to the numbers, I'll come to the PTS meet up.

The more we can help testing means less problems come launch, which is always a good thing for everyone.


(Btw, that is pretty cool of you harbingers to hand out free ships as an incentive to come test the expansion, mad kudos)

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If they've fixed the bug that make enemies invisible and the bugged turrets in Domination, I'll be there. Otherwise, I'm not gonna waste my time trying to play something so broken.



Really, really hope those bugs have been fixed. Would like to see how bombers play, and how to kill them.

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7 PM CST (5 Pacific/6 Mountain/7 Central/8 Eastern)


That's starting 1am Sunday morning UK time, 2am for most of Europe, and worse for those further east.


I applaud the general idea, it's agood one, but you're cutting your potential testers by between a third and a half by using those times. I don't think messing with times at this late a point is a good idea, but in future if you want the most players it makes sense to pick a time they can actually play.

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Thanks for all the positive feedback guys, we're really excited to put this together!


As for the bugs and such, yeah, I hear they were bad last weekend. I really, really hope they have been taken care of. If not, I hope that everyone who tests with us can submit a bug report on anything they experienced. Feedback is surprisingly helpful to developers ;)

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That's starting 1am Sunday morning UK time, 2am for most of Europe, and worse for those further east.


I applaud the general idea, it's agood one, but you're cutting your potential testers by between a third and a half by using those times. I don't think messing with times at this late a point is a good idea, but in future if you want the most players it makes sense to pick a time they can actually play.


Great point, would you like to put together an alternate time that would be better for our Wingmen in Europe? I'll edit the main post with your info. Thanks for helping! :D


Sorry that I forgot about everybody across the pond. I guess I had assumed that there was a separate PTS for each continent. Clearly they state there is only 1 PTS, so my bad...

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If BW actually shows that they are listening to feedback and starts engaging in the discussion, sure. Otherwise, why waste my time testing and giving feedback they'll ignore? Just look at their post on the Orbital Strike. Basically is says "We know best, but keep telling us what you feel so you feel better." Until they actually pay attention and show they pay attention, I expect most of us have better things to do.
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If BW actually shows that they are listening to feedback and starts engaging in the discussion, sure. Otherwise, why waste my time testing and giving feedback they'll ignore? Just look at their post on the Orbital Strike. Basically is says "We know best, but keep telling us what you feel so you feel better." Until they actually pay attention and show they pay attention, I expect most of us have better things to do.


Pretty much what i was getting at with my other post.

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If BW actually shows that they are listening to feedback and starts engaging in the discussion, sure. Otherwise, why waste my time testing and giving feedback they'll ignore? Just look at their post on the Orbital Strike. Basically is says "We know best, but keep telling us what you feel so you feel better." Until they actually pay attention and show they pay attention, I expect most of us have better things to do.


So you're mad and want to take it out on Bioware/EA. Sorry to hear that. Abstain from the PTS. I'm choosing to give the devs what they're asking for, but I understand that other players are going to be jaded and negative. Oh well. Have a great weekend! :)


Editing to add that we've got a Mumble server up and people are welcome to use any of the Star Wars channels on it during this time on the PTS. Whisper Cheek tomorrow for the information. I'll be on at least an hour before the scheduled event time. I'll edit the OP to reflect this :)

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So you're mad and want to take it out on Bioware/EA. Sorry to hear that. Abstain from the PTS. I'm choosing to give the devs what they're asking for, but I understand that other players are going to be jaded and negative. Oh well. Have a great weekend! :)


Mad? Not at all. However, I gave GSF feedback in BETA, I gave GSF feedback on the PTS. Lots of other people gave similar feedback. Based on what is on the PTS now that feedback was totally ignored. If they are going to ignore the feedback and tell us they know best, why waste the time? I'm seriously asking the question here. If they are ignoring the feedback, why waste the time on the PTS to give it? What do we gain but more frustration?

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Mad? Not at all. However, I gave GSF feedback in BETA, I gave GSF feedback on the PTS. Lots of other people gave similar feedback. Based on what is on the PTS now that feedback was totally ignored. If they are going to ignore the feedback and tell us they know best, why waste the time? I'm seriously asking the question here. If they are ignoring the feedback, why waste the time on the PTS to give it? What do we gain but more frustration?


I'm glad you got a chance to test Bombers out and to give feedback on Patch 2.6 since it hit the PTS a week ago. A lot of other people have not had that chance because the PTS is a ghost town. This thread is about giving them that chance, not about scaring them away. I've PMed you to discuss the matter in depth and do appreciate your comments, but let's not tear this down before everyone gets a chance to tear it down together!

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Great point, would you like to put together an alternate time that would be better for our Wingmen in Europe? I'll edit the main post with your info. Thanks for helping! :D


Oh, I've far too busy a schedule for that (*cough* lazy *cough*) - but we've another two weekends before 2.6. If you decide the result of this one merits another run, an earlier time could net you more people. The last weekend is probably way too close to Live for anything other than game-breaking bugs to be caught (could still run for funsies), but next weekened would still give some room for acting on decent data to inform tweaks.


From values I've seen elsewhere, I believe the railgun drones might have been toned down from the damage they did on Closed PTS. I was getting one-shot there, so I'd be glad about that.


One thing on PTS was that we didn't have too long to learn how to fight them. The mines in particular, I felt I was only starting to get the hang of. At first, you'd fly happily into somewhere without any ships or turrets and *BOOM*. Then I realised they were marked, but didn't look like ships (more like sensor drones currently do), and if I was alert, watched for them and took a moment to pop them from range they weren't so much of a problem.


It'd be really good to see what it's like on PTS in preparation, that's why I think you've got a good idea here. I went on PTS a couple of days ago and it was a ghost down - it's not much bother to DL and install the PTS, just disk space, and it's not like that should be a problem for most. I'd encourage people to do it. It will at least give those who do a chance to learn how to play/against bombers before anyone else.


And it's fun. Especially fighting people from other servers you don't usually get to face.

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Honestly, if you want to see what's coming, downloading the PTS isn't that big a deal. Give it a go and take a look.


I just logged onto the PTS on both Rep and Imp sides and found 4 Reps and 8 Imps besides myself. I believe turnout would be better if BW actually acknowledged the feedback it gets and visibly did something with it, but even if they don't the PTS is a good way to see what is around the corner.


Oh and one bug I just found (again, I have seen it before a long time ago,) PTS character transfers seem to happen twice, as in the same character will get transferred twice. The first time with the name you gave it and the second with a randomly generated text string for a name. The easiest thing to do is delete the second character once it transfers over. Note you will be disconnected from of the PTS if the second transfer starts after you have logged on.

Edited by DanNV
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Who can afford to give away skybolt just to attract few people to pts?

Who are bound to be extremely polite at forums?

Who most often use greetings all/ folks / fun?

Hmmmmm mhhmmmm :o


I know what you are..













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