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[possible spoilers] Bug in Consular quest??


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Okay, not so much a bug, as I could finish the quest without any problems, just something that irked me...


In chapter one (I assume nearing the end, but this is my first ever SWTOR character...) There is one scene where Yuon Par is obsessed by vivicar, who spits some threats at the player and then attacks...


Thing is... Vivicar draws her (Master Par's) saber in the cutscene, and it looks pretty sith-like and has a red blade.

The moment the cutscene ends and I get control of my character back, the saber hilt looks much more jedi-like and has a blue blade. :rak_02:


Anyone else notice this? I can't imagine this is intended?

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Ok, so maybe I should stop thinking logically when playing this game...



A few minutes later, on Vivicar's ship...


There's a hangar door that I can't open...

There's a bunch of barrels labelled "explosive" right in front of it

What do you do?


OF COURSE you go and ram your lightsaber into the barrels

Which blow the door sky high

... and not a scratch on you.


*** BIOWARE!?!?!??


If those explosives can blast a tank-sized hole into a hangar door... they probably wouldn't be able to find a single intact cell from my body...

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