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Returning Jedi Sage Looking for Guild


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I was part of beta and played most end game before the free to play era. I enjoy the raids and story line$ in game. I am looking for a guild that's not huge but social and end game active. I can heal I can dps, I have some other toons but plan on only playing my sage.


Raid Times: Mon, Tues, Thur, Fri weekends vary

Preferred Role: Healer

craft: Biochem


I am not opposed to PvP but enjoy strategy and tactics of PvE. I am active on websites and chat channel. Voip is awesome and needed.


MMOs: I was with LOTRO since it's beta loved it and leaded a kinship on Gladden server for 4 years.. I do not have the time to lead a kinship anymore but would make a good guild member. I do not like language or arrogance. It's about good times and doing something as a group that's challenging. I also like Mac n cheese and if you include this in your reply I will look at your guild. I avoid drama in game due to the immature nature of it. Last boss I took down was Soa and that was years ago. I am level 53 soon to be hearing send me a message in game or here please. May the force be with you.



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Nex-ran I have to say that Mac and cheese were such a staple during the early college years and I still enjoy a bowlful every now and then (especially when its a couple different cheeses mixed. Yum!) Consider WarPigs Casual PvE Guild. We are a group of laid back players who enjoy helping our members in all facets of the game and even dabble in a little PvP with the release of Galactic Starfighter (we do the normal PvP from time to time as well if our members request it).


May the force


be with you

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Grievance - Family, Honor, Loyalty


Hi Nex-Ran, we at Grievance are a mature, 18+, no-drama, mac-n-cheese lovin' family-friendly guild/community on the Republic side. There are a number of us always interested in running dailies, Flashpoints, Galactic Star Fighter and just hanging out in Teamspeak. Our Operations nights are Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday but we do not have strict attendance requirements since we understand people do have lives outside of SWTOR :). We are currently working on 8-man and 16-man Hardmode Operations. If you still need to gear-up we run Story Mode Operations on Wednesday nights. Myself, I love Mac-n-cheese and one of our officers loves burritos so I can just imagine he would love Mac-n-cheese burritos.


If you would like more information you can PM me and/or visit our guild community web-site www.grievancegaming.org to find out more info, read our charter, register and apply!

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Come Check out Souls of Fate, http://www.soulsoffate.enjin.com. We are a good group of fun loving, mac and cheese eating, coffe drinking players who are always looking to add fun loving folks to our ranks! We have 2 raid groups currently and are trying to stand up #3 right now.

Come check out our website and whisper me, or any of our officers, in game. If you would like to come run an Op with us to "Try before you buy" we can get you in just about anytime.


I am usually on one of the Pub toons listed in my signature.

Hope to see you in game!

Edited by RiVaN_
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