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Are fleet req ships worth getting?


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I have 2 questions about the fleet requisition ships. I am sure they have already been answered, but apparently can't think of keywords to search on that are specific enough to find the info I'm looking for. Thanks in advance for any responses.


1. Do you feel the fleet requisition ships are worth getting? (I am mostly interested in the Strike Fighter)


2. Can you use your upgraded components from your current ships on fleet req ships of the same type, or do you have to upgrading the new ship all over again?

Edited by Solloby
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I have 2 questions about the fleet requisition ships. I am sure they have already been answered, but apparently can't think of keywords to search on that are specific enough to find the info I'm looking for. Thanks in advance for any responses.


1. Do you feel the fleet requisition ships are worth getting? (I am mostly interested in the Strike Fighter)


2. Can you use your upgraded components from your current ships on fleet req ships of the same type, or do you have to upgrading the new ship all over again?


1. The Sting/Flashfire (scouts) seem to be the most popular ships right now, and (some) people perceive them as most powerful as well - see other threads in this subforum. The Fleet Strikers' main difference compared to basic Strikers is that the Fleet ones can carry two types of missiles (and switch between them), while the default ones carry two types of cannons (and switch between them). In my opinion, the two-missiles fighters are more defenders than dogfighters, but I don't have much experience with them.

The advantage of getting fleet requisition ships is that Daily/Weekly grants Requisition to each ship (so for a Daily, you get 2250 total requisition when you have 3 ships, and 3750 total requisition when you have 5 ships). You can then use Cartel Coins to convert this (ship) requisition to fleet requisition, and subsequently use the fleet requisition to gear a single ship at a faster rate.


2. Nope, every ship must be upgraded from the scratch, the upgrades do not transfer.

Edited by Danylia
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TBH the stock Striker has better component options, while the fleet one is more generic.


I have both and am following a policy of not spending fleet req on anything but ship type unlocks, so I have not unlocked a single component using fleet req.


I fly both too, one key thing you need to know about the pike/quell is it's stock built as a fighter bomber. Meaning it's loadout really sucks for attacking fast fighters. You'll probably be buying different missile classes, and you really need to upgrade those missiles to gain the 14% reduction to lock time as it makes a huge difference.


Personally I have all three strikers unlocked because any work on one becomes req on others through the daily weekly. it is nice to have a more focused role on each ship that I can switch out during a match.

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They are only worth getting if you:


1) Prefer the looks of them over the equivalent non-cartel ship. (They are have exactly the same available components.)


2) You plan to use lots of coins to convert requisitions to upgrade a ship. (Since having more ships accelerates your requisition gains from the daily and weekly quest.)


The only other advantage they have is a 10% boost to requisition gains, but in my mind that's not really a big enough advantage to warrant buying them on their own.


Full disclosure: I actually own all four of the cartel ships because I am something of a completionist. I purchased them off the GTN for credits, though, so I have not actually spent any coins on them. Of all of them, the only one I've flown is the Ocula, because I think it looks better than the Sting, so it's reason #1 above for me. :)

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1) Prefer the looks of them over the equivalent non-cartel ship. (They are have exactly the same available components.)

That statement is false for strike fighters, but true for scouts.


The fleet-req scout is identical with the cartel scout, not with the generic scout.

The cartel strike is identical with the generic strike, not with the fleet-req strike.

Edited by JPryde
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