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New Unlock


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I currently have a good deal of upgrades on the one gunship that has been available. If I unlock the new one, will I have to start from scratch on the upgrades or will the ones I already purchased carry over...


i.e. is the unlock strictly cosmetic?

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Unlocks of components are for the ship you unlocked them and do not transfer to any other ship. You can have a fully upgraded railgun on your one gunship... that will not make the railgun on the new gunship anything more than a snowball launcher.


And the unlocks are not cosmetic. The new gunship got a couple different components than the "old" gunship. I am not really sure, what the devs thought about the ship design... I guess it is supposed to be a mix of rail-sniper and laser-gunship, otherwise the components that only influence the primary weapon would make no sense at all. Why anyone would ever use proton torpedos on a gunship is beyond my understanding though.

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Thank you for the info....


I have spent far too long to start from scratch..At least for the time being as a casual player. 5000 req points is a whole lot since I only avg 200-800 points per battle (closer to the lower end) since as a gunship, kills and assist mean nothing. Its the capture and hold (i.e. go straight to the satellite and sit like a fish in a bucket) that makes the points. As a Gunship I am not meant to be on the front line and points are lost as a result. A pet peeve of mine. I consistently rank top 3 in kills and assist, and end a battle with 250 req points?? Sooo frustrating!! :mad:

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250 points? Do your teams constantly lose or something? Ouch. I'll see if I can find a post renegadeimp made once. Renegade plays mostly gunship from the sound of it, and rarely makes less than 1k on a match. Long range support is one thing, but gunships make decent sat defenders and cappers. You really could use a wingman, but you can see almost anyone coming at you if you are sitting on a satellite. And an upgraded slug is very good at neutralizing turrets. Snipe the turrets quickly, then barrel roll in to start capping the sat. You might be surprised how often opponents leave a sat unguarded.
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Remember that your daily and weekly quest make req on ALL your ships, so you will quickly earn back that req... if you are willing to convert ship to fleet, that is, with cartel coins.



The new gunship, as pointed out, is generally poor compared to the old. The protorps are the only edge, and it seems to pay dearly for that, giving up distortion field and good components, as well as the interesting and powerful ion cannon. Even the laser options are poor in comparison. But it still does have its own things- it should probably have gotten some baseline maneuverability over the older gunship.



It's a definite pet peeve of mine that a capture team on satellite can be composed of me on my gunship, a scout, and a strike, and only the scout and the strike get credit because they are circling the sat killing people and I'm at a distance killing people, and theirs counts for points but mine is I guess chopped liver. As if my contribution to the sat cap was any less than theirs!

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