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Issues with GSF ppl whine about commented + Few suggestions to Bioware


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Good day everyone and sorry for long post, but I just couldn't hold it anymore.


I've been watching some clumsy attempts of people to play GSF, whine about it on the Fleet without trying to dig into any more details. I would like to give few ideas and also comment on some complains people made on the forum. To name those:

1. Strike Fighters and usability

2. Evasion

3. Gunships



But first of all I believe the issue is with people misunderstanding game mechanics as well as Bioware's idea not fully matching the way people play. Main problem I realised with people that they tend to favour DPS (*yawn* like in any other game, everyone wants to run around with big d**k). Most pilots I spoke with were upgrading their weapons as their first choice. Few good pilots I spoke with, always started with survivability. I must tell you: don't think about guns upgrades as your first choice (you can however switch some primary/secondary weapons), you are going to miss 70-80% of the time, so in my opinion weapons upgrades as first prio - waste of money. Staying alive is much more important. I was able to easily dogfight 1 vs 2 ships with cluster missiles and just noob light/quad lasers once I had my defence skills fully upgraded.

Also people misunderstand ship roles. I actively use: 1 scout to chase gunships and another to dogfight (depending on game situation), 1 strike fighter to defend objectives (but normally in a group).


1, 2. Now lets discuss Strike Fighters, Scouts and Evasion

1.1 I will mix them under this point, since I assume/see SF pilots complain more about this than scouts fighting another scout.

I do fly primarily scouts and strike fighters. There are almost no issues with evasion; main issue is that people normally:

a) don't let scouts evasion wear off when they see it

b) don't use their defensive components (i.e. quick shield recharge, frontal shields, retro, etc when going face to face against scout)

c) almost always select crew member with bloody CRIT bonus. Why?! Why are you so obsessed with seeing big red figure of 500-600 damage once in half an hour? Honestly getting 20% evasion debuff for 20 secs on your target and boosting your lasers accuracy instead of crit will make quite a difference against so called invulnerable targets.


The only SUGGESTION to BIOWARE is to reduce cooldown on this (20% evasion debuff) ability to 40-35 seconds or so.


1.2 Ion Cannons

I was really surprised to see people write on forums saying that this is useless option. If you can't aim - yes, most likely any will be.

Also this weapon shines if you are assisted by other team members nearby. You normally will get 40-50+k damage, 15+ assists during a match; however 3-5 kills (and im talking about 8 vs 8 matches), but honestly, who cares...

Not upgraded Ion cannon hits for 700+ damage/tick, in 99% you will get at least 1500 damage almost instantly if you catch your target with aim/crosshair. As soon as you see two hits in a row - quickly switch to normal lasers and cluster missile at the same time (even if s/he enabled evasion - cluster missiles will almost finish him). Normally your rival scout is dead (or running away wondering ***) after this. In a team you can continue hitting with Ion cannons to drain their engines. Quite nice seeing them not being able to boost (even though I hate it playing a scout).


People just need to get used to quick switch between SF primary weapons; however I would like to SUGGEST BIOWARE:

a) it would be very nice (esp. for new players) if there would be no need reclick Mouse1 after weapon switch but continue keeping it pressed (I understand its easy mode but GSF is quite an arcade mode game, anyway even though you get used to this re-click as well)

b) allow people to rebind 2nd mouse button to keyboard as well (people have different hands physiology and I would imagine having ability to enable/switch/fire lasers and missiles with different hands can make some people life easier. Took me a while to get used)


1.3 The only issue I see is that 100% team of Scouts would normally win against 100% team of Strike Fighters. Strike Fighters just don't have enough engine power to outrun Scouts if scouts are heavily focused on objectives (which normally they should be). In PUG issue is that scouts can go in gank groups and nothing GS can do about it but either hold one satellite and hope for the best or spread across and be ganked by full enemy team running from point A to C in 10 seconds. I just don't think Bioware thought the dynamics of the game would be as it is but more a balanced teams of Strike Fighters, Scouts and Gunships each filling its role. Well, theory and reality do not always match.

I would (SUGGEST) give SFs some more engine power (they are bigger must have more power by default ;) ) or remove from scouts. Scouts shall rely more on their engine/booster/shield conversion abilities). I believe that distance SF shall be able to travel shall be equal to Scout without Booster recharge/shield convertor.




3. Gunships


Well, not much to say here. I would nerf some of their offensive abilities, as well as their defences. I can see sometimes gunships sitting under the satellites (not moving) tanking. Technically this role shall be high damage but paper tank and normally shine in a coordinated team only, rather than how it is nowadays.

But main issue is that you need to have a scout or two in a team with booster recharge/shield convertor etc to chase them around (I also have full sensor dampers) and you will be more or less fine. Sadly noone likes to do this job in PUG.

Edited by AdvancedJedi
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