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Obroan Relic of Shield Amplification not proccing


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Hi all, I'm posting first in here to check with other tanks if they are having the same problem before pointing it as a bug. I did look for threads on this subject and couldn't find it, so if it has already been pointed out and someone could link, I appreciate it, and I apologize in advance.

I noticed I was taking more damage than usual in WZs and got the feeling something was wrong. Then I've done several matches paying extra attention to my buffs and the Shield Overcharge buff (from relic proc - it is the same icon as Blade Barrier) was not poping at all while the Focused Defense buff (from fortunate redoubt relic) was popping normally. I ran some more matches, this time with my character sheet open, and while my defense chance % would increase now and then with the proccing from the relic, the absorption % would not. Not convinced yet I brought some friends to Outlaw's Den to test it out of WZs and after several minutes getting attacked, the relic would not proc a single time. However, for my surprise, we went outside of Outlaw's Den for some duels and the relic would finally start proccing. So, the relic works for Open World PvP but does not in the areas where it was first designed to work (WZs and Arenas)?

I even checked on Parse's combat logs to confirm the procs. I tried it on my guardian and my assassin, same results. Important to say, the Conqueror version of the relic is working fine.

So, if any tank out there is willing to test and confirm it, I appreciate it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've noticed the same, but i think it was on the UW version.


I was healing a sin tank on corruptor zero hm, and even though i was putting out a total of 1.5 mill healing with 3.2k ehps he was going splat. He once went from 45-50 % to 0 % during the duration of a GCD and the activation of kolto infusion (with stim boost). I dont if thats sin tanks in general, but he mentioned that his shield didn't proc.

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Thank you all for the feedback. I got 2 other tanks from my server testing it and they also confirmed their relics aren't proccing either. I filed a ticket and I'm gonna start a new thread on the bug reports forum. Hope there we have some feedback from Devs if they are at least aware and looking into this matter.


Interesting, on my VG tank it procs but quite rarely, I have the Conq version though so, maybe that's why? I love the proc relics, makes my job less hazardus but if they don't proc consistently enough I cant get their benefts.

As I said previously, the conqueror version of the relic seems to be working ok, but since I didn't buy another one I couldn't confirm it. Remember that the Shield Amplification relic should proc on the very first shielded attack. It's not like the Defense one that says "Incoming attacks has 30% chance" to proc.


I've noticed the same, but i think it was on the UW version.


I was healing a sin tank on corruptor zero hm, and even though i was putting out a total of 1.5 mill healing with 3.2k ehps he was going splat. He once went from 45-50 % to 0 % during the duration of a GCD and the activation of kolto infusion (with stim boost). I dont if thats sin tanks in general, but he mentioned that his shield didn't proc.


I wish I could help more in there, but my PvE relics are still Arkanian, so, until I can actually test an UW SA I'm in the dark here. Are you guys sure he wasn't caught in the relic's CD? Or even an unlucky unmitigated hit... It happens.

Anyway, ask your tank friend to run tests, duels, or even during the raid, while clearing trash, save that last mob, let him tank and check for the proc buff. If it is a Shield Amplification relic, it should proc in the very first successful shielded attack (for a sin tank odds that will happen in the first hit are good).

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  • 4 weeks later...
I've noticed the same, but i think it was on the UW version.


I was healing a sin tank on corruptor zero hm, and even though i was putting out a total of 1.5 mill healing with 3.2k ehps he was going splat. He once went from 45-50 % to 0 % during the duration of a GCD and the activation of kolto infusion (with stim boost). I dont if thats sin tanks in general, but he mentioned that his shield didn't proc.


By his shield didn't proc, do you mean he just didn't shield the attack? There's always a chance of that, even if the shield amplification relic has procced.


Hits of that size are not out of the ordinary on Corrupter Zero, especially if the tank has several stacks. Both the tanks and the healers may have room for improvement: the tanks should be sure to swap frequently to keep stacks to a minimum, and the healers should be sure to keep the tanks nearly topped off on this fight, especially when the active tank has stacks, precisely because of the big hits. (Similarly, the tanks should use cooldowns whenever they're getting slightly low and they have stacks.)

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I've noticed the same, but i think it was on the UW version.


I was healing a sin tank on corruptor zero hm, and even though i was putting out a total of 1.5 mill healing with 3.2k ehps he was going splat. He once went from 45-50 % to 0 % during the duration of a GCD and the activation of kolto infusion (with stim boost). I dont if thats sin tanks in general, but he mentioned that his shield didn't proc.




When a shadow tank loses his HP they way you describe it, you can rest assured it was not the relic to blame. He most probably made a mistake . People usually say lag but this one said 'shield didn't proc' :D. The tank swaps were done badly and the amount of stacks on his sin was higher than normal. Combine that with bad gameplay on his side and he dies. Never in my experience have I lost 50% hp at Zero in any difficulty.

Edited by Leafy_Bug
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Never in my experience have I lost 50% hp at Zero in any difficulty.


This is you, isn't it?


22:31:40.749 Corruptor Zero's Sweeping Slash hits Irisa for 24413 kinetic damage, causing 24413 threat.

22:31:40.749 Corruptor Zero kills Irisa.


Not to pick on you particularly, but you did sort of ask for it...


Anyway, the thrust of my post was that in progression, if you haven't yet figured out the fight completely, it's likely your tanks will at some point have too many stacks. Both the healers can learn to compensate, and the tanks can get better at swapping, and by February, I'm sure both are happening for you, but possibly not for any who are now progressing.

Edited by cxten
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This is you, isn't it?




Not to pick on you particularly, but you did sort of ask for it...


Anyway, the thrust of my post was that in progression, if you haven't yet figured out the fight completely, it's likely your tanks will at some point have too many stacks. Both the healers can learn to compensate, and the tanks can get better at swapping, and by February, I'm sure both are happening for you.



I am running for the hills by the way. You found a log where Combat technique was healing me, i had no gear, was testing far from optimized, was spiky, and I took a bit of damage? Silly me for having a bad log on torparse. Still have to see when I lost 50% in 1 global from Zero even with bad logs :rolleyes:

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I am running for the hills by the way. You found a log where Combat technique was healing me, i had no gear, was testing far from optimized, was spiky, and I took a bit of damage? Silly me for having a bad log on torparse. Still have to see when I lost 50% in 1 global from Zero even with bad logs :rolleyes:


As I said, I wasn't picking on you particularly. That was exactly my point: if you're progressing and haven't got the fight locked down yet (and are also in gear of the previous tier, as is likely during progression), you'll likely take big hits.

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As I said, I wasn't picking on you particularly. That was exactly my point: if you're progressing (and are hence in gear of the previous tier...), you'll likely take big hits.


Yes, you take big hits but you don't blame the relic for that, correct? The guy said 'my shield did not kick in' or something like that? This was my point that when you take a crap load of damage, the relic will not save you. How many times i swapped at 3 stacks, other tank lost aggro to me and without realising I was at 7 stacks and was borderline dead but still not lost 50% of HP in one global :p

Edited by Leafy_Bug
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That's just embarrassing to blame the relic. It shows a complete lack of understanding, skill, and class on the tank's part.


The proper, gentlemanly thing for the tank to do in this situation is, as all good tanks know, blame the healer! :rak_03:


Clarin Hodco, Shadow Tank & Whiner Extraordinaire

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