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Hunting gunships, sensors, and you.


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Posted this in another thread but i think maybe it needs some more exposure:




There is a sensor dampened gunship you want to hunt. So naturally, you want to mod your scout with full sensor range upgrade, right? Wrong.


Right now ships can see each other at 15000m no matter what. The gunship's sensor dampening reduces your detection by 11500m, from 20000m(assuming 2500 extra range from crew member) to 8500m. But thanks to the minimal see-you distance, you will see it at 15000m


If you stuff your scout full of sensor upgrades, you will increase your detection from 20000m from 25000m. The gunship's dampening will reduce your detection again by 11500m, from 25000m to 13500m. But thanks to the minimal see-you distance, you will see it at 15000m


Result: use sensor upgrade or don't use sensor upgrade, you will see the sensor dampened gunship at 15000m no matter what.




Okay, so you fill the sensor slot with dampening instead, making the gunship not see you until it's late, right? Wrong again.


The gunship can see you at 17500m(assuming it has treek as crew member). But thanks to the minimal see-you distance, the best you can do is to reduce the 17500m to 15000m. All you need for that is to have treek as your crew member (4000 dampening). Any dampening upgrades you stuff into the sensor slot have absolutely no effect.




Morale of the story, stuff your sensor slot with communication range upgrade, that at least does something :rolleyes:

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I think that the whole sensors thingy needs some tweaks. I just mastered the range sensors to have that slot mastered, and not worry about it anymore. I might do that communication sensors thingy though, and see if it does anything.

Play a gunship. See people up to 50k away :)

What for? You can still only shoot 15k. :)


And for hunting gunships, who needs sensors, they are our little suns on the battlefield, I can see that bare-eyed from 25k. :)

Edited by Slivovidze
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