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open world PVP for GSF


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Rules of intergalactic space combat, and why it would be a mostly worthless feature.


1. chasing another ship can take forever unless you have a faster class. most of the ships you fly are not optimized for 1v1 therefore the ones that are will dominate, also no one will ever catch a novadive/blackbolt.


2. you only engage near points of interest, well we won't need to actually defend planets in open world. You just laugh reinforce your shields and fly past your attacker.


basically there is little to no return on the time Bioware would need to invest in this feature, and therefor they should be spending it elsewhere.

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basically there is little to no return on the time Bioware would need to invest in this feature, and therefor they should be spending it elsewhere.

Not to mention, that anyone, who does not want to get blown up would just waive the "PvE"-flag and be immune to attacks on traveling.


Non-PvP-servers cannot have any kind of forced PvP...

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Rules of intergalactic space combat, and why it would be a mostly worthless feature.


1. chasing another ship can take forever unless you have a faster class. most of the ships you fly are not optimized for 1v1 therefore the ones that are will dominate, also no one will ever catch a novadive/blackbolt.


2. you only engage near points of interest, well we won't need to actually defend planets in open world. You just laugh reinforce your shields and fly past your attacker.


basically there is little to no return on the time Bioware would need to invest in this feature, and therefor they should be spending it elsewhere.

1. One word: Interdictor

2. Straight paths from point A to point B would be well travelled, no?

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I just thought of maybe have a "Spacer Lane" instance. So from fleet, join the DK lane. and if you make it to the end andwant out you can. Hang in the lane and want to shoot it out, do it. Die you start over or you can exit. Make lanes either to a place or from a place. Hutta lane or Fleet lane...


not quite open world... but just a quick thought.

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