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The AFK's.


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To just get the daily in for xp more than likely, it's happening a lot on imp side on my server, which makes no sense, spend all that time to sit in queue just to park your ship and /afk. Not being able to vote kick them out is equally annoying.
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I do this occasionally in very bad matches or against professional groups/guilds. When I fly out and immediately get shot down by 3+ heavily upgraded gunships (that I can't BUY until February...), well, I refuse to just be fodder for someone's kill count. Remember that there are some very casual GSF players out there that do the daily/weekly requirements and then never play another game. There are also players like me who are screwed out of good ships until this stupid early access thing is over with.


The upgrading curve in GSF is ridiculous as well, at least in normal PVP you have bolster to help you out while leveling... New players coming in February are going to get their asses handed to them. GSF needs a ranking system sooner then later.

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There's an AFK-fixer on PTS right now, but it only times you out if you don't interact with an objective or deal damage. It doesn't fix botters that fly to nodes and sit on them doing nothing... because technically, that's interacting, right?



Edited by TrinityLyre
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There's an AFK-fixer on PTS right now, but it only times you out if you don't interact with an objective or deal damage. It doesn't fix botters that fly to nodes and sit on them doing nothing... because technically, that's interacting, right?





in fairness how do you fix that without unfairly kicking team players who are there to guard the nodes?

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I do this occasionally in very bad matches or against professional groups/guilds. When I fly out and immediately get shot down by 3+ heavily upgraded gunships (that I can't BUY until February...), well, I refuse to just be fodder for someone's kill count. Remember that there are some very casual GSF players out there that do the daily/weekly requirements and then never play another game. There are also players like me who are screwed out of good ships until this stupid early access thing is over with.


The upgrading curve in GSF is ridiculous as well, at least in normal PVP you have bolster to help you out while leveling... New players coming in February are going to get their asses handed to them. GSF needs a ranking system sooner then later.


You want good gear? Earn it like everyone else.

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in fairness how do you fix that without unfairly kicking team players who are there to guard the nodes?


I suppose the best way is to kick players who literally sit on the node for more than a minute instead of move around it. I think my preferred way would be to have the ridiculous amount of reports our server has sent in actually be actioned on in some way, though. It's pretty irritating to queue any time of day or night on any given day to have an automatic handicap on our team.

Edited by TrinityLyre
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On my server (Bastion) there's this one person on Imp side which I can't name his name because it's against rules here, he's using a script that makes his toon do the exact same thing (flies to node A with Feedback shield on firing in open space until he dies and respawns and do it again). Ending with 0's in his stats, or maybe 1 assist from the Feedback shield damage. If you play on Bastion, you can find out who he is easily. Edited by Sadishist
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I suppose the best way is to kick players who literally sit on the node for more than a minute instead of move around it. I think my preferred way would be to have the ridiculous amount of reports our server has sent in actually be actioned on in some way, though. It's pretty irritating to queue any time of day or night on any given day to have an automatic handicap on our team.


Problem is that what if that person is the only one there defending the node? I've had matches where only one person stayed at a single node all game defending. Granted he/she got some medals for killing people that attacked that node but overall, I don't think botting at a node is really going to be all that effective because people do attack all nodes at least once a game.

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Problem is that what if that person is the only one there defending the node? I've had matches where only one person stayed at a single node all game defending. Granted he/she got some medals for killing people that attacked that node but overall, I don't think botting at a node is really going to be all that effective because people do attack all nodes at least once a game.


They can move around the node? They don't have to be stationary to defend the satellite. As mentioned in another thread that isn't really in the spirit of starfighter combat anyway. Regardless, this wouldn't be an issue if tickets were actually looked into and actioned upon. I can only imagine what this is going to be like when GSF actually launches.


And that's the point, this type of botting isn't effective or even useful to the team. The only thing it does it cause the faction with the botter to be playing handicapped with one less slot for a real player who could presumably do more than fly over A and hit X. That team is consistently flying 7v8 or 11v12.


I have seriously never seen a single match where people ever afked, no joke, never, what server does this usually happen at?


Judging by your forum signature, your server. The player is very consistent in getting into matches at almost all times of the day. Man, that guy's a real ace.

Edited by TrinityLyre
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Problem is that what if that person is the only one there defending the node? I've had matches where only one person stayed at a single node all game defending. Granted he/she got some medals for killing people that attacked that node but overall, I don't think botting at a node is really going to be all that effective because people do attack all nodes at least once a game.


exactly, kicking people who sit on a node would just mean that you would be kicking people for defending a node, I do it all the time on my gunship, I ion them to screw their engines and weapons, then I slug gun them again and again, does that make me an afker?

Edited by Sangrar
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On my server (Bastion) there's this one person on Imp side which I can't name his name because it's against rules here, he's using a script that makes his toon do the exact same thing (flies to node A with Feedback shield on firing in open space until he dies and respawns and do it again). Ending with 0's in his stats, or maybe 1 assist from the Feedback shield damage. If you play on Bastion, you can find out who he is easily.


I know exactly who you are talking about Sadishist. It does kind of suck for your team when he shows up and I love telling all the new players who see a gunship not to worry about THAT gunship because of that :D.

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I know exactly who you are talking about Sadishist. It does kind of suck for your team when he shows up and I love telling all the new players who see a gunship not to worry about THAT gunship because of that :D.


There are 3 of them now. And growing, I guess.

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exactly, kicking people who sit on a node would just mean that you would be kicking people for defending a node, I do it all the time on my gunship, I ion them to screw their engines and weapons, then I slug gun them again and again, does that make me an afker?


Yes, it does, and you should be kicked from the match. Unless you abandon the node and chase after kills, you're an AFKer.;)


There's an AFK-fixer on PTS right now, but it only times you out if you don't interact with an objective or deal damage. It doesn't fix botters that fly to nodes and sit on them doing nothing... because technically, that's interacting, right?




lol, I'll laugh pretty hard if bioware implements something like this. Good luck not getting booted from a match if you get 3capped by a competent premade and can't get a shot in before dying. That would definitely kill the starfighter playerbase, even with F2P and their presumably 5 match per week limit. Nobody wants to play a game where you get kicked because you don't perform well.


They should probably make the main control point ship spawn areas an AFK zone with a timer where you have to leave the area or get booted, but a system requiring objectives/damage throughout the match or else you get booted is just dumb.

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You want good gear? Earn it like everyone else.


You entirely missed the point. His point is that you cannot be successful when you are constantly pitted against premades with full upgrades if you have no chance and you're just going to get farmed. He didn't say "I shouldn't have to earn gear" he said "I shouldn't have to earn gear in a situation where earning requisition is nearly impossible and having fun is outright impossible, I'd prefer a ranking system where new players play against new players and experienced players play against experienced players." There is NOTHING unreasonable about that request.


The lack of matchmaking/ranking is a serious detriment to GSF, and anyone that doesn't see that is fooling themselves. And it absolutely contributes to the AFK problem. Everyone agrees that GSF has a very steep learning curve and it takes a lot of practice to get good. You'll never get good if you are a newer/casual players and constantly pitted against folks with 300+ matches experience and fully upgraded ships. You'll never get good, but you certainly will get farmed and most players will quit after doing that a handful of times. I've spoken to MANY players that have tried GSF, been in multiple matches where they are pitted against a premade or a team with tons of experience and upgrades, they get farmed for 5-10 matches, and they simply stop queueing. It's not the farmers' fault--they go into a match, they play their best. Nothing wrong with that. But right now the barriers to entry for GSF are getting steeper and steeper, and every day they get steeper still. If proper matchmaking doesn't get sorted out, you'll either end up with a worse AFK problem or queues rarely (if ever) popping.


On my server (Shadowlands) the pubs farm the imps so much that more than half the matches I play now are pub v. pub. I think tons of imps just stopped queueing, they just got tired of constantly facing teams they had no hope of competing with. Hence an increase in AFKs.

Edited by Eldrenath
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