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Story-Line Ideas for a Chapter 5


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Hi guys. I've looked over some other threads and have come up with a good idea for the general story content in the upcoming years. Feel free to add your suggestions (must have ALL 8 classes featured, just their plan not too much and it must have 3 worlds and the back-story), but make sure it's plausible with future events such as the New Sith Wars/Palpatine and such. Here's mine:


Planets: Rendili (55-56), Dantooine (56-58), Ziost (58-60)


Rendili will be a Halo Reach stile planet with facturies. Both sides use Orbital Station.


Each of the classes is called to their leaders Jedi council, Dark Council etc. The Republic ones are told about a Imperial detachment on Rendili, Jedi Consulars go after a reported Children of the Emperor army that are going to destroy the ship yards, then they find out that Darth Marr is hiding something, and the only way to stop him is to kill him! Jedi Knights are told about another Darth Angral's former apprentices leading the Empire, the Sith claims that he his the Emperor, and does tries a Malgus, the Knight's story is to stop him at every turn. Troopers just try to defend the ships, because an Imperial operative is trying to brake out Tavus, who is on the planet, then the operative does it but Tavus dies, the trooper must discover what happened throughout the arc. Smugglers have been told about one of their gangs being attacked by the Empire there and have to save them, the smuggler saves them, but finds out they were betrayed, and they try to maintain order in their crime syndicate.


The Imperials are told that the Dark Council is sending them on a mission to take information on new Republic ships. Sith Inquisitors go after info on a Jedi holocron hidden inside a new starfighter, the holocron is that of Beth Allusis (Battle of Bothawui) and he must stop the spirit from destroying the Emperor's own soul, they send the next two worlds chasing the spirit. The Sith Warrior is sent after a member of the Hutt Cartel who ran away after Makeb, they chase the Hutt's allies through the Chapter. The Bounty Hunter is tasked with undermining the local factories, as well as eliminating their leader, their story is to prove their loyalty to the Sith or to the Mandolorians. The agent simply goes to rescue Tavus from the trooper story, but they are betrayed by an unknown assailant, who they follow through the next worlds.


Dantooine will be very similar to the Dantooine from KOTOR, but with farm towns and it will be a warzone similar, but not the same as Balmorra and Ord, but much greener and prettier, but still has holes in the floor and crashed ships. Republic has Jedi Spaceport, Empire uses a Harrower (The Ziost Shadow).


The Republicans must simply defend the Jedi Enclave from the Empire, as well as the farmers. Expect a space battle at the start, to try and take out the Imperial troops landing on the planet and players ambushing Imperials from hedgerows. The Jedi Consulars are stopped from their "Marr Hunt" by the Sith invasion of Dantooine, they must defend the planet, then they must go to Marr's ship in search of the Sith. The Jedi knight finds the Sith attacking Dantooine and takes care of all the Sith's operatives on the planet. The trooper follows the trail to the Imperial assault on Dantooine, they defend the base from a suicide bomber, then follow where it came from but it is interrupted by an "incident" on Tython, where the trooper fights the sniper who killed Tavus. The smuggler finds that one of their closest associates has betrayed them and helped sneak the Empire to Dantooine. After fighting their way to their rival, the smuggler chooses whether they live or die, but before the deed is done a bounty hunter kills the rival anyway and the smuggler follows the bounty hunter to Port Nowhere, where the smuggler finds out that the bounty hunter was another Republic privateer (Possible NPC romance here!).


The Imperials are told the plan to attack Dantooine, do as much damage as possible and then lure the Republic fleet into a trap at Ziost. The Sith Inquisitor follows the Jedi spirit to Dantooine and the Battle there, but unfortunately for the Empire, Allusis' spirit had through itself around the Jedi Enclave, and the Inquisitor is visited by the Emperor, and the Emperor tell the Inquisitor to go to Belsavis, because that is where the spirit lives, the player goes and fights their way through the guards to find a document saying Allusis is on Ziost. The Warrior follows the Hutt's men (who told them he was on Dantooine), who then send him to kill an Imperial Lieutenant who hasn't paid their depts, but when the warrior returns with the Lieutenant's head, they are gone. The warrior goes to Hutta to find them, there they find the Hutt, who tells the player about the Hutt's double-crossing servants; the chase heads to Ziost. The Bounty Hunter arrives and kills a Republic offier before saving an under-assault Mandolorian team, they then must attack the Jedi Enclave and face Satele Shan and her companion who used to be a Mandolorian, the Jedi are saved after a boss fight by Theron Shan, and the Hunter must chose which Jedi they chase (Satele being the Imperial option, the other Jedi being Mandolorian) to either a space station over Tython or to a defence building on Mandalore. The Agent does their duty and takes out two Republic officers and a Jedi before finding out that the assailant is infact Watcher 2, the now Keeper, and meets her back on Ziost at the Intelligence Bureau.


Ziost is just an Imperial version of Corellia, but like Coruscant in the fact that it has lots of levels in it and it has a Sith Building, not Jedi. Repubic uses the Gav Daragon, Empire Spaceport.


The Republic arrives at Ziost into a HUGE space battle, and they must use a bomber to take out any Sith ship and land on the planet to begin, but it turns out the Ziost is a trap, and you have to escort the shuttles and escape pods down to the planet, you'll have to salvage as much as possible from the mission. The Jedi Consular, along with the rest of the Republic, now knew what Marr's plan was and so they must fight their way through the chaos of the Battle and find Marr, which they do and this time the Consular goes to Dromund Kaas for a stand off, after finding out as much as possible from the Imperials. The Knight must finally stop the rogue Sith, but first must destroy an Imperial Embassy, then evacuate Ziost, followed by a swift retaliation at the Sith on the Sith's flagship, which had started attacking the Sith AND Republic Ships, the Sith is later silenced. The trooper is fast-tracked onto Ziost, and must assault the Imperial base while the operative is in there, the operative, now known as "Keeper" escaped just as the base was destroyed and the trooper folows them to Coruscant to end it, but before that, Keeper murders Garza and escapes and the trooper becomes a General in charge of the Republic Special forces with either HK or Treek replacing the the trooper in Havoc Squad. The Smuggler is sent by Senator Dodonna to Ziost to help the Republic assault, and the Smuggler sneakily runs off from an outpost when they see another of their associates, they go to speak with them and they are betrayed and so the smuggler soon takes off for an unknown space station, where they confront each other and order is restored to the smuggler's cult.


The Imperials have sprung their trap, and now all they have to do is defeat the Republic fleet. The players start with an intense space battle followed by the return to the planet to kill all Republic troops back on Ziost. The Inquisitor fights into a small building the Republic were using as a base and finds the spirit, the player takes out the guards and the two opponents speak before Allusis flies away and when the Inquisitor leave the building, the spirit is gone and they must then look for clues of its whereabouts before fighting inside another Republic Building, where the spirit leaves for the last time for Korriban and the Emperor, so the player leaves and defeats the spirit, saving the Emperor. The Warrior discovers the Hutt's former assistants and fight their way into the Hutt Embassy, then kills all but the leader of the cult who flies off to Hutta to speak with the Hutt, when the warrior arrives on Hutts though the Hutt is dying and the Warrior must fight his way out after the guards pin the murder of the Hutt on the warrior, and they go to Ord Mantell to kill the cult leader, which they do and they finally meet with the Dark Council for promotion. The Bounty Hunter arrives on Ziost and - depending of their last choice - either fights the Republic or the Republic and any Imperials they come across in several missions across the map and afterwards, goes to Mandalore to either kill Sith Lord that killed Mandalore to become Mandalore or to avenge Mandalore and become a Mandalore at the same time. The Agent arrives on Ziost for one reason and one reason only, defend Ziost and destroy the Jedi commander, which they do in a true Return of the Jedi style ending before exposing Keeper to the Dark Council and either putting her in jail, or saving here and just having her demoted instead.


That's all from my ideas, but if you have a different cool idea please put it below! I would love it if you want to tell me to edit my version too. Thanks, bye!

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Sorry about that. I forgot to finish that bit, and what is ment to happen is the Consular arrives, it's a trap and Marr takes them prisoner, then at night, if you have romanced a comp, they come and rescue you and you live to fight another day. Marr can't die! He's EPIC!!!!:tran_cool:
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Hi guys. I've looked over some other threads and have come up with a good idea for the general story content in the upcoming years. Feel free to add your suggestions (must have ALL 8 classes featured, just their plan not too much and it must have 3 worlds and the back-story), but make sure it's plausible with future events such as the New Sith Wars/Palpatine and such. Here's mine:


Planets: Rendili (55-56), Dantooine (56-58), Ziost (58-60)


Rendili will be a Halo Reach stile planet with facturies. Both sides use Orbital Station.


Each of the classes is called to their leaders Jedi council, Dark Council etc. The Republic ones are told about a Imperial detachment on Rendili, Jedi Consulars go after a reported Children of the Emperor army that are going to destroy the ship yards, then they find out that Darth Marr is hiding something, and the only way to stop him is to kill him! Jedi Knights are told about another Darth Angral's former apprentices leading the Empire, the Sith claims that he his the Emperor, and does tries a Malgus, the Knight's story is to stop him at every turn. Troopers just try to defend the ships, because an Imperial operative is trying to brake out Tavus, who is on the planet, then the operative does it but Tavus dies, the trooper must discover what happened throughout the arc. Smugglers have been told about one of their gangs being attacked by the Empire there and have to save them, the smuggler saves them, but finds out they were betrayed, and they try to maintain order in their crime syndicate.


The Imperials are told that the Dark Council is sending them on a mission to take information on new Republic ships. Sith Inquisitors go after info on a Jedi holocron hidden inside a new starfighter, the holocron is that of Beth Allusis (Battle of Bothawui) and he must stop the spirit from destroying the Emperor's own soul, they send the next two worlds chasing the spirit. The Sith Warrior is sent after a member of the Hutt Cartel who ran away after Makeb, they chase the Hutt's allies through the Chapter. The Bounty Hunter is tasked with undermining the local factories, as well as eliminating their leader, their story is to prove their loyalty to the Sith or to the Mandolorians. The agent simply goes to rescue Tavus from the trooper story, but they are betrayed by an unknown assailant, who they follow through the next worlds.


Dantooine will be very similar to the Dantooine from KOTOR, but with farm towns and it will be a warzone similar, but not the same as Balmorra and Ord, but much greener and prettier, but still has holes in the floor and crashed ships. Republic has Jedi Spaceport, Empire uses a Harrower (The Ziost Shadow).


The Republicans must simply defend the Jedi Enclave from the Empire, as well as the farmers. Expect a space battle at the start, to try and take out the Imperial troops landing on the planet and players ambushing Imperials from hedgerows. The Jedi Consulars are stopped from their "Marr Hunt" by the Sith invasion of Dantooine, they must defend the planet, then they must go to Marr's ship in search of the Sith. The Jedi knight finds the Sith attacking Dantooine and takes care of all the Sith's operatives on the planet. The trooper follows the trail to the Imperial assault on Dantooine, they defend the base from a suicide bomber, then follow where it came from but it is interrupted by an "incident" on Tython, where the trooper fights the sniper who killed Tavus. The smuggler finds that one of their closest associates has betrayed them and helped sneak the Empire to Dantooine. After fighting their way to their rival, the smuggler chooses whether they live or die, but before the deed is done a bounty hunter kills the rival anyway and the smuggler follows the bounty hunter to Port Nowhere, where the smuggler finds out that the bounty hunter was another Republic privateer (Possible NPC romance here!).


That's all from my ideas, but if you have a different cool idea please put it below! I would love it if you want to tell me to edit my version too. Thanks, bye!

My trooper killed Tavus.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Hi guys. I've looked over some other threads and have come up with a good idea for the general story content in the upcoming years. Feel free to add your suggestions (must have ALL 8 classes featured, just their plan not too much and it must have 3 worlds and the back-story), but make sure it's plausible with future events such as the New Sith Wars/Palpatine and such. Here's mine:


Planets: Rendili (55-56), Dantooine (56-58), Ziost (58-60)


Rendili will be a Halo Reach stile planet with facturies. Both sides use Orbital Station.


Each of the classes is called to their leaders Jedi council, Dark Council etc. The Republic ones are told about a Imperial detachment on Rendili, Jedi Consulars go after a reported Children of the Emperor army that are going to destroy the ship yards, then they find out that Darth Marr is hiding something, and the only way to stop him is to kill him! Jedi Knights are told about another Darth Angral's former apprentices leading the Empire, the Sith claims that he his the Emperor, and does tries a Malgus, the Knight's story is to stop him at every turn. Troopers just try to defend the ships, because an Imperial operative is trying to brake out Tavus, who is on the planet, then the operative does it but Tavus dies, the trooper must discover what happened throughout the arc. Smugglers have been told about one of their gangs being attacked by the Empire there and have to save them, the smuggler saves them, but finds out they were betrayed, and they try to maintain order in their crime syndicate.


The Imperials are told that the Dark Council is sending them on a mission to take information on new Republic ships. Sith Inquisitors go after info on a Jedi holocron hidden inside a new starfighter, the holocron is that of Beth Allusis (Battle of Bothawui) and he must stop the spirit from destroying the Emperor's own soul, they send the next two worlds chasing the spirit. The Sith Warrior is sent after a member of the Hutt Cartel who ran away after Makeb, they chase the Hutt's allies through the Chapter. The Bounty Hunter is tasked with undermining the local factories, as well as eliminating their leader, their story is to prove their loyalty to the Sith or to the Mandolorians. The agent simply goes to rescue Tavus from the trooper story, but they are betrayed by an unknown assailant, who they follow through the next worlds.


Dantooine will be very similar to the Dantooine from KOTOR, but with farm towns and it will be a warzone similar, but not the same as Balmorra and Ord, but much greener and prettier, but still has holes in the floor and crashed ships. Republic has Jedi Spaceport, Empire uses a Harrower (The Ziost Shadow).


The Republicans must simply defend the Jedi Enclave from the Empire, as well as the farmers. Expect a space battle at the start, to try and take out the Imperial troops landing on the planet and players ambushing Imperials from hedgerows. The Jedi Consulars are stopped from their "Marr Hunt" by the Sith invasion of Dantooine, they must defend the planet, then they must go to Marr's ship in search of the Sith. The Jedi knight finds the Sith attacking Dantooine and takes care of all the Sith's operatives on the planet. The trooper follows the trail to the Imperial assault on Dantooine, they defend the base from a suicide bomber, then follow where it came from but it is interrupted by an "incident" on Tython, where the trooper fights the sniper who killed Tavus. The smuggler finds that one of their closest associates has betrayed them and helped sneak the Empire to Dantooine. After fighting their way to their rival, the smuggler chooses whether they live or die, but before the deed is done a bounty hunter kills the rival anyway and the smuggler follows the bounty hunter to Port Nowhere, where the smuggler finds out that the bounty hunter was another Republic privateer (Possible NPC romance here!).


The Imperials are told the plan to attack Dantooine, do as much damage as possible and then lure the Republic fleet into a trap at Ziost. The Sith Inquisitor follows the Jedi spirit to Dantooine and the Battle there, but unfortunately for the Empire, Allusis' spirit had through itself around the Jedi Enclave, and the Inquisitor is visited by the Emperor, and the Emperor tell the Inquisitor to go to Belsavis, because that is where the spirit lives, the player goes and fights their way through the guards to find a document saying Allusis is on Ziost. The Warrior follows the Hutt's men (who told them he was on Dantooine), who then send him to kill an Imperial Lieutenant who hasn't paid their depts, but when the warrior returns with the Lieutenant's head, they are gone. The warrior goes to Hutta to find them, there they find the Hutt, who tells the player about the Hutt's double-crossing servants; the chase heads to Ziost. The Bounty Hunter arrives and kills a Republic offier before saving an under-assault Mandolorian team, they then must attack the Jedi Enclave and face Satele Shan and her companion who used to be a Mandolorian, the Jedi are saved after a boss fight by Theron Shan, and the Hunter must chose which Jedi they chase (Satele being the Imperial option, the other Jedi being Mandolorian) to either a space station over Tython or to a defence building on Mandalore. The Agent does their duty and takes out two Republic officers and a Jedi before finding out that the assailant is infact Watcher 2, the now Keeper, and meets her back on Ziost at the Intelligence Bureau.


Ziost is just an Imperial version of Corellia, but like Coruscant in the fact that it has lots of levels in it and it has a Sith Building, not Jedi. Repubic uses the Gav Daragon, Empire Spaceport.


The Republic arrives at Ziost into a HUGE space battle, and they must use a bomber to take out any Sith ship and land on the planet to begin, but it turns out the Ziost is a trap, and you have to escort the shuttles and escape pods down to the planet, you'll have to salvage as much as possible from the mission. The Jedi Consular, along with the rest of the Republic, now knew what Marr's plan was and so they must fight their way through the chaos of the Battle and find Marr, which they do and this time the Consular goes to Dromund Kaas for a stand off, after finding out as much as possible from the Imperials. The Knight must finally stop the rogue Sith, but first must destroy an Imperial Embassy, then evacuate Ziost, followed by a swift retaliation at the Sith on the Sith's flagship, which had started attacking the Sith AND Republic Ships, the Sith is later silenced. The trooper is fast-tracked onto Ziost, and must assault the Imperial base while the operative is in there, the operative, now known as "Keeper" escaped just as the base was destroyed and the trooper folows them to Coruscant to end it, but before that, Keeper murders Garza and escapes and the trooper becomes a General in charge of the Republic Special forces with either HK or Treek replacing the the trooper in Havoc Squad. The Smuggler is sent by Senator Dodonna to Ziost to help the Republic assault, and the Smuggler sneakily runs off from an outpost when they see another of their associates, they go to speak with them and they are betrayed and so the smuggler soon takes off for an unknown space station, where they confront each other and order is restored to the smuggler's cult.


The Imperials have sprung their trap, and now all they have to do is defeat the Republic fleet. The players start with an intense space battle followed by the return to the planet to kill all Republic troops back on Ziost. The Inquisitor fights into a small building the Republic were using as a base and finds the spirit, the player takes out the guards and the two opponents speak before Allusis flies away and when the Inquisitor leave the building, the spirit is gone and they must then look for clues of its whereabouts before fighting inside another Republic Building, where the spirit leaves for the last time for Korriban and the Emperor, so the player leaves and defeats the spirit, saving the Emperor. The Warrior discovers the Hutt's former assistants and fight their way into the Hutt Embassy, then kills all but the leader of the cult who flies off to Hutta to speak with the Hutt, when the warrior arrives on Hutts though the Hutt is dying and the Warrior must fight his way out after the guards pin the murder of the Hutt on the warrior, and they go to Ord Mantell to kill the cult leader, which they do and they finally meet with the Dark Council for promotion. The Bounty Hunter arrives on Ziost and - depending of their last choice - either fights the Republic or the Republic and any Imperials they come across in several missions across the map and afterwards, goes to Mandalore to either kill Sith Lord that killed Mandalore to become Mandalore or to avenge Mandalore and become a Mandalore at the same time. The Agent arrives on Ziost for one reason and one reason only, defend Ziost and destroy the Jedi commander, which they do in a true Return of the Jedi style ending before exposing Keeper to the Dark Council and either putting her in jail, or saving here and just having her demoted instead.


That's all from my ideas, but if you have a different cool idea please put it below! I would love it if you want to tell me to edit my version too. Thanks, bye!




Nit picking a little:

I hope you realize that chapter 5 is probably long in the works already and chapter 6 is also most likely beyond the planning stage. IF by some miracle, BW were to use your idea, it would be chapter 7.

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  • 2 months later...

I would want Bioware to periodically update the "Class Story" as Class Chapters, and I do not consider Makeb to be Chapter 4 of anything. I loathe doing Makeb on an Imperial or Republic character after the first because nothing is different. Each class should have had their own class story on Makeb, either in addition to the main story or in place of it. For example, the Inquisitor could have been hunting a Dread Master in the bowels of Makeb, the Imperial Agent could have been chasing The Shroud, who was matching wits with the Republic, Imperial and Hutt Spy Masters and generally being a scamp, etc...


Anyway, I would want the next "Chapter" to be class specific, as in, each class has their own Class Story continuation. Due to the effort required for this I assume, it could be done as part of a full-blown expansion. Not like The Rise of the Hutt Cartel, but a proper, major expansion.


Here are my idea's for the Inquisitor Chapter 5(or 4, as I consider it)


This chapter would involve working your way through the Dark Council, earning favor with each member, or eliminating them, at your discretion... given that it is strange the Inquisitor has never been summoned to a single Council meeting, even though they said they would discuss Dark Malgus' policies in a meeting(which you apparently were not invited to), i think the Inquisitor Chapter 5(4) should start with a Dark Council Meeting.


Here, the council would recap your performance throughout the game, noting the decisions you made, and giving commentary, including Class Story decisions, Generic Story decisions(such as the Hoth and Belsavis storylines for example) and some others.


Certain Council Members will voice their appreciation of your efforts, and you will all ready have their favor, depending on what you have done. For example, if you completed Makeb, you will all ready have the favor of Darth Marr, if you completed the Binoculars/Shroud GSI quest line, you will all ready have Darth Mortis's Favor, and if you completed the Digger Droid/Seeds GSI quest line, you will have Darth Acina's favor, though the dialogue may change depending on if you kept or gave her the Seeds back.


After a long recap (and I think all of the next class chapters should begin in a similar recap fashion) the meeting will focus on the war, Imperial policies, and how each member must contribute. The meeting will be dismissed, and you will begin work on your contribution to the Empire's plans. After this, you will travel the Galaxy either aiding or sabotaging other Council Members, and whatever plan the Dark Council agreed upon may or may not come to fruition, though you may enact your own Grand Scheme and even eliminate and replace certain Council members with successors of your choosing, you could even be contacted by Sith who wish to make an arrangement where you will help them depose a council member so they can assume their position, which is entirely up to you.


By the end, another Council Meeting will be held, where you will either be lauded by the other Council Members, Dismissed from the Council, or even assume Dominance of it, among other things. Regardless, the Inquisitor will be given an opportunity to effect some measure of change across the Empire with the decisions you make.

Edited by matt_jc
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