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General Sentinel questions...


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I have been trying most SWTOR classes, as i plan to make a main toon that i will use most of the time.. in both PvP and PvE.


So far i have narrowed my selection and i am looking at the Sentinel and the Vanguard, as the Commando is too static while the Sage is a glass cannon with no cannon(personal opinion ofc)...


I will most likely be playing the Combat tree. I also hate losing 1v1`s due to the class design - aka if i do everything well i will still lose.


I will mention i have Treek and i will most likely be using it. I will also do most quests when leveling to get the story, so i should be 1-2-3 levels above the mobs in PvE... my questions are more about the level 55 areas.


My questions:


- Can the Sentinel solo the PvE content as well as the next class or are they squishy due to medium armor?(the commando has heavy + 5% reduction when gunnery specced)

- In PvP do you have a chance at 1v1`s ?(not expecting the best 1v1 class here, but not the worst either)


In other words, can the Sentinel do it all reasonably well or should i consider another class?


Thank you for your patience!

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I thought for sure something was going to offer an opinion for you, but since no one has, I'll offer my somewhat less qualified one. I haven't played the vanguard, but I've played four separate sentinels (well, three sentinels and one marauder) and just from what I've noticed, sentinel isn't quite the easy mode gameplay as a ranged class (at least at lower levels), but I never had any problems with soloing PvE content. Watchman spec was definitely easier for me when doing PvE, although I've become more comfortable with Combat lately.


In one on one PvP, I'm probably not the best person to ask as I'm still working on getting my execution down and I tend to suck in warzone PvP, but I've seen plenty of other people do sentinel PvP very well. I've also noticed that, despite my suckage, I tend to be at least somewhat decent facing other players down 1v1, although snipers tend to kick my butt unless I have a lot of obstacles to LOS them or catch them out of cover. I would expect if you're at least somewhat decent in PvP, sentinel would be a decent enough class for you.

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For solo PvE and PvP in general (not only 1vs1), a sentinel in focus specc (right skill tree) is a very good, if not the best choice.


<- In Solo PvE smashing will kill most mob groups instantly, and you'll have no trouble finishing the rest with single target attacks. Easy mode, especially if you have Treek backing you up in healing stance.

<- In PvP the so called "smash monkeys" are the most hated and despised class, and there's a reason for that ;-)

Mind you though, that a skilled PvP player will counter you, no matter which class you play. But for average opponents a Focus Sent is quite a nuisance.


If you're up for Endgame PvE, you can either go Watchman or Combat. If you like going solo, Watchman has better survivability. With the self heals from Zen you can kill any elite, especially if you have Treek in Tank Stance, easily, and even solo heroics, without having to be overgeared.


I can offer a comparison with Gunslinger, Guardian, Sage and Commando DPS and I'd say the combination of survivability vs. Damage Output is best on my Sent - maybe with the exception of going Gunslinger with an overgeared Tank companion.


All this only applies if you know when and how to use your defensive cooldowns, such as Rebuke (basically on CD), Saber Ward (Heavy Damage Incoming), Guarded by the Force (O-Sh** Button when low on health, use medpack after 50% of your Health has expired), and Pacify (Very Heavy Damage coming soon). Use Awe to temporarily stun adds. Use Force Kick to stop dangerous channeled Attacks, also Stasis and Force Leap (if you're Watchman). Use Force Camouflage to give aggro back to your tank. If you're watchman, make good use of your Zen-related self heals.


Sounds more complicated than it is, just train yourself to use those while levelling already...

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Thank you for the reply!


It is a fun class but i am having some problems in low level PvP with it, with a ranged class(sage/commando) i could be 1st in damage and get kills, with the Sentinel well i do damage when i can get close to anyone, but they can slow me, stun me, immobilize me and so on... and with the 10m stun range i have a feeling everyone will have their stun ready for when a melee class gets close....


In other games they balanced this by having melee do a lot more damage and by letting them have more skills to counter ranged classes. Here i am the only one with no stun or knockback. :)


Does it get better or will it be just as hard to pvp with no healer even at endgame?

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PvP as Melee in SWTOR is pretty darn hard in general. But: Once you have all your skills, you have great utility as a Sent. But dealing with ranged players will always be a challenge.


If thinks go bad, you can always do this in endgame PvP: Guarded by the Force and get the hell out, throw medpack. Ideally, pop Force Camouflage and LOS the players that are attacking you. You may even be able to wait until you get out of combat and meditate, then get back in action. You'd be surprised how often that acutally works. (Can't have dots on you though).


Generally if you make clever use of all the abilities you have as a Sent, not just the obivous ones, you're good.


Another example: Don't forget about Crippling throw, it's a mighty healing debuff you can put on opponents and many Sents don't use it at all (plus it has 10 m range).


But: Going alone against two players, especially ranged, will rarely end well. For competitive endgame PvP you should always be backed up by a healer. But that goes for any DPS class.

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Thank you for the reply!


It is a fun class but i am having some problems in low level PvP with it, with a ranged class(sage/commando) i could be 1st in damage and get kills, with the Sentinel well i do damage when i can get close to anyone, but they can slow me, stun me, immobilize me and so on... and with the 10m stun range i have a feeling everyone will have their stun ready for when a melee class gets close....


In other games they balanced this by having melee do a lot more damage and by letting them have more skills to counter ranged classes. Here i am the only one with no stun or knockback. :)


Does it get better or will it be just as hard to pvp with no healer even at endgame?


It's really hard to PvP on any class at end game, but sentinel is one of the stronger PvP damage classes at end game. The Focus bomber is much easier to play, but combat is devastating when geared and played well. Their single target burst is equal to or better than any class when the RNG gods align.

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  • 2 weeks later...

- Can the Sentinel solo the PvE content as well as the next class or are they squishy due to medium armor?(the commando has heavy + 5% reduction when gunnery specced)

- In PvP do you have a chance at 1v1`s ?(not expecting the best 1v1 class here, but not the worst either)


what PVE content do you want to solo? If FP/heroic-4 in same level or operations then it does not work out. For other things,should be able to. Medium armor is just an "Illusion". You have a bunch of damage reduction things, both passive or active.


As to PVP, If you want some class to blow up an enemy in a few seconds, combat sent is one of the best choices. It's born for 1v1...

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