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Is there any point to unlockable ships?


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Does the unlockable F-T2 offer different gameplay as strike fighter compared to F-T6?

How about S-12 scout and S-13?


I see certain component options are different, but it does not seem to me that either unlockable ship required different gameplay and there is no real unique setup for any.


Please let me know if I am wrong.

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Does the unlockable F-T2 offer different gameplay as strike fighter compared to F-T6?

How about S-12 scout and S-13?


I see certain component options are different, but it does not seem to me that either unlockable ship required different gameplay and there is no real unique setup for any.


Please let me know if I am wrong.


The unlockables have different loadout options and capabilities, example Striker unlockable has 2 missile slots and one gun slot, whereas the default has 2 gun slots and one missile

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Does the unlockable F-T2 offer different gameplay as strike fighter compared to F-T6?

How about S-12 scout and S-13?


I see certain component options are different, but it does not seem to me that either unlockable ship required different gameplay and there is no real unique setup for any.


Please let me know if I am wrong.


S-12 is more suited to strafing runs, while the S-13 is more suited to around-satellite dogfighting.


No, scratch that. S-13 is simply more powerful in almost every way. Unless you want to scout for your team - getting to places and seeing enemy ships well is the only thing S-12 does better.


S-13 can equip heavier shields, has a shield reactor upgrade instead of a sensor slot, and can carry burst laser. If you want to kill enemies, use that.

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Pretty big difference in gameplay possibilities.

As said above, the basic fighter can switch two laser cannons in combat, while the unlockable one can switch between two missile types. Also there are some missiles/lasers unique for each of them.

Scouts similarly have different possibilities for shields, lasers or rockets, and some minor components.

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The Novadive/Blackbolt is the true scout, whereas the Flashfire/Sting is a close range interceptor. The first tends to be quicker and better suited for objective play (though skilled flying, shooting and hit and run tactics can make it quite powerful in proper hands) and the second is a mean dogfighter which can also be pretty good for objectives, especially if upgraded to be more similar to the type 1. It's a middle ground between the type 1 scout and type 1 striker really, and upgrades can build it up more one way or the other - it's a very deadly ship and annoying to fight against.


The Starguard/Rycer is a blaster based strike fighter whereas the Pike/Quell is a more missile oriented striker that could considered a middle ground between the type 1 and the gunship in a few ways. I haven't played strikers much as I prefer the nimbleness and speed of scouts so I'd rather refrain from going too deep into their workings.


BTW, I managed to get 6 kills in one match for the first time today (I am almost always in the top 3 for objectives and very low on kills) - on my only slightly upgraded Starguard for that matter and after a week of not playing (on a somewhat decadent holiday :p). I'm happy! I think there's a lot of good going for the strikers but they do need a certain mindset.

Edited by archifikoss
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