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Do people feel like only one of the story or gameplay is good for a given class?


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For instance, I'm finding the Sith Inquisitor storyline increasingly less satisfying, mostly because of a peculiar degeneration of character: the snarky, elegant and frequently kindhearted character I enjoyed a lot on Korriban seemed to utterly vanish from possible dialogue options over time. However, the playstyle of being a Sith Sorcerer is remarkably fun for me, easily my favorite playstyle (although for lore reasons of feeling like too much lightning gets thrown around, the Jedi Sage has grown to eclipse it).


On the other hand, the Sith Warrior storyline is one I really want to get into now, because it seems like the companions and plot are quite good from what I've heard, but the playstyle of heavy meleeing isn't entirely to my liking (additionally, the female Warrior's voice acting seems to have been recorded badly, as it constantly sounds harsh and artificial; the male recording is fine, and it's making me strangely tempted to play a male character for the first time, if only so I could romance Vette). Has either one of these things happened to other people here?

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Meh. There are enough playstyles in each class that I don't find gameplay to be a particular problem for any of them. For example, although I dislike the Defense/Immortal spec for Guardians and Juggernauts in solo play, I'm extremely fond of Vigilance/Vengeance, so I spec to that when I'm not grouped.
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For instance, I'm finding the Sith Inquisitor storyline increasingly less satisfying, mostly because of a peculiar degeneration of character: the snarky, elegant and frequently kindhearted character I enjoyed a lot on Korriban seemed to utterly vanish from possible dialogue options over time. However, the playstyle of being a Sith Sorcerer is remarkably fun for me, easily my favorite playstyle (although for lore reasons of feeling like too much lightning gets thrown around, the Jedi Sage has grown to eclipse it).


On the other hand, the Sith Warrior storyline is one I really want to get into now, because it seems like the companions and plot are quite good from what I've heard, but the playstyle of heavy meleeing isn't entirely to my liking (additionally, the female Warrior's voice acting seems to have been recorded badly, as it constantly sounds harsh and artificial; the male recording is fine, and it's making me strangely tempted to play a male character for the first time, if only so I could romance Vette). Has either one of these things happened to other people here?


Well some stories are essentially written with one alignment in question, with the Sith Inquisitor he has to harden up or be destroyed, making some of the LS choices less realistic, and thus essentially only his DS choices get a decent airing. The warrior and the Knight have decent DS and LS writing, and the Agent has great writing for everything. The Jedi Consular has bad DS writing, coming across as a petulant idiot if you go DS. The Trooper has sporadic DS writing in my opinion, while the Bounty Hunter has spotty LS writing, that is to say mostly it's good with occassional sub-par writing. The Smuggler is good for most choices but has has bad choices on both LS and DS sides, and no matter what you go for you will eventually come across something that makes you say "What the @#%&".

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The Inquisitor does some growing up during the story, it's true but I didn't find it a bad thing. They are completely insane though, like actually mentally unstable, so keep that in mind.


Here is one quote form them: "I prefer to call it... differently reasoned" when the line on the wheel says "I'm not insane"

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Sniper was a fun pew pew fest, and Operative is neat, but I doubt I will finish leveling my sniper. The story (especially Act 2) triggers psychosomatic trauma-related headaches and panic attacks for me.


On the Smuggler side, however, my Scoundrel is loads of fun. I'm working on Voss with him now and, with one small exception, enjoyed the entire story.

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The Inquisitor does some growing up during the story, it's true but I didn't find it a bad thing. They are completely insane though, like actually mentally unstable, so keep that in mind.


Here is one quote form them: "I prefer to call it... differently reasoned" when the line on the wheel says "I'm not insane"

This actually helps, and makes some sense; the whole slave thing combined with being a vessel for multiple Force ghosts, as well as constantly channeling the dark side while still trying not to let it warp their personality, would cause quite a collective strain.

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