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So that patch...from 1-14-14...I think stuff broke.


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I've never really seen too many false GCD's, but I know they're there. Now...maybe it's not related, but last night while running CZ198 I had corrosive dart fail to apply on the first attempt at least 3 separate times, and explosive probe didn't apply about the same amount.


It would apply the dart or probe if I tried a few times, but I never tried to do it in a row, because my rotation had moved on to other things...I just noticed no debuff icon, and no explosion from the probe going boom. I didn't notice this issue with other abilities, so I thought maybe it only affected skills that applied a debuff to the target.


Also...for some reason my available biochem recipes have changed...the stims I've been making for a while now aren't on there. I don't care to go finding the exact name of it, because I'm at work, but I don't understand why that would have changed?

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Elites have a 5% chance to resist Tech/Force attacks. Champions have a 10% chance. Some enemies have a buff that gives them a higher chance. (Terrenteks have a buff that gives about a 25% chance to avoid Force attacks.)


Make sure your accuracy is over 110% for Tech to combat this.


There is also a bug that if you apply a DOT at the very end of the DOT running out, it will not refresh.

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