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Bug: Missing Skin colors for "Sith" Zabrak on the Republic Side.


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"I've passed this along for investigation - thanks!"


And... it's coming up on 2 and a half years now (2017!!!!) and they have yet to fix it. Such a shame considering the one skin color that is missing is my personal favorite. I would imagine it's the favorite of many others as well, if not the most popular. Guess I won't be playing a Zabrak Sage anytime soon on the republic side despite paying a lot of $$ for it... :mad::mad::mad::mad:


As you can see from this thread, me and a few others are all waiting. (I have a Zabrak Sentinel I wanna use the skin color on...) Maybe we can summon Tait's attention again?

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  • 1 month later...
Keeping this thread alive. :) Still hoping for a fix - it seems rather ridiculous that there is, inexplicably, a missing skin tone. They have all the other options available, even the more "Sith-like" colors - so why not this one?
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  • 4 weeks later...
No mention in the 5.2 patch notes, so ... unlikely.


The patch notes - the ones that came out a week ago, unless there's an updated list that I missed? - were stated to be flexible. "Subject to change until release on 4/18." So...it's still possible?

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  • 3 months later...
It would be great to see either a Zabrak appearance pack that grants this skin color, or the bug to be resolved, for 2019.


Still hoping we'll get a fix for this some time. It's incredibly frustrating that a skintone is just locked but only for some classes.

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  • 1 year later...
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  • 9 months later...

At minimum I was hoping this skin color bug would be fixed with the 7,0 character creator updates, because of how other races got hair and complexion updates. I wondered if the Class and Combat Style splits would help.


What I figured out: it's still tied to Story Class. Picking the Warrior class story and the Sorcerer AC lets me get Skin Color 1 and 8 options. I can pick Inquisitor class and a Jedi AC and get skin color 1. But I can't pick any of the 4 Republic storylines or the BH or IA without triggering the skin tone lock.


I would really like to be able to create an Imperial-style pointy horn Zabrak, with the pale skin, for classes other than Warrior and Inquisitor. Please fix this when it's been literally half of the game's length of time with this bug.

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  • 5 months later...

I was so frustrated when i race changed to Dathomirian zabrak (rep side-human before) when i unlock em with my main. i payed with cartel coins only to witness to this bug :mad:

i wanted to be regular, "human" skin toned Dathomirian zabrak (cause of better horns an tatooes), cause i saw bunch of NPCs with that looks. I was in love...


now im just angry when i saw this post.....


hope devs change this in future or at least do smth about it.....


at least i can do to is to adress this subject here :(


Good luck to all of us who are waiting for solution to this problem....

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  • 3 months later...

Kind of crazy this is still a bug in the game after nearly a decade. It surely cannot be that hard to fix? I imagine with the small development team EA gives BioWare for this game they just struggle to find the time to make new content and fix old bugs like this. So the end result is bugs get left in favour of new content, as new content is what keeps people around. Really would be nice to get this fixed though. I have a Sith Warrior character and I want to make his brother as a Jedi but I've had to make him the Republic Zabrak due to this skin bug.

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  • 10 months later...
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  • 3 weeks later...

Bump. This one is still bugged. Please have a look at it Broadsword! It would be nice to finally have Empire Zabraks with the correct skin colour options when on the Republic side.

When I get a bit of time, I'll add some screenshots.

EDIT: Here are screenshots with descriptions to show the issue. - https://imgur.com/a/uwZydId

Edited by Dirtnose
Added screenshots
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