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Decimate buff in rage/focus tree applied oddly


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Hey folks,


I have done some hybrid build spec exploration on my sith marauder which led me to a perplexing result with my smashes.


The spec was 2/21/23 (get gore and rage armour pen) use shi cho form.


Basically, when I went berserk, then force charge gore and smash, those smashes were hitting for roughly 10.5k (100% armour pen so regadless of target or lvl). I was surprised because my calculation gave me roughly 12k constant for such smashes (no relics on for consistency and full mara set bonus).


So I did some digging and number crunching.


As of right now, full rage mode my smash upper range is 3424 (take upper end only for simplicity, and again no relics on for consistency).


I specced such that I did not have decimate, after which my smash was 2867, a difference of 557 dmg.


Now here comes the interesting part. Full rage spec I went berserk and saw that my smash is only 6207, not even close to the dboule of 3424 with the shock wave buff.


Essentially the thing is, that the shockwave buff is applied to smash BEFORE decimate is applied, and then the original dmg buff by decimate is ADDED on top.


To give numberical example again for clarification: 3424 > shockwave > 2867 x2 > 5651 (shi cho messes with dmg a bit so not exactly double) > 557 dmg is added after for a total of 6207 (again some shi cho inconsistency).


So oddly enough, Decimate and shockwave are not both applied as multipliers (only latter), whilst decimate is merely added on top after shockwave is applied.


I suspect something similar is going on with the shicho form dmg buff as with decimate, it adding the orininal dmg buff AFTER shockwave is applied, hence the slight inconsistency in what is supposed to be dounle not being exactly double without decimate trained.


Any thoughts folks? 6207 instead of 6848 smash upper end with shockwave is a very significant loss, is this working as intended? Logically it does not make sense to me why decimate (and shi cho form dmg buff) is not applied as a multiplier in every single case.

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Did some more testing with smash numbers in that particular spec.


I have got video of getting fully buffed up (reusable adrenal, both obroan relic procs and berserk dmg buff from set bonus, and bloodthirst), showing a smash tooltip with dmg range of 9675 10062.


That smash crits for exactly 13699 with said buffs with gore and 74.82% surge.


Something is very very wrong.


Video at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QnNVDHeVB4&feature=youtu.be

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