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Isn't there a problem with Proton Torpedoes ?


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I feel like lately, it has become harder to fire those. I have noted what seemed to be four oddities (I'd bet that at least one or two are from my imagination)


1) I am under the impression that the locking time has increased, it has a theoretical lock time of 3.4s, but each time I feel like it needs 5s.

- It's only an impression, but I'd like to know if people have the same one.


2) I noticed that countless of times when my torpedo is about to finish locking, it is cancelled when my target's distance is close with max range, but without exceeding it. Usually, it happens when the target is at 9.7km from me. I also noted that I can't start locking from such distance, and I usually have to go under 9.5km to initiate the lock.

- I notice this a lot. When I know that the next noise should be "locked", nearly each time, I get the cancellation noise instead... And when the target reaches the 10km limit it's usually 1s after, and sometime he never breaks the 10km at all and remains at 9.X.


3) If I don't wait for the "ready" signal to have completely ended and wait for a fraction of a second, it uses to not launch. In other words, if I happen to be in an hurry, recognize the ready signal from the pitch of the one or two firsts bips (the fast three bips of the signal have higher pitch), and release, nothing happens.

- Usually happens in situations where I also suspect point 4) to happen. May be a misinterpretation from me.


4) Maneuvers (in the open, without obstacles), not engine ones but players ones like starting to hunt one of my mates, make me lose locking pretty easily although the ship is still in my inner target circle (I assume it's my torpedo firing arc because it doesn't change unlike the outer one when I switch blasters).

- Like I said earlier point 3) and 4) are two hypothesis for what happens to be most of the time the same occurrence, even though I suspect both to happen. I have an hypothesis that it may be because the blaster target (red circle) goes outside the inner firing arc circle, but it look like abnormal behavior to me since my guess is I have to lock the ship itself, and not the red circle. I may be wrong and misused torpedoes for all this time, so tell me what you think.



I wouldn't be surprised that my observations would be wrong, but I'd like to know if I'm experiencing things truly odd, or if I'm doing something wrong.

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Missile locks in general feel a little wonky, but I'm not convinced they're not working as intended. There's a fair number of buttons people have for breaking missile locks, and it's not always immediately obvious that they're using one. The biggest culprit is probably distortion field at long range - you're too far away to see the shimmer around the ship's hull, so it feels like you've lost the lock for no good reason, and you also can't start the lock again. At the same time, it's working as intended. There's a couple other examples, but that's probably the biggest one.
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Proton torps sort of feel like a weapon waiting for a game mode the lock field is tiny, the lock time is that of your average hot pocket in the microwave, and they are so slow. Seriously I've launched a protorp and then boosted past it to close on target for lasers and cluster missiles.


I right now I only recommend them on the Pike/Quell where you have 2 missile slots ,and to use them on stationary targets like turrets and gunships. I will say it's a great feeling to see a protorp hit when it does happen, and it's basically my only long range attack option on my Quell(cluster missiles and quad lasers).


I hope there will be a game mode that incorporates heavy + shielded targets that have strong automated defenses This would be perfect for protorps.

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3) If I don't wait for the "ready" signal to have completely ended and wait for a fraction of a second, it uses to not launch. In other words, if I happen to be in an hurry, recognize the ready signal from the pitch of the one or two firsts bips (the fast three bips of the signal have higher pitch), and release, nothing happens.

- Usually happens in situations where I also suspect point 4) to happen. May be a misinterpretation from me.


4) Maneuvers (in the open, without obstacles), not engine ones but players ones like starting to hunt one of my mates, make me lose locking pretty easily although the ship is still in my inner target circle (I assume it's my torpedo firing arc because it doesn't change unlike the outer one when I switch blasters).


I have noticed with concussions that sometimes when the lead indicator goes out of the firing arc but the ship itself is still within the arc I nevertheless have my lock dropped. It doesn't always seem to happen but sometimes that seems to be the only possible explanation as there is no evidence an ability was used. So there may be some sort of glitch that occasionally causes a lock to drop by getting confused by the lead indicator and actual ship position.


I've also noticed the "misfire" (for lack of a better way to describe it) where the lock tone or visual lock indicator may indicate a lock but the missile fails to fire. Again with concussions it seems the audio and visual cues are not completely synced and this causes the lock to fail.


I'm not sure whether it's lag or a glitch that crops up but I have noticed with my concussion missiles things similar to what you describe occurring on occasion.

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A couple of observations:


1. There is a small, but noticeable lag which can cause you to miss a window. The best way I have found to counter this is to imagine you need 1 more second to complete the firing action. (I'm pretty sure that this is merely internet lag + human reaction speed = missed window)


2. Some pilots (I am among them) have an internal clock and "know" the lock-on times. They also know what you are capable of carrying cause they see your ship in the target window. Example a Flashfire/Sting with more than a 1.5 lock-on = Sabotage probe (locks you into a straight line for a bit). These pilots will evade to avoid this lock and you lose the lock (also as they fly some weird direction or straight ahead in a barrel roll), so it looks like you missed your window inexplicably when they in fact, defended against your lock-on.


To the original poster, the torpedoes work well enough in my opinion. Best strategy seems to be fire your other (concussion missile, whatever) to make them use their engine ability, then lock on with a torpedo ASAP. Oh yeah and they are awesome against turrets.

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3) If I don't wait for the "ready" signal to have completely ended and wait for a fraction of a second, it uses to not launch. In other words, if I happen to be in an hurry, recognize the ready signal from the pitch of the one or two firsts bips (the fast three bips of the signal have higher pitch), and release, nothing happens.

- Usually happens in situations where I also suspect point 4) to happen. May be a misinterpretation from me.


4) Maneuvers (in the open, without obstacles), not engine ones but players ones like starting to hunt one of my mates, make me lose locking pretty easily although the ship is still in my inner target circle (I assume it's my torpedo firing arc because it doesn't change unlike the outer one when I switch blasters).


I have noticed with concussions that sometimes when the lead indicator goes out of the firing arc but the ship itself is still within the arc I nevertheless have my lock dropped. It doesn't always seem to happen but sometimes that seems to be the only possible explanation as there is no evidence an ability was used. So there may be some sort of glitch that occasionally causes a lock to drop by getting confused by the lead indicator and actual ship position.


I've also noticed the "misfire" (for lack of a better way to describe it) where the lock tone or visual lock indicator may indicate a lock but the missile fails to fire. Again with concussions it seems the audio and visual cues are not completely synced and this causes the lock to fail.


I'm not sure whether it's lag or a glitch that crops up but I have noticed with my concussion missiles things similar to what you describe occurring on occasion.


This has happened to me several times with Concussion Missiles. No apparent evasive maneuver, no indication of an ability used. I will be in range (5-7k), have missile locked and then it will just drop while the target is still in range, this forces me to reestablish lock, which allows the target to escape.

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This has happened to me several times with Concussion Missiles. No apparent evasive maneuver, no indication of an ability used. I will be in range (5-7k), have missile locked and then it will just drop while the target is still in range, this forces me to reestablish lock, which allows the target to escape.


Same here. No evasive maneuver and I know what distortion field looks like so they didn't use that but yet the lock fails.

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While on my pike I have lost proton lock several times, but when I switch to concussion, it works fine (If of course they are within range. This often happens as a ship gets closer but not actively going after me... I usually am beginning my lock with protons at maximum range and once they get to about 8k, I lose them. Then I do a quick switch to concussions and relock onto them. So yes... using protons are a little wonky....
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The main issue is that missile locks are apparently server authoritative, to prevent autolocking hacks and the likes. This means that missiles are subject to lag more than anything else in GSF, which is why you can lose lock on a target that is seemingly dead center on your locking circle (on the server side the target got out of that circle in some way due to lag).


Protorps are more subject to this issue because of the narrow targeting circle and long lock time, not becuase of something wrong with them directly.


Personally I have great success with them but you have to pick your targets carefully, and having them fully upgraded is extremely helpful (the 100% speed boost and 15% extra range are _very_ handy upgrades).

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2. Some pilots (I am among them) have an internal clock and "know" the lock-on times. They also know what you are capable of carrying cause they see your ship in the target window. Example a Flashfire/Sting with more than a 1.5 lock-on = Sabotage probe (locks you into a straight line for a bit). These pilots will evade to avoid this lock and you lose the lock (also as they fly some weird direction or straight ahead in a barrel roll), so it looks like you missed your window inexplicably when they in fact, defended against your lock-on.


This. I can hear which missile you have just from the warning indicator. I'll just hit there happily in snipe mode until just after you acquire your lock, then barrel roll, hopefully wasting you a missile.

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Honest, I have been hit only once by Proton, and it was in my like first or second game when I did barely know what that red light on top of my screen means.

I think that rockets with 3s and longer lockon time are close to impossible to hit, and the others (clusters) can be ingored to some point.

I'd probably vote for a buff for all missiles, don't exactly know what kind of buff, but in GSF getting missile locked on you is far from being an "oh f#&k" situation as it should be.

Only ships that can be regularly hit by missiles are gunships without barrel roll and fighters with some converter instead of evasive maneuver.

Edited by Slivovidze
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Proton torps are quite effective, but there are tricks to using them.


Start locking at about 10km, on a target that you just saw burn a defensive move. Retro thrusters are especially nice because they provide such a distinctive signature, but with practice you can learn to identify the others too.


If it's a scout, assume that they have upgraded distortion field too.


Make sure your target is occupied with something else. Usually means in a dogfight or running in on a turret.


Flying a Pike I find that 50 - 80% of my kills come from Proton Torpedo hits, but it takes a combination of skilled employment, and opponents who aren't paying as much attention as they should.


Mastered PTs are definitely a lot more deadly than the stock ones.


Also if they aren't moving around much you can boost in while locking a missile, on people expecting lots of flight time on a proton torp you can use this to give them a nasty surprise. Boost in the last second or two and release the torp from close range. On a target that's moving around a lot this produces a miss, but if they're moving in a straight line or are stopped it can prevent them from having time to react.


If they do manage to evade the missile or break the lock, well, hopefully you've forced them to use defensive resources to do so and they should be more vulnerable to the next set of attacks.

Edited by Ramalina
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Honest, I have been hit only once by Proton, and it was in my like first or second game when I did barely know what that red light on top of my screen means.

I think that rockets with 3s and longer lockon time are close to impossible to hit, and the others (clusters) can be ingored to some point.

I'd probably vote for a buff for all missiles, don't exactly know what kind of buff, but in GSF getting missile locked on you is far from being an "oh f#&k" situation as it should be.

Only ships that can be regularly hit by missiles are gunships without barrel roll and fighters with some converter instead of evasive maneuver.


I don't think Missiles need a buff across the board, balance seems to be fairly good. I have 2 suggestions for missiles that are not a damage buff.


- Instill a handicap for all missile types except cluster missiles. This handicap offers 0.5 second window for the missile to be fired from the moment full lock is achieved , that way if the moment you achieve lock the target also breaks( I see this often with concussion missiles) you still can release the shot you rightfully had. This would accommodate reasonable lag as well.


- Bioware should investigate increasing the lock on range to Ion missiles. This would greatly improve their adoption, and solidify a role that Strikers seem to be developing. That role is that strikers are very good at wearing down ships shields for the scouts and GS to follow up and finish.

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Proton torps sort of feel like a weapon waiting for a game mode the lock field is tiny, the lock time is that of your average hot pocket in the microwave, and they are so slow. Seriously I've launched a protorp and then boosted past it to close on target for lasers and cluster missiles.


I right now I only recommend them on the Pike/Quell where you have 2 missile slots ,and to use them on stationary targets like turrets and gunships. I will say it's a great feeling to see a protorp hit when it does happen, and it's basically my only long range attack option on my Quell(cluster missiles and quad lasers).


I hope there will be a game mode that incorporates heavy + shielded targets that have strong automated defenses This would be perfect for protorps.


The 2x speed upgrade makes them worlds more useful.


I get the same the same thing mentioned with the apparent lock drops with no reason. I just assume someone is dropping a skill or its server lag.

Edited by Kain_Turinbar
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well that barrel roll tactic only works aginst none mastered protons but with the 11.5k extend on it and faster speed they work fantasic if you run the hk-51 with the increased fireing arc that will help prevent them from breaking missle lock a lot of the time its like the guy said server lag and then th players was briefly out of the targeting arc but with the extra 2 degresss it works just fine and don't break with out good cause


I fly a mastered pike with black squadron on pub pot 5 you can ask almost anyone about being hit by my protons imp or pub side most know not to let me have range on them includeing the gun ships that waste 6-10 volleys of ions and slugs into my ship it does not go down with out a fight

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My problem with proton torpedoes is that they look so great I try to use them all the time.


See all the pretty blue flowers.


I love flying with people like you, because I get the pretty blue explosions without flying a ship I don't like.

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I fly a mastered pike with black squadron on pub pot 5 you can ask almost anyone about being hit by my protons imp or pub side most know not to let me have range on them includeing the gun ships that waste 6-10 volleys of ions and slugs into my ship it does not go down with out a fight


I'm always surprised at how many locks you get with torpedoes, since I can't remember the last time you got me with one. I'm always more worried about your gunship showing up when I'm expecting you on a strike.

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