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Best Companion for a Arsenal spec Merc.


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Hey Guys,

I need some help, right now I am spec as a Arsenal Merc, but the main reason I made this toon was to be able to get Blizz as a tanking companion. But now people are telling me that Blizz is too squishy to be a good tank and that I should either stay with Mako or use Tarrio. I was thinking of switching over to bodyguard spec, because I thought one it would help me be able to get either Blizz or Tarrio alive and also help me be able to get into more Flashpoints and help me guild out with OPS when I hit 55. What do you guys think, I would be most grateful for any and all help you guys can give me on this matte. :)

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It depends on the content, but a well geared Blizz has done pretty well for me. Pre 2.0 I tanked HM Foundry,FE and Kaon with my Blizz geared in columi/black hole gear.


He's more than adequate for Black Hole. Illum, Sec X, and CZ. Oricon may be a bit rough, but I haven't updated Blizz's gear lately. I suspect he'd do fine appropriately geared in 69/72, but Oricon can be a pain for regular players in 69 gear too.


I personally run Mako for arsenal and pyro, but Blizz should be fine.


Torian when geared also can wreck stuff, but until he gets his gear, he goes down like a wet noodle.

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A well geared Torian does a ton of damage, allowing you to take down mobs before they can hurt you too much. If you send him in to fight before you start, he'll take the initial agro and hold onto it for a little bit as he's melee. Unless you are going to be CCing stuff in Heroics and such, be sure to turn his AOE abilities on. He's easy to gear because as you upgrade your own gear, you can pass your old stuff on to him. At end game he is a particularly good choice, and because I found him to be more useful than other companions I've put him in fully augmented 72s with some 78 armorings and he absolutely wrecks stuff and doesn't die.


Also for a damage dealing companion I've found a well geared HK to be excellent, and a lot of fun. I use him on my healer.


For a healing companion I agree that Treek is a good choice due to her hots and because she's able to use your old gear. When I am going to be using her for a bit I just move some of Torian's gear over to her - 2 geared companions for (almost) the price of one. You'll have to get some tanking mods if you want to use her for that role though.


It's a shame that Blizz is such a squishy tank, he is so much fun.

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For a Arsenal Merc


Mako...Excellent all-around choice unless you are playing a dedicated healer, and even then 2 healers isnt bad (its just overkill).


Gault...not good. Hes ranged dps so are you. He can do good damage but hes squishy and really better suited for a powertech. He died constantly in my game.


Torian..Pretty good for a Merc. Good melee and hes surprisingly resilient, hes sturdier than Skadge (which makes no sense as Skadge is the melee Tank). the only negative about Torian are weapons he can use are not terribly common.


Blizz...I dont know why hes listed as a ranged tank, hes squishy as hell. But is rocket launcher is a great opener and hes good comic relief.


Skadge..I don't know why I cant keep him alive, even with good gear. He generates alot of threat (which is good) but cannot take a beating (that's bad). You need to watch his health constantly. On the plus side hes got a great knockback attack that sends enemies flying and thats always a riot. Hes definately the best companion for evil mercs dialogue.

Edited by mmarsh
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