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Link PVP ground to GSF


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I read this statement in another post and really thought this could be an intresting concept , I think it would be alot of fun to have a match that is linked to PVP ground fights , lets say the Pilots are flying around dogfighting above multiple ground objectives , but of course the starfighters cant touch the objectives unless the ground team is able to lower shields on it. Then let the Carnage begin.


Or being able to strafe ground PVP'ers on a high speed pass with our blasters if they fight out in the open.

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lets say the Pilots are flying around dogfighting above multiple ground objectives , but of course the starfighters cant touch the objectives unless the ground team is able to lower shields on it.

Interesting idea, but I'm afraid there are already enough reasons for frustration (not permanent, just here and there) as-is (unbalanced matches, teammates refusing to play objectives, Gunship heavy premades) so no need to add another when you hopelessly wait for the shields to lower while your ground team is farmed by the enemy's ground team.

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Also, GSF runs in completely different dimension. Before release, devs mentioned that ships are actually way smaller than characters, which makes it possible to make bigger GSF maps.

It would be more like that GSF players would be the remote controlled models ground players play with.


Anyways, even though it sounds interesing, keep dreaming. :)

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