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Advanced Strike Fighter Pilots (Pike/Quell): Are Ion Missiles Worth it?


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I use heavies to counteract evasion and get some extra range. They pierce shields so you can apply damage directly to the hull, which is deadly against scouts if you can land a proton first. They also pierce armor, so you can make seriously quick work of turrets too. I fly Quell with Heavies, and Proton/Cluster.


Once bombers go live, I have a feeling the extra range and piercing will become even more useful.

Edited by Svarthrafn
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Honestly the speed upgrade being that huge is kind of surprising; I was eyeing the enhanced lock on radius. After reading the comments of this thread, the impression I got is as follows:


  • Ion Missiles - Useless due to combination of damage, lock on time, and range, just as I expected. Sad, because the other Ion weapons each have a very real and useful niche.
  • Proton Torpedoes - Great for harassing and putting pressure, speed upgrade greatly improves damage potential.
  • Concussion Missiles - Best option for someone focused on dogfighting due to debuffs/drain and overall ease of use/damage.


So I think I'm going to build out concussions. I will definitely work on protons after, just to have the option or for new game modes.


I know this is off topic for the thread, but do you guys use Quad Lasers, or something else?


I use quads for their versatility but after seeing some of the above posts I'm contemplating a switch to heavies again.


I've only ever used heavies in conjunction with quads on the other fighters before and have some reservations about them being the only lasers due to their long cycle time but now I'm intrigued.

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Currently in my Pike half upgraded. My preference is Quads, Concussions, and protons for firepower and versatility at different ranges. I can achieve double figure kills with this setup depending on the opposition quality. Good for hunting gunships and hopefully bombers too when they make an appearance.


I should add that using ion missiles will more likely take longer to kill someone as you will still need to finish of the hull. Since a lot of targets are already shield compromised when you engage, maximum hull damage is the way to go.

Edited by kalkasari
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Currently in my Pike half upgraded. My preference is Quads, Concussions, and protons for firepower and versatility at different ranges. I can achieve double figure kills with this setup depending on the opposition quality. Good for hunting gunships and hopefully bombers too when they make an appearance.


I should add that using ion missiles will more likely take longer to kill someone as you will still need to finish of the hull. Since a lot of targets are already shield compromised when you engage, maximum hull damage is the way to go.


You're effective medium and long range. Lacking in close range, though.

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Well I may be a permanent heavy convert now. Got them up to tier 4 and the ignore armor and range just make them great. Sure at closer ranges against scouts sometimes I wish I still had quads but the whole idea of the pike is to not get stuck close in with scouts.


Now the question for the final tier; shield damage vs shield piercing?

Edited by Kain_Turinbar
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