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Will Bombers ruin GSF once more?


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If anyone could screw up GSF its the people who made a star wars game that was a flop and released a space flight game with mouse only controls and no first person view.


I think bombers will probably ruin GSF for the good pilots but then again those good pilots ruin GSF for the nose pickers who quit playing because they cant fly. The last time I tried to play GSF the que took 15minutes and it was 5vs5 all republic, most of the player base quit playing because they cant fly and they even get destroyed in gunships And the hardcore flight people quit or just never bothered to play it in the first place because theres no stick or first person view.

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Please log on to the PTS and do something about it. There are too few players on the PTS to get any GSF pop, we didnt have a game today.


Complaining about the perceived opness of Bombers is fine and all, but actually testing them and giving the devs some feedback after the changes from beta would be even better.

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This is honestly the smartest idea I have heard, and may be a viable solution to the awful gunship problem there is right now in GS. Gunships and Bombers should be capped, maybe dependent on the size of the group (2 for a team of 8, 3 for a team of 12?) to prevent these terrible debacles with four gunships camped in formation, guarding each other and able to shoot at two separate satellites... I've been on the receiving end and it was impossible to win even with 4 other veteran aces in my group.


I fully support a cap for the number Gunships and Bombers that can be deployed at one time.

a cap for gunships and bombers sounds like a wonderful idea. the problem is choosing who gets to be in the gunship or bomber. at least in the case of gunships, they are very popular and finding a system of choosing will be hard, and making one that keeps everyone happy is nearly impossible. but i support this idea too, its hard to have any fun when you're always hiding behind something because there's so many gunships around. not to mention with so many out there they can pretty much get you from any angle.

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This is honestly the smartest idea I have heard, and may be a viable solution to the awful gunship problem there is right now in GS. Gunships and Bombers should be capped, maybe dependent on the size of the group (2 for a team of 8, 3 for a team of 12?) to prevent these terrible debacles with four gunships camped in formation, guarding each other and able to shoot at two separate satellites... I've been on the receiving end and it was impossible to win even with 4 other veteran aces in my group.


I fully support a cap for the number Gunships and Bombers that can be deployed at one time.


I hope Bioware doesn't do this. Removing options for players isn't a good idea right now, and this just makes it too easy to troll your team by picking up a gunship or bomber and going AFK.


Limiting the number of people who can play a certain class - in any game, in any genre, across every example that has ever existed - is a bandaid fix. There are deeper problems with the class, and implementing this limitation fixes none of those problems while introducing many other potential problems.

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I was also on the receiving end of this type of play the other day and it wasn't fun. At least four or five Gunships spread out to provide full coverage of all Sats and each other, plus all were close enough to the respawn points to enable them to escape every pursuer while giving their GS wingmen time to line up kill shots during the pursuit. I chased one all the way back to to his/her Capital Ship and when I peeled off to avoid the turret fire a wingman got shots on me and after I exploded I saw the same GS I had pursued shooting my teammates from safe cover of the Capital Ship.


I'll just say....if my Strikefighter brethren/sistren and I are given the right tools we can use skill to help dismantle this tactic. We are built to be tough but just don't have the right offensive capabilities to close the deal in these kinds of situations. Getting in close while under railgun fire was difficult enough so I should have been capable to finish off that GS either before he could escape and/or before his wingman could respond but as is, he was my virtual equal in jousting (survived long enough to damage me and run) AND I couldn't catch up to him after he turned tail.


p.s. And as per another thread, there should definitely be some penalty for running to the Capital Ships for cover


I think Gunships are too mobile and are too easily able to run back to their cap ships. Either move the capships further away and give repawners a few seconds of extra speed boost after respawning, or else remove Barrel Roll from Gunships.

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I think Gunships are too mobile and are too easily able to run back to their cap ships. Either move the capships further away and give repawners a few seconds of extra speed boost after respawning, or else remove Barrel Roll from Gunships.


Too much confusing code. Just let the GS run away and be useless to his/her group, while you turn around and be useful to yours. Works well for me.

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Too much confusing code. Just let the GS run away and be useless to his/her group, while you turn around and be useful to yours. Works well for me.


Problem is the GS is still very useful while under the protection of the Cap Ship. When you break off they can literally shoot you in the front or back from this protective area while they are out of range of your weapons. Also Barrel Roll + Railgun range means they can almost instantly pop back into range from the Cap ship. This is why I think there should be a "time out" penalty for everyone using Cap ships for cover.


I honestly don't support a nerf Barrel Roll on GS, I think it would make things less fun for everyone. I just think there should be a reasonable counter to the GS barrel roll tactics. I use Barrel Roll to get in range of them but before AND after you get in range they have superior advantages (tool wise) especially over any pilots using a Strike Fighter.

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Problem is the GS is still very useful while under the protection of the Cap Ship. When you break off they can literally shoot you in the front or back from this protective area while they are out of range of your weapons. Also Barrel Roll + Railgun range means they can almost instantly pop back into range from the Cap ship. This is why I think there should be a "time out" penalty for everyone using Cap ships for cover.


I honestly don't support a nerf Barrel Roll on GS, I think it would make things less fun for everyone. I just think there should be a reasonable counter to the GS barrel roll tactics. I use Barrel Roll to get in range of them but before AND after you get in range they have superior advantages (tool wise) especially over any pilots using a Strike Fighter.


I've seen similar gameplay from the stealth classes in ground pvp, They give their licks and stealth out and run away once you start to hurt them. Yes this is uber annoying but I've come to the conclusion that it isn't effective, sure they don't die and you have to worry about them still, but you still need to worry about them if they respawn anyway. Meanwhile they aren't progressing objectives.

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from testing the bombers that are currently on test server I don't think a bomber will ruin GSF.


I fly a GS, and I was consistently finishing top on damage etc.


if you have gunships in ya team that work as a team bombers can be counted very easy, yeah they very tough to destroy but there drones and mines etc can be picked off eaqsily from ya gunship if hes a team player that way the scouts/fighters can get to bombers without being almost dead by time they get to them.


only issue I have with a bomber is this hyperspace beacon they drop, some drop it right under a base at start.

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I've seen similar gameplay from the stealth classes in ground pvp, They give their licks and stealth out and run away once you start to hurt them. Yes this is uber annoying but I've come to the conclusion that it isn't effective, sure they don't die and you have to worry about them still, but you still need to worry about them if they respawn anyway. Meanwhile they aren't progressing objectives.


Yeah but can any of these ground PVP Stealth classes one shot you?

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Problem is the GS is still very useful while under the protection of the Cap Ship. When you break off they can literally shoot you in the front or back from this protective area while they are out of range of your weapons. Also Barrel Roll + Railgun range means they can almost instantly pop back into range from the Cap ship. This is why I think there should be a "time out" penalty for everyone using Cap ships for cover.


How about the capitol ship opens fire on the coward for fleeing a fight? (desertion) You get killed for fleeing out of bounds otherwise. Why is this any different?

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Yeah but can any of these ground PVP Stealth classes one shot you?


As my signature indicates I'm a striker pilot, I don't get one shot by GS.


Only time a full health Striker gets one shot by a GS is when all these happen:


- GS is fully upgraded

- GS has full power weapons

- GS has active companion abilities

- GS has full charge

- favorable RNG roll


I've got soo many matches under my belt and I get one shot buy GS so rarely that I don't for one minute think about it, until someone in these forums complains. No doubt a scout pilot.

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As my signature indicates I'm a striker pilot, I don't get one shot by GS.


Only time a full health Striker gets one shot by a GS is when all these happen:


- GS is fully upgraded

- GS has full power weapons

- GS has active companion abilities

- GS has full charge

- favorable RNG roll


I've got soo many matches under my belt and I get one shot buy GS so rarely that I don't for one minute think about it, until someone in these forums complains. No doubt a scout pilot.


I also main a Striker but I contribute to these forums in order to make the game fun, competitive and fair for everyone.

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Coming from someone who plays all classes of fighter, bombers were most definitely OP in Beta. They rely on AI and passive abilities a LOT more than pilots who actually have to aim. It took away MUCH of the reliance of player skill and tbh I wish they had more of a role of actually bombing something, but unless we ever have player cap ships that's probably never going to happen. I hope they nerf a little bit of the AI/ passive abilities and maybe give them more utility (reloading/ repairing nearby friendly ships, etc.). The spawn beacons are a great example of this. Edited by jcurri
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