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Joystick support needs to be a high priority for GS


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Everyone has their own opinions and such but there is a reason why FPS twitch type online games have different servers for desktops and consoles. Mouse accur is always better than joypad accur for these types of twitch games, imo.

And your friends that didn't even try it out before deciding it is bad is fail.


I welcome the option just because it'll bring in more players, but I imagine most of them will get owned hard


If they fixed the game it wouldn't be a twitched based fps. And since nobody ever asked for an fps and very clearly asked for a star wars flight game it would probably be much more successful.


Simply locking the reticle and assigning controls to pitch yaw and roll while in joystick mode (something most other flight games do and have done for years) would work fine. Firing arc penalties are a moot point since with a joystick you cant use the arc, you can only hit what is under your reticle, if they really wanted to do something with accuracy theres several easy fixes, like maybe effecting accuracy with inertia or even easier just make it change the size of the reticle.


But I still find it funny that half the anti joystick crowd say they don't want joysticks because they suck compared to a mouse, and the others including bioware don't want joysticks because they would own mouse players.

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I spent roughly 30min playing "chase the crosshair" in December at launch. I hated the controls & haven't touched it since. I have friends who were interested after they saw the videos I'd post before it launched, but who instantly lost interest after I told them that controllers weren't even an option and that it forces you to use a KB & mouse.


I whole heartily agree. I would love a joystick, like in the original Star Wars flight sims X-wing and Tie Fighter.

If we have to live with the mouse controls, at least make the cross hair fixed to the middle of the receptacle. This would then make the strafing more like a flight sim, ie like any real fighter planes gun sight.

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If they fixed the game it wouldn't be a twitched based fps. And since nobody ever asked for an fps and very clearly asked for a star wars flight game it would probably be much more successful.


Simply locking the reticle and assigning controls to pitch yaw and roll while in joystick mode (something most other flight games do and have done for years) would work fine. Firing arc penalties are a moot point since with a joystick you cant use the arc, you can only hit what is under your reticle, if they really wanted to do something with accuracy theres several easy fixes, like maybe effecting accuracy with inertia or even easier just make it change the size of the reticle.


But I still find it funny that half the anti joystick crowd say they don't want joysticks because they suck compared to a mouse, and the others including bioware don't want joysticks because they would own mouse players.


I would love if the game had a locked/fixed targeting reticle, I think I would enjoy it more. That being said, it does not and they will not redesign it so it is what it is.

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I would love if the game had a locked/fixed targeting reticle, I think I would enjoy it more. That being said, it does not and they will not redesign it so it is what it is.


I wouldn't call it a redesign, I ts more like fixing a mistake. Its not like it would be some kind of groundbreaking achievement, every other flight game out that supports both controls have different settings for each of them. Including many games that have been out for a very long time up to games that are brand new.

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Someone on an earlier post mentioned immersion and fun. This is why I would like the option to use my HOTAS setup. I am not looking to become ultra competitive or to be the Top Gun of my server, I want to feel like I am actually FLYING a starfighter into battle. I want to have fun. This is why we PLAY this GAME called Star Wars: The Old Republic. I tried GSF at launch, and felt that it was too much chase-the-reticle. I am not knocking the KB/Mouse users. I use it for the ground game, after all. I just want to be able to fly.

I would like to add that I don't always go with a stick in sim games. When I roll in MWO, I set the stick from my HOTAS behind my screen and use the throttle in combination with my mouse. I know, I know..... GSF isn't really a sim, but it would not take alot of effort to give it that feel for those of us who want it, without breaking it for those that do not.

The argument that a stick would give a player an advantage over a KB/M player is also somewhat incorrect. A skilled player using a mouse could smoke an unskilled player who is using a stick and vice-versa. It is the individuals skill that will win the day, and not the peripherals. To quote an old adage: "It is a poor craftsman who blames his tools."

Do I think the developers should drop everything and immediately get the controller support patched in? No. Changing the development schedule would cost BW too much money, and would end up being a net detriment to the game. That said, I would like to see it at least added to said development schedule after the part where you can toggle a fixed reticle.

My bottom line is that we all love this game, otherwise we would not be so vocal. We should all be allowed to enjoy it however we want to play it and be glad that others can enjoy it how they want to play, as well.

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If they fixed the game it wouldn't be a twitched based fps. And since nobody ever asked for an fps and very clearly asked for a star wars flight game it would probably be much more successful.


Simply locking the reticle and assigning controls to pitch yaw and roll while in joystick mode (something most other flight games do and have done for years) would work fine. Firing arc penalties are a moot point since with a joystick you cant use the arc, you can only hit what is under your reticle, if they really wanted to do something with accuracy theres several easy fixes, like maybe effecting accuracy with inertia or even easier just make it change the size of the reticle.


But I still find it funny that half the anti joystick crowd say they don't want joysticks because they suck compared to a mouse, and the others including bioware don't want joysticks because they would own mouse players.


That's exactly right! Fixing the controls to be more like XvT would in no way detract from KB/mouse usability, but would make the use of a flight stick a viable option. I miss my twisty handle for rolling into the tightest turns on ships with great pitch.


If they wanted to fix accuracy, they would have hit boxes be as close to the model meshes as possible, lock blasters forward, and shorten the effective damage range to 2KM. Then there would be no need for mmo evasion powers, or stats, and hits would be more about skill.


That's never going to happen, of course, and I won't touch it again unless they upgrade to something better than the previous tunnel shooter with free flight mode. It's missing way too much in the controls area for me to find appealing.

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