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What's the point with cooldown on "stuck"?


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So can anyone explain why there is cd, game is so buggy that we need this thing on hotkey.

If you need to use /stuck that often, you must try a lot to get your character to places it shouldn't be going. I use /stuck maybe once a week (and I play some just about every day).

Edited by branmakmuffin
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Most likely it could lead to some sort of abuse.


/stuck also works in situations where your character can still move but you are in a place hard to leave. I'm thinking about one of the lore objects on Oricon in the temple in the middle of the map where the only way to leave is falling off (or using /stuck), thinking about one of the magenta crystal shards in Kaamos territory in the middle of the hillside and the only way to leave is going down to the river (or using /stuck to spawn back at the top), etc.


You might be immune to damage too once stuck so it's safe to assume that they won't us to use /stuck as an easy way to abuse the game.

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Most likely it could lead to some sort of abuse.


That. The command needs to work in a lot of situations to be actually useful, and some of those situations (like somehow surviving falling into the Voidstar reactor chasm) preclude exclusion flags like the character being in combat, so while the command may open up certain abuse vectors, it's rate limited to not make it a universal cheat.

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In addition to the potential for abuse, I would imagine that using it causes some sort of server-side stress when it comes to recalculating your character's position.

It's probably negligible on a per-use basis but if people start spamming it, it could probably generate a significant amount of lag.

Then imagine a bunch of people got together and started doing that.


It does, however, need to be adjusted so that 1) it will work when your position barely changes over time to account for all those times when you get hung but the game still thinks you're moving, and 2) it needs to do a better job of moving you so that you don't just end up still stuck AND on cooldown.

On the 3rd use, it should start giving you the option of returning to the med center.

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If you need to use /stuck that often, you must try a lot to get your character to places it shouldn't be going. I use /stuck maybe once a week (and I play some just about every day).


Not necessarily. In some places on Makeb that were marked as the official path on the map I got stuck pretty often on the broken road pieces. I wouldn't say the problem is the CD on /stuck, though, but the design of those pieces/paths. :rolleyes:

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There shouldn't be such places in a fun game.


This is an MMO. there are ALWAYS places where you can get stuck. That is why virtually every MMO as a /stuck feature in it. ;)


OP, it is to prevent abuse. How would it be abused you ask? Any conceivable way a player can think up.. and players are extremely good at finding every crack in every feature that can be exploited. It can be used to exploit your way to someplace your really should not be (via random repositioning). It can be used to exploit in PvP in a number of ways, though I personally don't see the point.. but some people live for this sort of nonsense.


Not every player would exploit it, even if they could, but enough players would that it's sensible to put it on a timer.


Besides.. the timer is reasonable these days. I remember in early 2012... /stuck was on a 30 minute timer, caused you to die and res at a med facility AND you had to pay for death repairs. It's fine in it's improved state now days IMO.

Edited by Andryah
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