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I have been gone for three years. What has changed?


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I am not sure if any of you remember me, but I posted quite rigorously during my time on here in January 2012 -- my name MAY ring a bell or two. Anyway, I've decided to return. I got to thinking about joining potentially great MMORPGs. In that process, I thought about what MMORPGs had a good hook on me out of all the MMORPGs that I tried -- it turns out that THIS GAME, out of all of the MMORPGs that I have tried, had the firmest grip. I attribute that to my pre-TOR love for Star Wars.


Anyway, I am assuming a lot has changed. My game is in the process of downloading, and installing the main assets required. Does anybody want to fill me in on what has changed during my time away?


Thanks. :)

Edited by Sinister-Sith
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New max specs for armor, new Operations, two new planets, one of which is quite expansive, one new moon, Galactic Star Fighter PvP, Class Changes, lots of new items in the Cartel Market, The Gree Event--which you just missed--Bounty Hunter Week, and some other things I'm sure that I'm missing.
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New max specs for armor, new Operations, two new planets, one of which is quite expansive, one new moon, Galactic Star Fighter PvP, Class Changes, lots of new items in the Cartel Market, The Gree Event--which you just missed--Bounty Hunter Week, and some other things I'm sure that I'm missing.


I don't think you missed anything. Well, lots, and lots of Class changes, then they added a whole new section to the Republic/Imperial fleet, the northern(Republic) and Southern(Imperial) elevators on the Imperial Fleet now has appeared, and when you go to it, there is the Cartel bazaar.

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They ~just celebrated 2 year Anniversary, how could you be gone 3 years xD you make it seem like you never played the game then.


I think the OP thinks they are in the year 2015 considering he mentions being here in January 2012 :p

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First off welcome back, secondly it would seem that you missed the launch of teh game and everything after that too. If you need a server home please give Jedi Covenant a try and if you are searching for a guild on the Republic side Check out Souls of Fate!

SWTOR has gotten pretty awesome since BETA, but there are still some bugs and issues. All in all the game is pretty awesome (as long as they decide not to Nerf Freighter flyby the way they are talking about nerfing it).

You have to check out Starfighter!!! It is fracking awesome!!

Anyway, Welcome back and I hope you enjoy your time with SWTOR!

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