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Cluster Missiles: Double Volley or DoT?


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30% More damage. . .


Upfront Damage > Lingering damage over time.


Nothing sucks more than seeing an enemy left with a sliver of health when you could have ended him there.


Don't worry about the double cost of the Volley, chances are you'll die soon enough anyway. And if you don't die, your enemies aren't really that difficult anyway.

Edited by Cashal
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Up until last night, I would have said that I use the DoT because I often run out of missiles before dying. However, after some experimentation last night, I've come to the conclusion that extra volley is just better overall. With the right combination of components, configuration and crew I still have 18 volleys, and although I do run out more often than not, the double volley does enough extra damage that it's worth it.


(Although I had to remind myself to check my ammo indicator when I couldn't get a lock started before cursing out my mouse... :p )

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Don't worry about the double cost of the Volley, chances are you'll die soon enough anyway. And if you don't die, your enemies aren't really that difficult anyway.


This has been my thinking as well. Even with the double volley, if you stay alive long enough to run out of missiles, your team probably outmatches your opponents to the point where it doesn't matter if you have missiles or not.

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I'd go double volley. The dot damage is both smaller and can be nullified by regen. You would want to get every ammo capacity boost with double volley.


If the dot does stop his natural shield regen beginning though (leaving active abilities aside), it could be valuable, because it gives you less to chew through on your blasters in a continuing dogfight. If his shields don't start regenning while you line up your second volley because there's a dot ticking, then that could be very useful.


I've got the dot on my Novadive's rockets. It's okay. I've killed people with it, but it's rare enough that it amuses me when it happens. It does seem to be affected by shields, but I'd also guess that it retains the "side", so if you blew out the shields on that side it'll eat his hull even if he has shields remaining on the other aspect. The dots from rocket hits do not stack, but will renew. I haven't been checking to guess whether the "shield-regen-stopping" applies yet.

Edited by Wainamoinen
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