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GSF is proof that SWTOR deserves to F2P


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Yup! I let Mike handle that, he seemed much more interested in afking at a satellite than I was.


Holy crap !

0 at anything but objective... I didn't think it was even achievable.


I hope he got the 8min defense achievement at least... (Damn, can't get it)

Edited by Altheran
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After 2 weeks of excruciating matches trying to learn the game and being so frustrated at not being any good I really wanted to give up. Now I LOVE it! So much fun and lots of depth I really enjoy my time in game. For me on Harbinger queue times are usually just a couple of mins at their longest and matches seem to be getting a lot. more evenly matched as more people get into the game. I definitely don't get the OP's problem. I typically fly under the name Ben-sindu for anyone that wants to fly together.


I've flown with you numerous times, you're GTG.

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Holy crap !

0 at anything but objective... I didn't think it was even achievable.


I hope he got the 8min defense achievement at least... (Damn, can't get it)


lol, awesome, i've done that before, Zero everything except Objective, my scout on flames half the match, and the 8 Min Def. was achieved for it, so i'm sure he got it too...

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This game mode is nothing impressive if your a fanboy of bioware or GSF get over yourself this is a bad concept by bioware more proof that this game is heading to the state of death the combat is so unbalanced if you dont have any of the upgrades you get smoked by the people who already have it. poor design


false... i'm piloting my stock star guard and smoking people..... and i'm no ace

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It certainly still needs work smoothing out the rough edges and working on balance but it's hardly horrible.


That being said I think they'll run into problems sooner rather than later if they don't address the issues people have been flagging during the early access process (they're addressing some of the issues, which is good, they just need to make sure they maintain the current pace at minimum). For example, from what I gather some people have flat out not tried GSF because of not having stick support and long term I think not addressing that promptly will have repercussions.

Edited by Gavin_Kelvar
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It certainly still needs work smoothing out the rough edges and working on balance but it's hardly horrible.


That being said I think they'll run into problems sooner rather than later if they don't address the issues people have been flagging during the early access process (they're addressing some of the issues, which is good, they just need to make sure they maintain the current pace at minimum). For example, from what I gather some people have flat out not tried GSF because of not having stick support and long term I think not addressing that promptly will have repercussions.


Wrong thread, and way off topic, but lets pretend you got stick support, how do you plan on aiming your blasters now?

Keeping them dead center would be gimping yourself so if that is your plan, power to you, but...???

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This game mode is nothing impressive if your a fanboy of bioware or GSF get over yourself this is a bad concept by bioware more proof that this game is heading to the state of death the combat is so unbalanced if you dont have any of the upgrades you get smoked by the people who already have it. poor design


I've seen novadives (generally ther weakest of the fighters in game offensivly) with no upgades top the scoreboard.


upgrades are useful but they're not essential. the guys dusting you? sure maybe they have better ships...


but they're ALSO better pilots

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Holy crap !

0 at anything but objective... I didn't think it was even achievable.


I hope he got the 8min defense achievement at least... (Damn, can't get it)


I can't get that one either. Either I need to come off the node to help my team win, or if I am left unmolested on the node for the entire match, it's over before I hit 8 minutes... :(

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Wrong thread, and way off topic, but lets pretend you got stick support, how do you plan on aiming your blasters now?

Keeping them dead center would be gimping yourself so if that is your plan, power to you, but...???


In a turning dogfight it would probably play to your advantage, not disadvantage, whether you used a mouse or stick to have crosshairs locked to center because you would have no tracking penalties and be able to pull a tighter turn while keeping your sights on target. Personally I'd be thrilled if they just added a button that locked crosshairs to center on/off even if I still had to fly with my mouse (ideally you could lock or unlock crosshairs at will midflight to best suit your current situation).


Now that would put much greater value on turning stats but you can already upgrade them so I'm not sure people would be totally screwed having their crosshairs locked to center.


My point at any rate was that if they don't promptly address the broader balance issues (when some gear are, in their current state, better than others it seems unwise to declare newbie vs geared vet problems as all components as being too powerful and not FotM issues). As for the stick bit in the post you responded to my point was that, like it or not, the lack of that support has driven people away from GSF. Now they can ignore things like that and we may have a stable community but on the other hand wouldn't everyone benefit more in the long run by addressing issues like this as well as it would, in theory, increase the player pool. Obviously balance issues come first though.


While I grant the game still has a bit of work in order to smooth out the rough edges I disagree with the OP that it's a bad concept (since to my knowledge people have been begging for off rails space combat since shortly after launch) nor design that can't be fixed with patches that solve balance issues.

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Wrong thread, and way off topic, but lets pretend you got stick support, how do you plan on aiming your blasters now?

Keeping them dead center would be gimping yourself so if that is your plan, power to you, but...???


You really don't know what youre talking about, like most people who argue against adding joystick support.

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