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Taris, Balmorra and Corellia: What I Think Was Done Wrong


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People are mixing things up it would seem. :rolleyes:


Last I checked, I'm not referring to a period such as the one where the Senate ceased to exist or Republic space itself was invaded by an outside force but rather a complete shutdown of the government itself, at a military, financial and political level, regardless of ideology or socio-political leanings.


They're not one and the same.


Um,Disarray means in chaos, those things DarthDrymond described would fit the term. The complete shutdown of government rarely happens for other reasons, and when it does a stronger term than Disarray usually applies.


A government can't be in disarray if it is shut down, you have to be active to be in chaos, and it better fits a government reacting badly to shocking events.


(Disarray literally means out of order (in the wrong order to be precise))

Edited by AlexDougherty
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What is the source of information that Republic Corellia is later on?


If it is redundant information, then it is still information, no? I don't see how that would have any relation to the truth.


As a rule of thumb, storylines happen in level order:

  • Imperial Balmorra (start of Act 1) happens before Republic Balmorra (start of Act 2)
  • Republic Taris (start of Act 1) happens before Imperial Taris (start of Act 2)
  • Both Corellias are the same level (end of Act 3), but the Republic storyline ends with the death of a major NPC who is still alive at the end of the Imperial storyline, so therefore the Republic storyline ends after the Imperial storyline.


If you want confusing, try picking up the 'Black Hole' mission line as an Imperial BEFORE finishing Corillia: You learn that you won the planet and the Empire lost it, and you haven't even done the planet yet...

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As a rule of thumb, storylines happen in level order:

  • Imperial Balmorra (start of Act 1) happens before Republic Balmorra (start of Act 2)
  • Republic Taris (start of Act 1) happens before Imperial Taris (start of Act 2)
  • Both Corellias are the same level (end of Act 3), but the Republic storyline ends with the death of a major NPC who is still alive at the end of the Imperial storyline, so therefore the Republic storyline ends after the Imperial storyline.


If you want confusing, try picking up the 'Black Hole' mission line as an Imperial BEFORE finishing Corillia: You learn that you won the planet and the Empire lost it, and you haven't even done the planet yet...


I have noticed this as well in the past and it's such a strange oversight since Republic side, the dialogue actually changes depending if you fought or not on Corellia.

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  • 4 months later...
Um, this is war, everything the losing side does is ultimately pointless, and one side has to win, this doesn't make what you did pointless, because what you were doing was supporting your faction, and that's all anyone can do.


Plus we know ultimately the Empire has to lose, because 3600 years later the Republic is in the films, and if the Empire had won there would be no Republic. So we all knew what was going to happen eventually, does that make half the game pointless?


thats not entirely accurate to be honest and thats just called being lazy.


3600 years.... and so they should force the story to get so depressing for the empire so quickly why?

biased writing. thats why.


thats a huge amount of time and there is plenty of things they could do but the writing is completely one sided and from what I understand LA declared everything but the films non-cannon so doesnt that make this open ended now...


its also true that for the losers its always going to be pointless but doing that in a faction vs faction game with so much time to cover is one of the dumbest things ive seen in any MMO. By doing it you essentially "depress" half your player base by basically making what they do irrelevant and thus not rerunning class's and not playing anymore. The game needs to be enjoyable story wise for both sides not just one. Writing positively for only one side ruins games...and its awful writing.


I have actually just unsubscribed and I am uninstalling the game because of this. Time completely wasted.

Edited by xeNNNNN
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thats not entirely accurate to be honest and thats just called being lazy.


3600 years.... and so they should force the story to get so depressing for the empire so quickly why?

biased writing. thats why.


thats a huge amount of time and there is plenty of things they could do but the writing is completely one sided and from what I understand LA declared everything but the films non-cannon so doesnt that make this open ended now...


its also true that for the losers its always going to be pointless but doing that in a faction vs faction game with so much time to cover is one of the dumbest things ive seen in any MMO. By doing it you essentially "depress" half your player base by basically making what they do irrelevant and thus not rerunning class's and not playing anymore. The game needs to be enjoyable story wise for both sides not just one. Writing positively for only one side ruins games...and its awful writing.


I have actually just unsubscribed and I am uninstalling the game because of this. Time completely wasted.

Firstly, nice necro.


Secondly, its a game. If you want to look at it from the perspective of "how much impact your actions had" then you never should have picked it up in the first place, its just a bunch of pixels depicting a fictional story.


You haven't achieved anything, but you enjoyed the story right? Good. Time well spent.


P.S. As far as we are aware all on-going stories still have to abide by official canon, so its not open ended.

Edited by Beniboybling
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