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Sick of GSF

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I normally enjoy GSF. However, lately I'm tired of seeing what I see. Scouts who just sit in place and I hit them 11 times ( 2 full charges of Tier 5 Blaster Fire) and not dying. People glitching all over the screen to where it looks like they're lagging and just jumping in short bursts, completely disappearing and then bring 20k meters away. Gunships who, in my last match, while I was in the middle of my Barrel Roll, managed to ONE SHOT me.


No this isn't me being crazy, and raging. I don't have the ability to capture video, so it seems that way. I am sure other people have had similar experiences.

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Are you sure you or the other players arent lagging? because It can have an effect like what you are witnessing. I cant say ive had many issues myself ( apart from the obvious laggers).


As for barrel rolling and getting 1 shot, thats easily done if the Gunship pilot has a good aim and can imagine a lead on shot to your ship. I've done it myself a few times.

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I normally enjoy GSF. However, lately I'm tired of seeing what I see. Scouts who just sit in place and I hit them 11 times ( 2 full charges of Tier 5 Blaster Fire) and not dying. People glitching all over the screen to where it looks like they're lagging and just jumping in short bursts, completely disappearing and then bring 20k meters away. Gunships who, in my last match, while I was in the middle of my Barrel Roll, managed to ONE SHOT me.


No this isn't me being crazy, and raging. I don't have the ability to capture video, so it seems that way. I am sure other people have had similar experiences.


If you cannot Capture video then are your spec low perhaps these glitches are System side. Also where are you in relation to your server, if your ping is over 100ms then quality game experience cannot be assured.


There are defensive abilities on the scout and those who choose to become a turret, one must assume make heavy use of them.


You are making fairly loose claims here.


1. what is your Class

2. what is your blaster type

3. 11 shots is irrelevant what kind of frequency of fire did you have, and what did the fly text say.


no fly text equals no hit.

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I've seen the flytext. I use Tier 5 Blaster Fire on the S-13 Sting. 700 dmg a hit. My ping is 75 usually. He was also a Scout, but what I couldn't figure out is why he just sat there. No defensive cooldowns. I think he might have been afk. But he wasn't taking damage, and I think I did state in my original post that I DID see the damage coming across my screen.
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I've seen the flytext. I use Tier 5 Blaster Fire on the S-13 Sting. 700 dmg a hit. My ping is 75 usually. He was also a Scout, but what I couldn't figure out is why he just sat there. No defensive cooldowns. I think he might have been afk. But he wasn't taking damage, and I think I did state in my original post that I DID see the damage coming across my screen.


If you were getting indications that your hits were landing then odds are there was either some weird lag going on or the guy found some glitch that allows him to be immune to damage if he sits in that one place. Which wouldn't be the first time someone discovered invisible walls that protected them from damage and the like in a game (although I haven't heard of reports of invisible walls).

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I have definitely seen the hopping across the screen thing. It makes shooting at someone anywhere from difficult to impossible and sometimes breaks missile locks, too. Over the weekend it was mostly someone guarding a satellite, they'd sort of hop around the satellite instead of flying around it. 6 or 7 hops to a circuit. I finally got a couple of lucky shots with my gunship, but it took ages. I know I'm not lagging, I had no problem with anyone else, just the one guy. Not sure if he was lagging (purposely or not) or if there was some other issue.
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I normally enjoy GSF. However, lately I'm tired of seeing what I see. Scouts who just sit in place and I hit them 11 times ( 2 full charges of Tier 5 Blaster Fire) and not dying. People glitching all over the screen to where it looks like they're lagging and just jumping in short bursts, completely disappearing and then bring 20k meters away. Gunships who, in my last match, while I was in the middle of my Barrel Roll, managed to ONE SHOT me.


No this isn't me being crazy, and raging. I don't have the ability to capture video, so it seems that way. I am sure other people have had similar experiences.


Most likely just lag (theirs not yours). I've seen those hoppers myself (always the same player).

Except for the barrel roll shot, thats normal, barrel roll gives only 30% evasion, still possible to be shot through it.

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I normally enjoy GSF. However, lately I'm tired of seeing what I see. Scouts who just sit in place and I hit them 11 times ( 2 full charges of Tier 5 Blaster Fire) and not dying. People glitching all over the screen to where it looks like they're lagging and just jumping in short bursts, completely disappearing and then bring 20k meters away. Gunships who, in my last match, while I was in the middle of my Barrel Roll, managed to ONE SHOT me.


No this isn't me being crazy, and raging. I don't have the ability to capture video, so it seems that way. I am sure other people have had similar experiences.


Barrel roll gives you 30% evasion while rolling. . It's completely possible a gunship will hit you while doing this. It's happened to me a few times. (Its just less likely during a roll)


You need to be aware when they pop distortion field, I've approached a scout before where we both popped distortion field at the same time. . . I broke off the engagement and waited for the ability to wear off.



I think your frustration is valid, but it can be avoided if you watch for these things and understand how they work and to counter them. Remember, Anything your enemy can do to you, you can do to them. This is how I improved myself infact, by watching little tricks I saw others do.

Edited by Cashal
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I have gotten one shotted while barrel rolling myself, it gave me a "***" feeling all over, but, kudos to the guship pilots who can do this.

Yeah, it's pretty hard. Not maining a Gunship, and I'm far from mastering this art.

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I'm not sick of GSF by a long shot, but just can in to post something weird the other day. I got a scout down to zero hull and he still lived. Yes, zero hull. I got a few shots after I noticed it and it seemed to do no damage. This lasted about 30 seconds or so before someone else finally got him to negative(?)
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I normally enjoy GSF. However, lately I'm tired of seeing what I see. Scouts who just sit in place and I hit them 11 times ( 2 full charges of Tier 5 Blaster Fire) and not dying.


Funny story time. tl;dr broke some peeps, lulz ensued.


I fly an evasion-build Flashfire (you know, the topped 106% for 6 seconds build), and had taken a node in a pub v. pub match from a couple of fliers, one that's a pretty decently known name on my server. So, they kept charging back at me, sitting there alone. One's a Flashfire, the other a fighter, and a gship comes along later on. They keep on charging at me, I charge at them, pop Distortion Field and offensives, blow them tho smithereens, circle back to the node. Again and again. Gunship gets involved, even he's not getting through. Meanwhile, I'm getting tells from someone on their team that I know, that apparently they're going apesh** about me modding, I'm unhittable, taking no damage, etc etc. It even goes into tells later on about it, after I topped the board with 20 kills (mostly because they charged me like 5 times before they finally blew me up). Guy's like, "I've got 101% accuracy, there's no way you shouldn't be able to not get hit by 5 rocket pods and quads, stop modding!" Went on to explain exactly why when DF gets popped with a max evasion build, there's nothing you can do short of an accuracy buff for however long it's up.


Long and short, yeah, it sucks when you run into a max evasion build scout. You hope they've burned their DF already, but it's still going to be a tough kill, especially if they're a decent pilot. Best counter I've seen is getting tag-teamed by 3 fliers, all missile-locking me into next week.

Edited by RCSlyman
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Funny story time. tl;dr broke some peeps, lulz ensued.


I fly an evasion-build Flashfire (you know, the topped 106% for 6 seconds build), and had taken a node in a pub v. pub match from a couple of fliers, one that's a pretty decently known name on my server. So, they kept charging back at me, sitting there alone. One's a Flashfire, the other a fighter, and a gship comes along later on. They keep on charging at me, I charge at them, pop Distortion Field and offensives, blow them tho smithereens, circle back to the node. Again and again. Gunship gets involved, even he's not getting through. Meanwhile, I'm getting tells from someone on their team that I know, that apparently they're going apesh** about me modding, I'm unhittable, taking no damage, etc etc. It even goes into tells later on about it, after I topped the board with 20 kills (mostly because they charged me like 5 times before they finally blew me up). Guy's like, "I've got 101% accuracy, there's no way you shouldn't be able to not get hit by 5 rocket pods and quads, stop modding!" Went on to explain exactly why when DF gets popped with a max evasion build, there's nothing you can do short of an accuracy buff for however long it's up.


Long and short, yeah, it sucks when you run into a max evasion build scout. You hope they've burned their DF already, but it's still going to be a tough kill, especially if they're a decent pilot. Best counter I've seen is getting tag-teamed by 3 fliers, all missile-locking me into next week.


That's not a funny story. That's like having a mitigation tank spec + DPS spec. The fact that it is easily repeatable is the real problem. I think that a debuff needs to go on distortion field that prevents offensive abilities to be activated. Either your running mitigation or your running heavy burst but both is probably OP.

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That's not a funny story. That's like having a mitigation tank spec + DPS spec. The fact that it is easily repeatable is the real problem. I think that a debuff needs to go on distortion field that prevents offensive abilities to be activated. Either your running mitigation or your running heavy burst but both is probably OP.


Oh, I'll be the first to agree that DF needs a tweak. I don't think preventing offensive abilities from activating is the answer, but the cooldown on DF definitely needs to be lengthened. As it stands maxed out, if one wave of respawns is trying to take a node I'm actively holding, I can pop it every single time they come at me. That's a bit unbalanced. Especially because it's meant as a foil for gunship one-shots when you're actively hunting them, not as an overall defensive measure. The obvious foil to it is to come at me from different vectors, but I AM still going to get one of them, and then just have to circle back and smash the other one.


As for the issue expressed by OP, seeing fly text over his target but that target taking no damage, that might also relate to my story, too. Person in question said he did like, 20K damage to me but I took no damage. Seems odd, but I know I had DF up when he was in range and still up when he died, and if he was seeing fly text as well, maybe there's some other issue with damage reporting/negation.

Edited by RCSlyman
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As it stands maxed out, if one wave of respawns is trying to take a node I'm actively holding, I can pop it every single time they come at me. That's a bit unbalanced.


It is? Isn't it their fault for not dodging you while you have it up? You can easily make someone waste DF if you're paying attention.


Especially because it's meant as a foil for gunship one-shots when you're actively hunting them, not as an overall defensive measure.


It was? Where did you hear that? That's just one of a number of obvious uses for the skill.


Person in question said he did like, 20K damage to me but I took no damage.


He lied.

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It is? Isn't it their fault for not dodging you while you have it up? You can easily make someone waste DF if you're paying attention.


When they're flying right at you, and you pop everything at once just as they get into range, it's pretty hard to duck and run. Especially when you don't even know what the heck's going on.


It was? Where did you hear that? That's just one of a number of obvious uses for the skill.


That's an opinion on my part. Here's the reasoning behind it. Ship balance comparative to one another, gunships and scouts (especially the Flashfire/Sting variety) are directly opposite each other and the scale. The gunships are obviously able to one-shot scouts with certain abilities and loadouts. The scouts are able to close quick on gunships and deliver a devastating amount of firepower. Trick is, you have to be able to close the distance, because those gunships have significantly better reach. That's where DF comes into play. Now, you obviously can use it for other defensive purposes, and it DOES have that missile lock break at top tier upgrade. Still think that cooldown needs to be lengthened, though.


He lied.


Probably. That was just speculation, if OP here was telling the truth. After all, you really think someone would do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?

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it's not hard to kill them. I know who you are in game (not gonna say here in the forums) and I must say, if this is really a problem for you, either learn the mechanics of the GSF, or stop queuing up. either way, the fault sounds like it is on your lack of skill. just kill them. (and don't be 100m away from them when you try to do so.)


Shots fired (from 100Km).

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