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With the advent of GSF, will the old Space game no longer receive support?


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Yeah, it feels redundant even to me to ask this question, but I still feel the need to bring it up.


Right now, the original space game of SWTOR feels like the red-headed stepchild of the game. There's not been any update or even talk about updates to it in more than a year, and there are still things that broke along the way that haven't been fixed yet (hardpoints and allied ships having no health bar, that one Imperial mission still having bugged achievements etc).


With Galactic Starfighter around, I can see why a lot of people would just go "so what?", considering it is the superior game mode in almost all aspects. Still, I'd really like this mode to stay alive somehow in a good way, if not actually still be relevant to the game as a whole. Besides, I'd like my ship to be more for me than just a place where I can talk to my companions, fill up my cargo hold and (obviously) use to to travel from point A to point B. It has weapons, I'd still like to fight in it, even if it's just a Star Fox-esque railshooter.


Any thoughts?

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I don't think it's something that can justify any more work aside from fixing the obvious bugs, I don't think they can make any money back on it. Its always felt like a tacked on addition to the game and it seems Bioware will keep treating it that way. I enjoyed Jump to light speed so what ever they do with space in this game is never going to live up to that so it doesn't matter to me but, best of luck to the people that enjoy this games space system in getting answers.
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When I first played the Old Space (see what I did there?), all I thought was "OMG it's Rebel Assault, make that a standalone NOW!"


Actually, still thinking that, although the last additions with the level 7 equipment and the super-hard missions sadly turned out to be cockblocker content :(

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I believe the general consensus is that most players hate it with a passion and never play it (or if they do, usually just for Reputation). All the gameplay is learning the pattern and flying the correct path, and once you've learnt that is becomes easy.


There isn't really any reason to support it, they even took all the Space Upgrades for it off the CM (and they're not able to be unlocked Account Wide for some weird reason...)

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