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S-13 Sting Primary Weapon

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Burst with armor pen and shield damage. I'd run double shield pierce/damage since shields annoy me, but my scout doubles as an objective capture, so I like having additional anti-turret offense. The lasers aren't bad, but I'm not used to fighting opponents that stay still, so I like having the damage coming in bigger chunks when I get them in my sights. Edited by Luneward
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I currently use Blaster at Tier 5.


Quick clarification: which one is 'blaster'?

Rapid-fire laser cannon

Light laser cannon

Burst laser cannon

Quad laser cannon


I currently use Quad laser cannon on my Flashfire, though I'm seriously considering the Burst laser cannon.

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Burst with armor pen and shield damage. I'd run double shield pierce/damage since shields annoy me, but my scout doubles as an objective capture, so I like having additional anti-turret offense.


I'd like to point out that armor ignore against turrets only saves you a second or two per turret (two shots vs five plus a cluster missile). Personally, I don't think that's a worthwhile trade, even if you're constantly taking out eight or more turrets per match.

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