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Two Suggestions for Improvements.


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One: Defense turrets either need the damage from their attacks or their accuracy nerfed. I'm in a scout fighter, with evasion stats boosted, I still get hit virtually EVERY shot they take at me.


Two: Nerf the range on gunships, the damage they do per shot, or increase the amount of power it takes for them to shoot while decreasing their energy regen. They do too much damage and can take too many shots from pretty damn far away to be fair to other ship types, and 90% of the time they're the ones who get the drop on their target, not the other way around. Something needs to be done to make them more vulnerable.

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One: Defense turrets either need the damage from their attacks or their accuracy nerfed. I'm in a scout fighter, with evasion stats boosted, I still get hit virtually EVERY shot they take at me.


If you do things well you should only be hit by one or two hits, only harming your shields, without having to rely on evasion.


From experience, it seems they have terrible accuracy and tracking penalties, so as soon as you don't attack them upfront (your pointer being dead center) it seems they do much less damage (you do less damage as well, but your penalty is much smoother).


You may also be interested in taking blasters and/or missiles with longer range. Turrets range being like 5000m and having a delay before reacting to your presence, with these weapons you may be able to damage them for 25%-30% of their HP before they shot at you once. In this case you don't have to care much about the shots you take given the advantage you have over them.

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My novadive, a stock scout, is my ship of choice for taking down turrets. I can easily do all three turrets on a sat without taking hull damage, though it does mean using my quick charge cooldown.


What doesn't work is ignoring turrets. Approach at such an angle that only one or two can shoot at you, and then circle around the sat at a great enough distance so that you have just enough space to make successful attack runs on the subsequent two turrets. A single turret doesn't do much damage, and they take a second or so to detect you and start firing so using the body of the sat to make sure that only one turret has line of sight to you is very effective. Dogfighting in range of turrets is a bad idea. If you get killed a lot doing that you should probably change your flying strategy. Either dogfight farther away from the sat, or kill the turrets before dogfighting (with practice it takes less than 30 seconds to get all three turrets).


As far as gunships go, fully upgraded ion railguns are just flat out broken in terms of game balance. Given the number of threads about that I'm sure the developers know about that, and I'd be very surprised if the ion railgun doesn't get at least a moderate nerf. Slug railguns are borderline in terms of being overpowered, but that's primarily in combination with the Bypass crew skill, and since Bypass is also creating issues with excessive burst damage from flashfire/sting/cartel scouts it may wind up getting a bit of a nerf as well. Outside of those two issues though, gunships aren't really all that bad as long as you keep an eye out and spot them before they start shooting at you.

Edited by Ramalina
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