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Suggestions to ruin Galactic Starfighter


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I've made some constructive posts, so how about a destructive one?



Of sorts.



I'm compiling in this thread a list of suggestions that will absolutely destroy the game. I think there's a lot of ways Bioware could go with this, so we can be kind of creative- remember, there's no bad ideas in this thread. Or rather, there's only bad ideas!




1)- Integrate with the ground game.


The number one best way to ruin this will be to tightly integrate it with the ground game. I need quests that can only be completed at level 55, ideally in raid gear that I don't have and never will. Perhaps quests should be IN the raids. The very best gear could drop from them. For instance, burst laser cannon? If you want that on your strike fighter, you'll need to complete a special ops run. You'll need to group for any of these quests, of course. Requisition? It's a reward for these really hard to do dailies. So much in fact, that you'll want to run your daily req from the pvp terminal (conveniently located next to a bunch of disembodied lightsabers) and then run all your daily ground game quests to earn your requisition for real.




2)- Cash shop exclusives!


You could get a lot of mileage out of ruining the game out of this. It wouldn't entirely ruin it- if the game was pay to win, there would just be a group of folks who pays in, and those guys would be playing the real game, so it wouldn't be entirely ruined. Just for everyone else. Unlike the current totally reasonable ship->fleet req and alternate/duplicate ship options, make sure to put weapons that are clearly best in slot there. Maybe make a special cartel pack that has a chance to just drop 10k requisition tokens, but mostly drops companion gifts or some other thing. Really make it so that unlike "spend three bucks to unlock a ship you want", it becomes "spend approximately 300 dollars to get the stuff you need, which is limited time".




3)- Aggressive balancing.


This is Bioware's real experience here, so maybe they should just stop here first if they want to ruin Galactic Starfighter. They certainly have a solid track record in this department. Burst laser cannon is overpowered, right? If you say no and use it, you're lying. So, definitely don't offer it mild nerfs and buff the others a bit. Instead, make it a crap-pancake. Reform talents entirely, make it so you really regret spending the 30k req to max it out. Make it so useless that you need to get quads to stay competitive. Gunship got you down? Don't worry, they can make that 1600 railgun hit into a 1000 railgun hit. Who says that slug railgun was worth the req now! Ion aoe? Don't worry, they'll just delete it. Really let your hatred and frustration spill over into making entire ships and ship classes worthless for all game modes. Spend 150k req into a ship and have it become useless? Of course!



4)- Lack of balance entirely


This one is harder for most devs, but will also work. Don't touch anything, actually. It's all perfect. Squads of Flashfire premades farming noobs and stroking off into genchat is the natural endgame, so definitely don't touch anything like rapid fire laser, heavy laser, laser cannon, or burst laser cannon- all of these are perfectly balanced, so don't even tweak them 10% one way or the other. Bypass is perfectly fine and shouldn't be redesigned ever, and the thing where we can't pick all the companions unless you are a JK or a SW is also intended and great. Not minor, nor appropriate changes should ever be considered, because everything was balanced perfectly on a spreadsheet in Austin, especially copilot abilities that offer a mild boost for a few seconds and also benefit everyone within 1km of you, a totally reasonable distance for spaceships with speeds in the km/s and accelerations greater than Earth gravity.




5)- Free requisition


Requisition currently flows at a general rate. One way to really break the game would be to vastly increase this rate. A better way would be to axe the flow, but I think we all know the former would be more appealing to a dev looking to find a way to shatter the expansion. The game doesn't just need catchup- it needs to really trivialize anything done up until this point, so just flat out triple that req.



6)- Abandon ships!


Everyone sort of gets that the Starguard/Rycer/Gladiator/Enforcer, despite being four out of fourteen ships, is probably the weakest ship. There's several suggestions for how to fix this- some want the baseline buffed, some would like them to be tankier, or have access to all the weapons and cooldowns of the scouts, or have some other innate offensive advantage, or have the cannons be more specialized such that switching was a better trick. But why screw with all that, or ANY of that? Just come out with a better strike fighter that is superior in all ways. There, balance fixed. If you put your req into a Starguard, well, that's like spending a lot of money on a new computer- you didn't expect it to be good for more than a couple months, did you? This is an MMO, and the fastest way to run it into the ground is with a fast gear treadmill.



7)- Rated Requisition


Speaking of, why do noobs even GET to buy the good gear? Not only should there be a rated or ranked queue, but it should be the ONLY way to get the GOOD stuff. Make it so that you can't even BUY the upgrades without Ranked Requisition. Don't have a certain rating? You aren't even qualified to ride this ship! Keep the casuals in their place forever with this simple step. Do you run ops in this game? Raid with your main in WoW? Have no other time? Maybe a top 20% player, but not a top 10% player? Clearly, you should be denied access to a real ship. Since the approachability is such a big bonus in the current game, to really kill the game requires eliminating this and gating it behind a bunch of crap. I shouldn't even be able to explain how to earn stuff to any friend who hasn't spent at least one WoW season playing arena at the top level in less than twenty minutes, that will really guarantee that we can't recruit anyone.







All suggestions welcome guys, these are just the fastest seven things I could come up with to ruin the game :p

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1k slug shots would still be broken


Slug would be unusable with such a ludicrous nerf. A 40% nerf of an ability would be awful, and would definitely make anyone who spent 30k req on such a path reconsider future plays. But I'm glad you're in favor of it hitting for... I guess 800? Because the name of the game is ruining the Galactic Starfighter, and if you are in favor of halving the power of certain ships, then you are definitely on board with that.


ion would still be stupid without aoe


Again, you should definitely spend 30k req and have the move deleted. That's the best way to lose players, so, yea. It would still be stupid. Delete it! In fact, just delete gunships entirely. That would be wise.

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So, while "delete gunships" is definitely a good way to ruin Galactic Starfighter, I feel I covered that one pretty well. Gunship QQ should be relegated to any of the other eight threads devoted to that. We want novel ways to ruin the game besides simply overnerfing!
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Honestly, deleting gunships entirely would please me immensely.


Yeah, because then the only counter (semi counter) to FlashFires would be gone... :rolleyes:


I love oneshotting FlashFires that have been killing me in my Striker the entire match (going on my because they know a Pike is bad in a dogfight).

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How about make all weapons 2 shot people with the exception of ions which can 1 shot people because they remove shields? It might be fun the first time watching people explode simply by putting your crosshairs over them but it'd get old pretty fast.


Oh and add a stealth ship with the tanking abilities of a striker, mobility of a scout, 1 hit kill capability of a gunship and let it do all this while never having to leave stealth!


EDIT: and give every ship a third weapon: the Wabbajack (a staff from the Elder Scrolls that randomly changes the target into something else). Fire it at your enemy and watch them randomly gain all the flight characteristics of something else while loosing all the characteristics of their selected ship (save for the cosmetic appearance)! The best part? there is no counter!*


*will be most entertaining when more ship classes are added to give more diverse chaotic options.

Edited by Gavin_Kelvar
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How to fix starfighter as it is?


1) Add joystick support.

2) Add cockpit view.


Lots of people would be really happy to see those patchnotes, they'd log in and see that GSF is suddenly worth cuing for


fixed that for ya


how to ruin it...,

just leave it mouse and keyboard only

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