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Crafting/Gathering End-Game


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What if they were to make end-game crafting mats and schematics obtainable via seeker droid type searching?

This could work something like if you have "x" gathering crew skill, you have a chance to dig up "y" material. This could work for any gathering profession.


This would allow the dedicated crafters/solo players a chance to craft/sell/equip high tier gear with their name on it, but it would also be relatively rare so they would have to "work" for it by going to planets all across the galaxy. Then they could choose to either sell the high level mats or save them to craft a piece of gear that may sell for a high price.


Crafters/solo players are happy


Raiders would still get to put in their "work" to get their gear also but wouldn't need to worry about non-raiders obtaining gear without some type of dedication. Also, say a raider is missing 1 piece that just won't drop...by all the runs you've been doing, hit up the GTN with the creds you've earned and hopefully find that piece.


Everyone wins


Bonus: Once crafters begin producing high tier gear(that will eventually be obsolete) it will make gearing alts for raiding that much easier. Also, it would be a good way to get people off the fleet and into the galaxy.

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I never do that seeker droid, i get bored, i personally find it as a pathetic feature, but i don't really have a yes or no for you, just a 'i ain't bothered either way'


Maybe if there was a nice incentive to using the droid for other purposes it may get some people interested.


This is the way I could imagine this working to where it is roughly balanced so end-game crafters/raiders/soloist don't feel neglected:


The seeker droid has a "stance" ability that could be set for whatever gathering ability you have maxed out.


This can be used on any planet...With higher difficulty planets having a greater chance of higher level mats.

-This would reward max level characters with better RNG chances, whereas low level crafting alts would still get their shot at these mats just with a lower chance.


These mats could be used for crafting raid equivalent gear and/or CM stuff.


Cybertech- End-game mods and CM speeders

Biochem- Better stims adrenals and XP boosts

Artifice- End-game crystals and CM dyes

Amormech- End-game purples and CM armor

Armstech- End-game weapons and CM weapons

Edited by SteelPiranha
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