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The Official Armor Wishlist Thread

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I know I'm few packs late to the party, but are there any plans to either modify or re-release (Perhaps even reskinned, I don't really care if it comes in bright pink) the Underworld Anarchist set with a non-retarded hood ( http://tor-fashion.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/Underworld-Anarchist-Female-Close.jpg )? The quality of the armor is very high, I like it a lot and even unlocked it in collections (Something I rarely do), but I swear to God that hood makes my characters look like they have cancer or something like that. I understand engine limitations and all that, but if our characters really have to go bald when wearing any kind of armor with a hood, at least model it so that it covers half our face like most other sets ( http://i.imgur.com/gKP7ZdB.png ). Or even better, remove the hood at all, to make it even better looking. It feels out of place on such a particular armor anyway.


Come on cartel market modellers, if you can release the exact same Unstable sabers two packs in a row by simply swapping the hilt models, you can easily swap or remove the hood from the rest of the 3D. I know I could do it in 5 minutes, given the chance to modify the models without getting chased around the house with a ban hammer by you.

Edited by JeKoCZ
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I know I'm few packs late to the party, but are there any plans to either modify or re-release (Perhaps even reskinned, I don't really care if it comes in bright pink) the Underworld Anarchist set with a non-retarded hood ( http://tor-fashion.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/Underworld-Anarchist-Female-Close.jpg )? The quality of the armor is very high, I like it a lot and even unlocked it in collections (Something I rarely do), but I swear to God that hood makes my characters look like they have cancer or something like that. I understand engine limitations and all that, but if our characters really have to go bald when wearing any kind of armor with a hood, at least model it so that it covers half our face like most other sets ( http://i.imgur.com/gKP7ZdB.png ). Or even better, remove the hood at all, to make it even better looking. It feels out of place on such a particular armor anyway.


Come on cartel market modellers, if you can release the exact same Unstable sabers two packs in a row by simply swapping the hilt models, you can easily swap or remove the hood from the rest of the 3D. I know I could do it in 5 minutes, given the chance to modify the models without getting chased around the house with a ban hammer by you.




And a mention for the humour.

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This is Star Wars: The Old Republic, not Star Wars: The Movies MMO and certainly not Star Wars: The Disney ****.

We can see more original armor and robes inspired on classic robes but you wont get a single costume for characters that wont exist in at least 3000 years.



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I would love to see the Inquisitor 1.0 gear back (but I'd settle with at least their masks), I didn't have the opportunity to play the game when it came out and when I found this armors randomly searching it was love at first sight, I looked for it trought all the game and all the forums related to find where to get it, sadly, I noticed that it was removed and I couldn't play with what would be my favorite armor :(


I want to see these armour sets to come back to I hope they bring them back sometime in the future because they look good looking on my sith inquisitor. Bioware please make it happen I would be so happy.

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I don't know...

Maybe Valkorion's Armor?


I mean, that armor is very cool, but on the other hand, would you really want to look like someone who's completely insane, not to mention being extremely manipulative & nihilistic?



A new cybernetic armor set based off of Arcann's prostheses might be cool.


But then you run into a similar problem. Do you really want to run around looking like an emotionally unstable, ruthless, oppressive, & arrogant tyrant who brutally subjugated your people after butchering your fellow elite?


Thank you my friends!


- ScorpioStrikes


Death to Arcann!



Edited by ScorpioStrikes
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Would like to see armor sets similar to the Star Wars Rebels Inquisitors in the game, inspired in particular by the Grand Inquisitor, 7th Sister and briefly seen 8th brother and his awesome helmet.
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Would like to see armor sets similar to the Star Wars Rebels Inquisitors in the game, inspired in particular by the Grand Inquisitor, 7th Sister and briefly seen 8th brother and his awesome helmet.


No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, NO! Please, Bioware, I'm begging you: don't do it! Please don't do it! That show is terrible, not to mention chalk full of poorly designed, ugly looking things, especially that one kid's "lightsaber" which looks more like some sort of nail gun, as well as the armor that the characters wear.


So, again, please don't!

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No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, NO! Please, Bioware, I'm begging you: don't do it! Please don't do it! That show is terrible, not to mention chalk full of poorly designed, ugly looking things, especially that one kid's "lightsaber" which looks more like some sort of nail gun, as well as the armor that the characters wear.


So, again, please don't!


i agree with you 100 percent i hate the inquistors , mainly their sabers, cause they are made in the show just to sell toys it seems like and especially when they started FLYING with them, i get floating down MAYBE, but full on FLIGHT, is just ridiculous , and the Whole skill saw blade OMG use that on my face, i dont mind the helmet of the nameless inquisitor in the finally but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO dont do it i agree

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What do you think? Yes or no on Valkorion's and an Arcann-inspired cybernetic armor set?


i feel like thexan's armor is enough, and theres several sets from some of the force wielders of kotfe , i think they maybe should add his cybernetic helmet or mask w/e. of arkhan but i dont think they should add valkorians , hes the main bad guy atm, i dont think it should be added AT this time,

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Satele shan's NEW robe with the cloak over it, and her hair due. when she is talking to the ghost of marr , really cool looking


Her new hairstyle clips through her own new robe, so.. It's either a mistake in modelling or something "standardized" for future cm features. One thing is for sure, it's not hand-crafted for her specific 3D model, unlike Vaylins outfit, for example. Or any other new armor used by main characters.

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- Exal Kressh's/Lord Vivicar's robes


It would be absolutely amazing to see them wearable in-game. While there are robes that have some resemblance, it would be fantastic to be able to wear the original ones.


- Darth Zash's robes


This would be an amazing alternative for Lord Vivicar's/Exal Kressh's robes, but preferably with neat colouring patterns so they can be dyed properly to the player's wishes


These robes probably have been mentioned earlier, but it would be just so neat if they were added one day.

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Probably been said before and can't be bothered searching through every page of this.


We already have the Covert top, could we get a similar one but with tribal tattoos on it? Would do in place of having body tattoos in the Character Creator options. Especially since you wouldn't really see the tattoos unless you had a covert top on. Would complete my DS red-skinned Twi'lek knight's look perfectly.

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-Anakin Skywalker style robes like he had in Revenge of the Sith. I thought Anakin with his black robes in Revenge of the Sith was incredibly awesome looking.

-That is pretty much it. Robes like Anakin's from Revenge of the Sith that I can use on my Jedi Knight character.

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